A Window of Opportunity

Gospel—Michel Payette
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We open our meeting this evening by singing together #25 on the hymn sheet.
Life at best is very brief.
Like the falling of a leaf, like the binding of a sheath. Be in time #25.
Life at best.
And flaming days like I'll be proud that I want to be proud of.
I'm afraid of lightning binds being by.
Enterprise is up to date.
In time.
And the blinding sacrifice and judgment goes on to the.
Eyes of being the flowers dream come.
OK, sorry for him to hide.
In time.
To be in mind.
And continue on their way. You and I know how to get it.
And if I need to delay me and I.
Before we ho open the word of God together, let's have a word of prayer.
Our God and our Father.
We thank thee for this opportunity this evening once again.
The whole thing, thy word and having these few moments.
To consider thy cause of grace, Lord Jesus.
Thy desire, Thy deep desire for everyone in this room, for them to be saved, for them to be at the full benefit of what Thou has worked out for them, benefited for them, done for them on the cross of Calvary. So, Father, we pray Thee that this evening there will be open ears and hearts and salvation brought to someone in this room. We ask Thy help as we consider Thy word and thoughts from it. We pray that which help us by Thy Spirit.
We ask it all, Father, with Thanksgiving and the blessed and precious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.
You know this beautiful hymn?
At some very solemn lines to it.
Says in the third verse ere the faith aligned.
We crossed.
Well, it's it's good news that for you tonight in this room, the fatal line has not been crossed yet.
You might cross it though at any moment, it says.
Verse 2.
Second to last line, lest you seal.
You're hopeless. Do.
It's good news tonight, but if you're in this room, you haven't sealed.
You're hopeless too. There's hope for you tonight.
There's love from God to you tonight.
Because he doesn't want. If anyone here is without Christ, he doesn't want your Christless soul.
To be lost forever.
Well, let's read tonight from the book of Luke. We had Luke 21 in our reading this afternoon. For those that were there, let's go to Luke chapter 12.
The 12Th chapter of Luke.
And we'll read.
From verse 15, Luke 12 and 15.
However, I dropped my voice and you can't hear me in the back. Please put your hand up.
And he said unto them, Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
And he said this will I do. I will pull down my barns.
And build greater, and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, Thou hast much goods laid up for many years. Take thy knees, eat, drink, and be merry.
But God said unto him, Thou fool.
This night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then who shall those things be?
Which thou hast provided. So is he that laid up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
I'm sure you're all familiar with with Windows, Windows on buildings, and those of you that have computers, Windows on computers.
Windows allow you to have partial views depending on the window. Some people have panoramic windows and they get large, large views. I'd like to suggest you. Tonight we're gonna consider windows.
But windows of time. Big windows, small windows. This man here considering the future. He had a large window for the time he thought he had in the future.
He says in the verse 19.
To his own soul, talking to himself wasn't talking to God, talking to himself. And he said, soul, thou has much good laid up for many years.
He had a window on his future and he could see many years of eating, drinking and being married.
And God says.
His window of time wasn't that big.
He really had a tiny window of time.
Which was that very day he was thinking of these things, because that night he was going to cross into eternity.
You have a window of time before you.
Perhaps you're young and you consider life ahead of you and you say well.
Maybe about many years, 50 years, 60 years.
If you're older my age and maybe 1520 years, that's many years.
We consider this afternoon some verses in Luke chapter 21.
And if I understand the scriptures correctly, none of us here have many, many years ahead of us.
The Lord Jesus is coming very soon.
I don't know how big a window of time that is.
But I know it's not gonna be 50 years, it's not gonna be 30 years, it's not gonna be 20 years. It's in a short period of time. Nobody can say when, but certainly we have indications before us that this time is on the horizon.
So this man.
He was living for himself. He had prosperity.
And his prosperity was a snare for his soul. He had many things. He had too many things. He didn't know what to do with them.
So you have to tear down his barns and build a bigger barn, get a bigger place to store all the things he had.
If I looked at the nations across the world this evening and considered the prosperity of the nations, which nation do you think, or which nations perhaps do you think could be classified as prosperous nations where people have.
