A Young Sandwich Islander.

While Hopu, a young Sandwich Islander, was in America, he spent an evening in a company where an infidel lawyer tried to puzzle him with difficult questions. At length the native said: “I am a poor heathen boy; it is not strange that my blunders in English should amuse you. But soon there will be a larger meeting than this. We shall all be there. They will ask us all one question―namely, ‘Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?’ Now, sir, I think I can say ‘Yes.’ What will you say, sir?” When he had stopped, all present were silent. At length the lawyer said that, as the evening was far gone, they had better conclude it with prayer-and proposed that the native youth should pray. He did so; and as he poured out his heart to God, the lawyer could not conceal his feelings. Tears started from his eyes, and he sobbed aloud. All present wept, too; and when they separated, the words, “What will you say, sir?” followed the lawyer home, and did not leave him till he was brought to the Saviour.