Accept, Reject, Neglect

Children—Etienne Leger
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Well, good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. How's it going?
Pretty good. Thanks. All right, so let's start off with a couple songs. I will wait for a bunch of our friends to arrive because there's a lot of seats in the front row that are open and I have a lot of things to show you guys and I have a lot of candy to give away so.
Welcome to the front if anyone wants to come up so before we start, let's just sing a few songs and we'll let our friends come in all right so who has a song give a song, raise your hand and we'll.
See what you can do? All right, yeah.
71, OK #71.
45678 I may answer haven't came 87 6543256 so thank you.
34567899 88.
9876543 We have said, Come unto me.
45678910 Jesus my name and my 87654 tell the story or endorse. OK Anyone else have a song they want to give out? All right Sammy #90.
There's a friend for little.
Of the Brightwood sky.
My friend never changes.
I'm like I translated.
Will change from nature to here. Let's try and fall when you learn.
Everyone is happy.
Lord would be out here today.
Little children.
About the bright blue sky and the heart of sleeves and all my great glory.
Of big bright souls.
You have two guys that give it a song. So many young ladies want to give it a song. Go ahead. 96 OK, number 96, when he cometh, When he cometh to make up his shoes. All this jewels, precious shoes.
This long and his own, like the stars of the morning, is right from the Torrance. They shall shine it.
Chance for his crown?
Little children, little children.
Are the two of us righteous? Just makes love and face home like the stars of the morning. It is bright brown in the morning, make sure shining place near me right and so forth.
OK, anybody else have a song that they give out from this section here? All right, Emily.
Let's talk about Jesus.
Let's talk about Jesus.
More and more.
It seems to be right there. Oh, wonderful, wonderful.
Listen, Jesus, my Lord, wonderful.
I succeed.
It's recorded in God's Word. It's in Jesus, my Lord. Wonderful.
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus says to me, Counselor, Prince of Peace, mighty heart, is he saving me, giving me promising and shame.
Wonderful, inspiring her praises.
In front and back.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
His name is wonderful.
Is wonderful.
The same is wonderful. Jesus, my Lord.
Nearest Almighty.
Master of everything.
His name is wonderful.
Jesus, my Lord.
Almighty God is you.
How come before him?
Right side of the Lord.
The same is wonderful.
Jesus, my Lord.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Jesus, my Lord, wonderful. We shall see, we shall hear over his coming. God with evermore, we shall say, wonderful.
Well, we're so glad that so many of the boys and girls, I'm going to call you guys, my friends are in the front row here this morning. You know, if you're in the back row and or you're with your parents and you're a little shy, but you maybe want to come up, feel free to come up. If you want to bring your parents with you. There's plenty of room. That's great as well. If if you're if you want to sit back there, that's OK as well. But I have a lot of cool things to show you guys. And if you're sitting in the back, you're probably not going to be able to.
To properly see and I also have.
Some candy and some stuff to help motivate people to sit in the front. Yesterday evening I was at the pool at the hotel. Raise your hand if you're at the pool at the hotel. Raise your hand if you heard the noise from two blocks away from the at the pool at the hotel. Yeah, I was pretty crazy. You know, in previous years, I've always played hockey. But this year I traded my hockey stick for a bathing suit and I went to the pool with my little daughter Laurie, and there was a lot of kids there, you know? How many kids do you think were in the pool last night?
Yeah, how many?
You don't know.
Whether 10, maybe 10? Who thinks there's more than 10?
Yeah, how many do you think they were?
30 OK, I think there were 30 parents on the side. Now, how many kids are in the pool? 50I counted more than that. Yeah. 20 higher. 70 I counted 70 kids in the pool.
That's a lot of kids and we said I think there's over 100 kids at this conference, so most of them are in the pool.
So it's pretty cool, right? And you know, the Lord helped us. No one was, I don't think anyone was injured. 70 kids went in and 70 kids came out, you know, and that's really good. That's what we want, right? But I'm counting in the front row and I only count like 30. So maybe your friends are missing. Maybe if they could make it this morning, maybe people got sick. I totally understand. But I know there's more room in the front. So if there was that much participation in the pool, I hope we can have as much participation this morning, hopefully.