Many things, but they have more things than most people have.
Won't you agree that North America, United States, Canada, generally, people have many, many things, Many things.
And many things take up a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of preoccupation. And perhaps you have many things yourself, but you're detached from them. Or perhaps like this man, those things have a little special place in your soul.
This man, these things filled his soul, He thought to himself. Didn't ask God, what should I do with these things? All these things that I can enjoy, they're all for me.
He said to his own soul, so.
How do you compare tonight for this fellow?
In your life.
What's in your soul tonight?
What are the objects tonight filling your soul, giving you delight?
This man has plans for the future.
And they were sadly interrupted. Eat, drink, make merry. He was gonna have a good time.
I can tell you from the word of God.
That this world is not in for a good time.
It's not in for a maritime it's in line for a time of great sorrow and difficulty.
And if you're in this room tonight?
And you let yourself the indifference of the cause of God.
And you leave this room tonight without having the Lord Jesus as your own personal Savior.
You might be in yourself.
For a terrible time.
And worse still.
Because people that are in this world that are lined up for a terrible time, they might not all end up in the lake of fire.
But my friend, if you're here tonight and God gives you the opportunity, as in other occasions, to hear about His love and the gift of His son.
And you ignore his pleadings.
And you tell her, think about it, maybe tomorrow.
You might end up.
In a crisis, eternity because you're responsible for what you hear.
You're responsible for what God sets before you, and God would set before you tonight.
His love and His desire for blessing for you.
The last thing God wants is for you to be lost forever.
The Lord Jesus gives us this parable and he warns us about the snares of prosperity, being occupied with things down here and missing out on the important things of eternity, not having a treasure in heaven. You know many of us here, we have a treasure in heaven.
And the treasure that we have in heaven is the Lord Jesus Himself, the Son of God. We have him as our Savior. We were exposed one time in our life, or many times perhaps, to the callings of God, and we listened.
And we responded, we believed, and we received from God eternal life, forgiveness of sins, a hope and glory, All these things spelled out for us in black and white in the Word of God.
Well, this man, he had a window of time of many years.
But it didn't turn out to be that long, did it?
Let's go to.
Book of James, chapter 4.
James Chapter 4.
And verse 13.
Go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain.
Or as you know not, but shall be on the Morrow. For what is your life?
It is even a vapor that appeared for a little time, and then vanish it away. For what you ought to say, for that you ought to say, It's the Lord's will. We shall live and do this for that. But now you rejoice in your boastings. All such rejoicing is evil. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and do it it not, to him it is sin.
Well, these ones here referred to in the 13th verse.
They had a window too, A window of time in the future, today, tomorrow, maybe for a year. The smaller window than a fellow in Luke, chapter 12.
We're gonna go. We're gonna buy, we're gonna sell. We're gonna be prosperous.
They had opportunity, they had a window of opportunity.
You know.
If I looked at the same nations I was looking at before and compared, we compared prosperity. If I compared the windows of opportunity, the windows of opportunity offered to people in other lands and I compared that with different lands, I said which countries offer the greatest windows of opportunity?
I'd have to say North America.
North America favorite lands even in our difficulties now in economic restraints, favored land.
Well, these fellows here that say they made plans, there was opportunity and I said what? Let's take advantage of the opportunity.
Today, tomorrow we go over there, that city, and we're gonna buy, gonna sell. We're gonna prosper.
Well, I said you don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.
You don't even know what's gonna happen today.
The day isn't over yet.
But they were making plans today, tomorrow and for a year. Now the apostle is writing to people who are believers. So he said that you shouldn't talk like that because you're being quite independent.
You should talk and say if the Lord will, if God will. You can make plans and make sure you include God in your plans. You set your plans before God, that it's something they will approve of.
But you know, many people in this world, they make plans, all sorts of plans, short term plans, long term plans doesn't concern God at all.
But you know, God has plans, and His plan is what's going to happen in the end.
What God plans, he carries out. What God says he planned, he's gonna carry out in absolute detail the way he said he was gonna carry it out. It's laid out for us in this book.
I often have occasion to speak to men in therapy houses and the question comes up now.
