A Zeppelin Raid

See the picture on the cover. A Zeppelin on its way. It is bearing within it bombs sufficient to wreck a city and to take hundreds of lives. A friend of ours told us that a Zeppelin hovered over their house for many minutes, and at last dropped a bomb which fell in their garden. A writer says: “Among the autumn stars floats a long, gaunt Zeppelin. It is dull yellow―the color of the harvest moon. The long fingers of searchlights, reaching up from the roofs of the city, are touching all sides of the death messenger with their white tips. Great booming sounds shake the city. They are Zeppelin bombs falling―killing, burning. There is a red light in the sky-a burning house―there are whispers, low voices running all through the streets.” There is death in many a home. This is going on in England today, and England, instead of turning to God, and repenting of her sins, is filled with blasphemy and all kinds of sin; and with those who are dancing on the graves of dead men who have died on their behalf. Theaters and picture palaces crowded. In the pulpits men denying the divinity of Christ and His power to save. A religious leader among men saying: ― “We are naturalizing religion; we are making it human; a matter of everyday life; we are teaching that it is a spontaneous expression of human life... We do not hesitate to sandwich a religious address between two comic songs, if need be.” And God is looking down upon it all. He sees and hears the foul dishonor done to His beloved Son, and soon He will take His own people out of the world. And then—not Zeppelins dropping bombs, but, “Upon the wicked He shall rain quick, burning coals, fire and brimstone, and a burning tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup” (Psa. 11:66Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup. (Psalm 11:6)).
One word, my reader, “Flee from the wrath to come.”