Quieter because it'll get real loud. OK, so we're going to start with a word of prayer. So we're going to close our eyes and ask the Lord for His help before we start. So let's pray.
Our Godfather, thank you this morning that we can sing these songs that glorify your Son the Lord Jesus. We thank you that we can have this time to talk about these stories from your Word and how them applied to our lives. You just pray that you might give me wisdom and just a clear message so that every boy and girl might clearly understand the message of salvation. We pray also for those that might be still be traveling for a journey of mercies.
The name of Jesus. We ask these things. Amen. All right, so for starters, I'd like to read a verse in Hebrews chapter 2. So if you have a Bible, raise your hand if you have a Bible.
You will be needing your Bible. If you don't have a Bible, that's OK. You can listen, right? We have two ears. We can listen if you have any questions. What do we do if we have questions?
Raise your hand. My name is ET. You can call me ET, Mr. ET. That's OK too. If you have any questions, I'm from Montreal, QC, and I'm very happy to be able to share a Sunday school with you guys here today. OK, so I want to talk to you about a a couple of three main words. First word. Oh, by the way, I'm going to walk around a bit. Not that I'm nervous, but I like to involve everyone. All right, So I'm expecting people, if you're in the front row, to be paying attention. If not, I'll be asking you a question.
Sounds good. Is that a good deal?
All right, so we're going to have we're going to start off in the verse in Hebrews chapter 2. But I want to talk about my 3 words. I want to talk about the word.
Reject. Accept. Neglect. I'll say it again.
Reject, accept, neglect one more time.
Now, is there a difference between these words?
There is, right, and we'll kind of get into that in a little bit. So I'm going to need some some help as well. So we're going to start off with reading Hebrews chapter 2.
Hebrews chapter 2 and verse three. You have a volunteer to read the verse for me this morning. Hebrews chapter 2 and verse three. Yeah.
How shall we escape, if we elect so great salvation? We at the first begin to be spoken by the Lord, and was comforted, confirmed unto us by them that heard him.
That's right. Thank you very much. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?
That's really the verse that the Lord put on my heart to share with you guys this morning. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? You know, neglecting is not the same as rejecting in in the in the sense of the word neglecting is putting something off is saying I'll do it later. I'll think about it or it's not important right now we'll get to that later. But to reject something. If I say Levi, do you want a candy and he says yes, that's accepting. If he says no, that's.
If he's neglecting, that means he could just ignore me and look at something else or talk to his friend or something. That would be what neglecting would be. And you know what? That's what I feel might be the biggest issue from keeping boys and girls who are raised in Christian families and godly parents who open the word of God with them from getting into heaven. It's not that they don't know the gospel. It's not that they haven't heard the message of the the story of the gospel. They haven't.
Even known your verse, maybe you know your verse today you look like you have a real nice suit on or a nice dress and you you look good. You know the verse.
You know the message of the gospel, maybe you've neglected it for yourself, you maybe know it in your head, but never got into your feet. I spent some time a few years ago in Malawi, Africa. We were doing some, some preaching in some schools and they're in the schools. They had a problem because the kids wouldn't really pay attention. They'd be looking at you or kind of looking around. They're in the room, they're sitting down, they're quiet, but they're not paying attention. And so the teachers, they would do certain things in the class to get the kids to pay attention.
So we're going to do that today. Are you with me? Are you with me? Are you with me? All right, so we're going to start off with talking about, let's say I'm the teacher here in Malawi, Africa. We'll see where I'm in the city of Chachippa in the north of Malawi. And so the teacher would come up in the room and says, class, I want you to pay attention. The class was all kind of talking and as as kids do, right, we all like to chat and talk and says, he says, all right, you guys are going to do what I do. All right, So the teacher says to the kids, all right, everyone hands up. So the kids put their hands up.
Let's see some hands up people. Old people too.
Let's go. Or young people do. Hands up, hands down, hands up, hands down. Clap once, clap twice, hands up, hands down. And so at any moment when the teacher felt he was losing the audience, he was losing the attention of the audience, the people were being neglectful, he'd say the same thing. He said. Alright, guys.
