A Willing Victim

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
When they had “bound” they “led” Thee, Lord,
But ah! they knew Thee not,
When thus, with lantern and with sword
They sought that hallowed spot.
Thy holy soul had faced that hour
In solitude and prayer;
Thy Father’s will the unseen power
That took Thee captive there.
Bound in the willing bonds of love
The Servant of our need,
No fear Thy steadfast heart could move,
Though love to death must lead.
We follow Thee with wondering eyes,
And every step adore;
But on the mount of sacrifice
We gaze and wonder more.
Thou Lamb of God! we love to bow
In worship at Thy feet:
Jesus, the King of glory Thou,
Thy saving Name how sweet.