SOME years ago, when visiting Mele, a savage faced the missionary―the Rev. J. W. McKenzie― with his tomahawk drawn to kill him.
“That savage became a Christian, and on a recent Sunday the missionary was to visit his village. It was a long walk through the bush for the man of God that day, under a burning tropical sun. But the chief had a new heart now―a heart made ‘sweet’ by the missionary’s God; and so he met him ere ever the walk was begun, and gave him a royal welcome. There was a way by the sea, and the chief’s canoe was ready, and thus he took his friend to his village to conduct the worship of the True and Living God.
“What but the Gospel of Jesus Christ could produce such a change? We have many savage lions so tamed by the teaching of Jesus to become helpers in His service, and happy and meek in the enjoyment of His salvation.
“I praise the Lord daily for the marvelous works of grace accomplished on our islands; and that all may be brought to know and serve our blessed Saviour we live and labor incessantly.”