Uh, you think the end of the world is going to come in 2012? Two thousand and twelve 2012 because they made a movie and some million calendar there. They decided to stop somewhere and they stopped in 2012 because it was getting tired of chipping off the rocks, you know.
Sunday, May 2012, a special year does that maybe the end of the world? I said no.
The end of the world is not going to happen for another 1007 years from.
This book here.
There's something on the horizon, though, that might begin this very night, or tomorrow, or within a year.
And it's gonna start as soon as the Lord Jesus comes from heaven and takes to Himself those he bought with his precious blood.
Of whose number I'm so grateful to be part of and many in this room.
Now, perhaps in your mind, in your soul, you have a window for opportunity and you have plans in this world.
So if you're a believer, make sure you include God in your plans. But if you're not, if you've not received the Lord Jesus yet as your Savior.
Do you need to take notice?
It says your life is what? A vapor.
Even it is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanish it away.
A vapor that appeared for a little time.
You get a hot cup of coffee. Your brother served me one this morning. Put it on the table. I could see there was smoke coming out of there. Vapor. That's like my life. Where you go, it's gone.
And those of us are farther on in years, we can tell you our life is. I look back in 60 years, I just went like that. Maybe some 80s. I'm 80 and it seems the older I get, the faster it goes.
But you're young as hell. I have lots of time before I get Mr. Payette's age with the Gray hair. Be a long time.
Like a vapor, when you're gonna look back, it just went like that.
God has given you, given me a window of time, which is your life and during this life.
He holds you responsible. He holds you responsible for what you've seen and heard and what's been set before you.
And he's going to hold you responsible for being here this evening. So will I.
Perhaps you were here at the last gospel meeting the week before.
Make sure you're responsible for what God sets before you.
I have a question for you.
It's a very simple question.
Before I ask the question, I'd like to tell you the gospel in my own words.
But read many verses on you. I'm probably quoting some. The gospel means good news.
And the good news from the word of God is that God loves you.
No doubt about that.
And he proved his love towards you. Even though you are a Sinner, Bible says you are a Sinner, that while you are yet a Sinner, Christ died for you.
This is the fact that the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, died on the cross 2000 years ago. He rose again in the glory now, but who He died for? He died for sinners, He died for me, and He died so He could save you.
And the good news tonight, my friend, is God can save you tonight. You can be on your way to heaven if you receive the Lord Jesus as your own personal Savior. You accept Him and what He's done for you on the cross, and God will wash all your sins away in his precious blood and make you Fit for heaven.
First, John 17 The blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sins. John 316 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.
But have everlasting life.
My question for you.
Is a close question.
When you take sales courses, they teach you to have close questions and open questions, open questions you can answer. What do you think about uh?
Mr. Obama, that's an open question. Why? I think why I feel close questions, yes or no?
You want this yes or no? My question is a close question. Tonight, will you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Yes or no? You don't have to answer. You answer in your heart. You never said yes. I urge you tonight to say yes to the Lord Jesus.
Any under answer tonight? Any other answer is a no.
Somebody says well later, that's no.
Well, think about it. That's no.
God is not asking you to think about it. God is asking you to decide for Christ tonight.
You know.
Windows of Time.
We can shorten this man had many years before him.
And he lost his soul that night, these ones that wanted to go in the city and prosper tomorrow and for a year, yeah, the year before.
You know, in the Bible.
In the word of God, there is only one day.
There is only one day you can be sure to be saved on.
You know that children in the Bible, There's only one day you can be sure.
To be saved on. I was talking to about this to my resident in Africa. Somebody says Sunday I said no.
It's not Sunday.
And maybe if you reduce it Saturday. Not Saturday either. The only day to get saved in the Bible is today.
Pretty simple, isn't it? It's fitting God offers us windows of time, windows of opportunity to be saved. And he's giving us tonight a window of opportunity. He's letting us hear about his son and he's pleased with us. And he says tonight, today, this very day, this Saturday, today, Saturday, and he says you can be saved today.
Maybe tomorrow.
But I can't be sure about tomorrow.
