Up to the Brim.

I have just read the most delightful address that was given to the London City Missionaries, and the word that struck me most was, “Up to the brim.” The servants whom our Lord told to fill the water jars, John 2, “filled them up to the brim.” “I like to give Christ,” said he, “brimming service, and as far as I am concerned I am going to fill the jar of opportunity, with the whole energy and perseverance and intensity of my soul.” Yes, dear readers, do let us do the same; give “brimming service” to our Blessed Lord, heart whole, determined, doing everything we can to please and serve Him, ―not slipshod, mamby pamby service, but true hearted, whole hearted brimming service―and also do it whilst we have time. Time is short, soon our little opportunity will be gone. So ours must be brimming service to win souls whilst we can. Souls to learn of, to love and to serve our Blessed Lord and Master.
Emily P. Leakey.