It is joy to write of God’s wondrous ways of bringing sinners to Himself, and one with whom I have corresponded for many years now in the Lord’s service writes how he was spared through the dangers of the Boer War. God had spoken to him, through the lines of a hymn, but that failed to arrest him on the downward road... It was the awful death of a comrade through drink that aroused him at last, and during the funeral of that comrade he was saved. He writes the blessed experience: ―
“God showed me the awfulness of sin, and the text, ‘The wages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life,’ kept flashing through my mind, and at the graveside I asked God to help me.... And praise His holy Name, He heard my cry, and saved me, and I have proved Him able to keep me at all times... ‘By the grace of God, I am what I am.’”
A. A. L.