But you can be absolutely sure about today.
Now, if a window of time is today, let's say today is 24 hours, no.
This morning it's too late. This morning is gone, and this afternoon is gone.
You say this evening, this evening, there's a time to be saved.
Well, you know, I wear glasses.
And uh, sometimes I don't have my glasses. If I have my glass, I can see you. I can drive. I don't drive good with glasses either, but I can drive.
But sometimes I want to read something. I don't have my glasses. You know what I do?
I make a little little teeny weeny window with my fingers. I do that. I just make a little and I and I can, I can read one word, 2 words, 3 words. I can read this way. Can't read for long, but I can read a teeny weeny window. I can't see the people, I can't see the room. All I see is a few words in that little teeny window.
Well, tonight I have a teeny weeny window of time for you.
It's not even a day.
It's not an evening.
It's one moment.
It's one moment, my friend.
And the present moment in a few seconds is gone forever. You're never gonna get it again. You're never gonna see what was this morning again that was gone. Times like that, the window of time just moves along.
God gives us tonight one moment.
It just takes one moment for you to answer this question from God himself. Will you have the Lord Jesus tonight as your personal Savior, Yes or no? And if in your heart right now, this very moment, you say yes, I'll have him, I'll trust him. I want him as my Savior. But I'm going to see you in heaven and there's going to be rejoicing in the presence of the angels over one Sinner that repented and accepted the gift of God.
Eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now moments are going by.
Perhaps you've heard this message before, and perhaps you're thinking about it, and the time is going by and maybe the meeting is gonna be over in a few minutes there, and you will not have answered. You will not have answered God's question.
You might be serious about it. You might be considering it really seriously.
Because a solemn question you can feel on the horizon. There's difficulties coming for mankind.
And you can see from the Word of God that you're going to have to answer to God for your life and for what he set before you. And in the future day, definitely you're going to stand before the Lord Jesus himself.
And will answer to him.
All you've done and for the missed occasions when God gave you windows of time and opportunity.
To repent and believe the gospel.
Well, let's go to the book of Acts.
Act 17.
Acts chapter 17 and verse 30.
You know, some people and perhaps many people could say.
I don't know how to get saved.
I don't know what getting saved is. I don't know about Jesus. Never heard of him.
I really don't know.
You'd be surprised how many people are ignorant of the wonderful goods. Good news, they're not voluntarily ignorant, they just never heard it. They never were given an opportunity of time.
To be saved, and God knows that, and he's a righteous judge.
So you won't be able to have that excuse.
Acts, chapter 17, verse 30.
The apostle Paul is in Athens and he's been seeing all these Ethan gods that man's imagination invented. And he was upset and he started talking with the people there and he gives him the gospel.
Somebody was telling me that in the Hindu religion they were. They had millions of gods. They had. The Greeks didn't have that many millions of gods.
How come they have millions of guys? Ignorance.
The Greeks, they thought that this was the God of the wind, and the God of the sea, and the God of the air, and the God of this and the God of that. They were ignorant.
Never heard the gospel before verse 30 and the times of this ignorance God passed over a wink that.
OK, you're ignorant. Maybe someone here never heard the gospel before. Never, ever. I doubt it. But perhaps there's someone here never heard the gospel. Maybe they were too young.
Didn't pay attention and now they're paying attention. Now do you hear the gospel?
God passes over times of ignorance. OK, but now?
How's this now? Again, present moment, Little window of time, but now?
No, I'm not, uh, general here. But if a general in his army has soldiers sitting before him and he says, I command you to stand up, you hear the noise and you say boom, everybody gets up. Nobody dares disobey the commandment of a general.
But you know, man, he's so stubborn and rebellious.
That he refuses to obey when God commands.
God commanded all men. That includes women and children. That's all human beings.
That's Dorothy.
And China and everywhere else. All men everywhere to repent.
To own before him.
That we're not what we're supposed to be.
That we did things weren't supposed to do. We have thought things we shouldn't weren't supposed to think we said things weren't supposed to say.
And we agree that they're wrong.
It's wrong to lie and to cheat, to steal and to covet. We acknowledge that God says you'd better.
