Absolvo Te

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
One Priest alone can pardon me.
Or hid me “Go in peace,”
Can breathe that word “Absolvo te,”
And make these heart-throbs cease;
My soul has heard His priestly voice
It said, “I bore thy sins, Rejoice!”
He showed the spear-mark in His side,
The nail print on His palm:
Said, “Look on Me, the Crucified;
Why tremble thus? Be calm!
All power is Mine – I set thee free –
Be not afraid – ‘Absolvo te.’”
By Him my soul is purified,
Once leprous and defiled;
Cleansed by the water and the blood,
God sees me as a child:
No priest can heal or cleanse but He;
No other say, “Absolvo te.”
He robed me in a priestly dress,
That I might incense bring
Of prayer, and praise, and righteousness,
To heaven’s Eternal King;
And when He gave this robe to me,
He smiled and said, “Absolvo te.”
In heaven He stands before the throne,
The Great High Priest above,
“Melchisedec” – that one alone
Can sin’s dark stain remove;
To Him I look on bended knee,
And hear that sweet “Absolvo te.”
“A little while!” and He shall come
Forth from the inner shrine,
To call His pardoned brethren home;
O bliss supreme, divine!
When every blood-bought child shall see
The Priest who said. “Absolvo te.”