He wants you to repent. He wants me to repent.
Because verse 31.
He hath appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man.
Whom He had ordained, whereof whereof He had given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised them from the dead.
There's the judge, The judge.
Is God himself? Yes, but the judge is a man.
A man with flesh and bones.
A man that everyone that God ordered to repent is going to stand before.
A man with holes in his hands, in his feet.
In his side marched on his brow, where he had the crown of thorns.
The same man that was hanging on the cross and marked that the one that was spit upon and we hit with our fists and we said, if thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross and we'll believe in you. That man, That man is the judge.
I wouldn't want to stand before him.
Having despised the time that he set before me, these nail prints had and he said come to me.
I love you. I wanna save you. I wanna save you now. Like we sing into him. He will save you. He will save you not tomorrow. He'll save you now. And if he save you now, he'll save you forever.
But if you say, let's think about it, that's no.
Later that's no and I'll think about it. And later might mean never.
You might very well cross that fatal line. You might cross this line tonight.
When God closes the window of opportunity, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven and he says it's over.
Those are in, they're in and those are out are out in a state.
You read in Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
Let's read Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
It's in the window in the future.
I don't know how far in the future.
But it's not in 1000 years.
It's in a close future.
In terms of years, in a few years, perhaps maybe less, maybe less than five years, I don't know.
2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 speaks of a future time.
When people.
Who have heard like you're hearing tonight?
About the Lord Jesus.
Have been called by God to repent and believe the gospel.
And said.
I'll think about it later tomorrow.
And the door is gonna be shut, ain't gonna be left outside. And this is what's gonna happen to them.
It says in Second Thessalonians chapter 2.
Speaks of Satan, verse 9, even him, not the Antichrist whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. You know, I I know the Lord Jesus my Savior. I believe in him. I'm a poor believer, but I do believe him and confess him wholeheartedly as my personal Savior. He died for me on the cross. He shed his blood for me, but I never saw any signs and wonders.
Never. I never witnessed a real miracle. I know many things in my life and that I've seen and see the Lord work and I thank him, but I've never seen somebody being miraculously healed. You might say all of us. I've never seen that this is going to happen here. Signs and wonders. People will say, wow, look at that, remarkable.
It's not God.
The Lord Jesus here he did all these wonderful signs, remarkable.
And generally, the people who witnessed the signs, the remarkable signs and the miracles, they didn't believe.
And you're through old me never saw him, never saw a miracle. I believe in him. How's that? Because God by his Spirit, he came in my heart at the door of the heart of many in this room and said, you're a Sinner.
You need to be safe. Here's the Lord Jesus. Look at what he did on the cross. Will you have him?
I said yes, and many in this room said yes, I want him as my savior. And perhaps you haven't said yes yet. And these people, they heard, they didn't say yes. Those that saw the miracles, they said, oh wait, with this man, we don't want him to rule over us. Away with him, crucify him. They did that.
And there's another one coming with signs and wonders.
But there are lying signs and wonders. He's a deceiver. He's not the truth. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. It says with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. Verse 10.
Now notice this in them that perish.
There are those who are going to perish.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Now there are those who are going to perish. Why do they perish? They do not perish because they are sinners.
That's not what it says. They perish. Why do they perish? Because they are sinners, No.
Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved.
They receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved, because had they received the love of the truth, they would have been saved.
Tonight, my friend, I have a close question.
Will you receive the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, Yes or no?
Later you might be part of those that are going to perish. Tomorrow you might be part of those that are going to perish. It might become never. You might cross that fatal line and end up with this company of people that perish because they receive not.
The love of the truth that they might be saved.
How is it presented? It's presented as the love of the truth. You know, the truth of the Scripture presents the love of God to you. Why would God?
Not spare his son, who always did those things that pleased him.
Why would he not spare his son to spare you? To spare me? Why would he do that?
What could he see in me or in you that was better or even close to any measure of comparing with his son?
There was nothing but love in God's heart.
And if God loved you so much and is so patient to offer this to you again tonight, and you receive not the love of the truth, that you might be saved.
Then you might be lost forever.
I hope not. And maybe if the Lord tarries next Sunday night, you'll be here and maybe somebody here will will present the gospel. Maybe.
Maybe tomorrow you'll be reading something and it'll touch your heart and you're gonna get saved. Praise the Lord if it happens.
That's maybe.
But the little window of time that God gives us tonight, it gives us absolute certainty, is now.
Right now you can say, Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Savior, settled forever. I receive the love of the truth. I'm a Sinner and Jesus is the only savior of sinners and I'll have him for my Savior tonight.
You have him.
You have Him as your savior tonight. Don't put it off. Don't put it off one moment longer. Do it now.
2nd Thessalonians chapter 2. Corinthians chapter 6.
1St 2:00.
2nd Corinthians chapter 6, verse 2.
For he saith, that's God.
For he said, I've heard thee in a time accepted.
And in the day of salvation.
Highlight security.
Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
I'd like to ask questions from the Word of God.
And I only accept.
Perfect answers from the Word of God.
Read that verse again. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Here's my question. When is the accepted time? Anybody have an answer?
Anybody have an answer?
No, thank you very much.
Behold, now is the day of salvation. My question is, when is the day of salvation?
Now it's right now. Not in 5 minutes, not in 20 minutes, not tomorrow morning. It's right now. Now this window of opportunity has been going on for 2000 years. Just now has been going on for 2000 years. God has been asking men, women, children to come to him through the Lord Jesus, and he's saved millions and he's still doing that.
Now. And maybe someone in this room tonight say I'm coming now.
Not tomorrow.
Right now.
We read in Matthew chapter 2510. Virgins.
And the five of them come at the door and say, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord.
It wasn't now anymore. It was too late.
The door was closed, the window was closed. The opportunity was gone.
And the door was shut.
We marvel at the patience of God, his long-suffering over this world, that tonight still he's calling men and women, boys and girls, to come to the Lord Jesus. He wants his house to be full, yet there's room.
It'd be wonderful if everyone in this room tonight could say I'm on my way to heaven.
I know the Lord is my Savior, and perhaps you've never told anyone.
Perhaps you weren't saved, but tonight, accept the Lord as your savior. Maybe if you're part of a Christian family, tell your mom, tell your dad, tell your friends. Confess him. He's so worthy, the Lord Jesus, so worthy of you to confess him as your own personal Savior.
He's gonna be so happy if tonight you seize the opportunity.
In the land of opportunity and prosperity, you will become more prosper than you ever imagined. You're going to become a son and a daughter of God, and you're going to inherit all things with the Lord Jesus. And instead of spending a lost eternity and weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, you'll be happy forever in the presence of God. You'll be absolutely happy forever and ever.
Just before we close.
I just wanna plead with you one more time.
We have gospel meetings generally every week, but there's a time when gospel meetings will stop.
And the other one we read about in Two Thessalonians chapter 2 will be seducing.
Boys and girls and moms and dads too, who are Christians by name, who knew about the Lord Jesus, who had heard of the Word of God but did not receive the love of the truth.
To be saved. I hope that's not you. I hope that tonight you can answer my close question. Will you receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior? You could say yes in your heart. Say yes to the Lord tonight and you'll be on your way to heaven. Let's have a word of prayer.
Our God and our Father.
We thank you so much for the Lord Jesus, for that love of thine that did not spare thine only Son, but delivered him up for us all. We thank thee Father, for such a Savior. We we thank thee for the simplicity of the message. Let us draw us simply to come, come as we are, knowing that there's provision for our sins and for our waywardness and for all these things that we carry on our consciousness. We just thank thee, Lord Jesus, Thou just love us so much and I just accept that we spit a knife face and hit thee where our fists, and yet that it's a Father forgive them.
Well, they know not what they do. We pray tonight that if there's anybody in this room that's not safe, that they would know what they're doing. And postponing, putting off, waiting longer, rejecting, saying no, we pray all would have said yes in their hearts. We ask it, Father. And we thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for Thy goodness to us, for the hope that we have of Thy soon coming, for all that belongs to us in thee. And we thank thee and thy precious name, Amen.