Hands up. Hands down. Hands up. Hands down. Clap once, Clap twice. Hands up. Hands down. Faster. Hands up. Hands down. Hands up. Hands down. Clap once. Hands up. Hands down.
All right, we're all on the same page. This is good, this is excellent. And so this way the teacher would have the attention of the class and if ever any moment there was a distraction or a dog was barking outside and the kids would look out the window, he'd immediately make them do the reaction to make sure they were back and track. Okay. But this verse here, neglecting so great a salvation, this is something that is a very serious topic. It's the most important thing that we could talk about today at this conference about neglecting.
The state of your eternal soul.
To neglect means to put off, to not think about. I want you guys to think about it for a second. What would be reasons why people might neglect salvation?
Any volunteers?
They want to fit in with the world. That's a very good answer, yeah. Peer pressure. Something happens. Anyone else? Other things want to talk about? Yeah.
Because I don't want to. That's a very honest answer.
But to help us along here, just for the sake of time, everyone that's sitting in the front two rows, please look underneath your seat. If you see a blue sticker underneath your seat, hold it up in the air.
There should be about 12 of them. Hold it up in the air if you have it.
There might be one in Euro too actually. 3rd row so I see one. Hey Teddy, look underneath your seat.
You see one, I put a couple here, so there should be at least 10 who has one here. There's definitely ones in this row, guys.
I see 123. There might be one around here. Maybe it's in your neighbor's seat. If they don't find it, you get it, you win. All right, Good job.
Maybe there was one here he tripped on looking at that one.
All right, that's good. Good job. OK, so let's start off. We're going to read them out loud. And these are reasons why people might neglect their salvation. OK, let's start with you. What's what does it say in the paper? Too busy.
You guys ever hear that people say that I'm too busy?
Now if you kids think you're too busy, wait till you get to be my age or older. You have a lot more things busy about. But that's still an excuse. People say I'm just too busy to think about salvation. So I'm going to put it off for another time. Hey, thanks so much. OK, anyone else?
Is there another paper underneath there?
I think there might be one here. Nope. I guess they're not there. All right. Yeah. Money. Money. That's right. There was a dollar sign on that one. Yeah. Money. People might be too busy, you could say. You know what? I got? Money.
I got possessions. I don't have time or I don't. It's not really a priority because I have success. So I'm I don't need to worry about salvation. I'll just neglect it. And that's what happened at the rich young ruler, right? He had a lot of possessions and he did not want to accept what Jesus was offering. All right, Henry, did I see it? It says family, family. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. If your family is all believers, if they're all Christians in your family, you might think, well, that's really good and like I can.
Your siblings, you can share Christ with your siblings. But maybe you think, well, my mom and my dad are saved. My grandma and grandpa are saved. My cousins, my brothers and sisters are saved. I'm OK because when they go to heaven, they'll take me with them or I'll be OK. I'll think about it later. So that's something that can happen, right? Family can be a help, but also a hindrance if we don't personally make a decision for ourselves. Just hold on to it, all right? What's it say, Teddy?
God loves me. God loves me anyhow. Some people think that. They say well.
Yeah, I'll be right there in a SEC. God loves me anyhow. You know, even if I've done that things, you know, the Bible says for God to love the world. So that means that whether or not I believe, you know, he still loves me, he'll accept me into heaven. Is that true?
That's not true because God does love you. He gave his only Son to die for you, but you have to personally accept Him.
As your savior, if I say to my little nephew here, Teddy, I love you Teddy, I'll give you a candy. But Teddy has to accept it for himself. He can't just he has to do something. He has to reach out and get it. And salvation gets a free gift, but you have to accept it for yourself. Good job.
When I'm older, When I'm older.
Yeah, it's like that's what people talk, say that sometimes, right? I'm young. I've got my life ahead of Maine. Maybe a young person in this room and you're thinking, yeah, it's pretty good to talk about God. But you know, I got my career, I got my education, I got my courtship, I got my relationship. When I'm older, I'll think about it.
Yeah, later.
Yeah, later they say the roads and another saying in French. I'm going to try to translate it in English here. The roads to tomorrow lead to the cities of never. So today is the day of salvation. Here you go. Anybody else?
You have one, Yeah.
I'm not a bad person. That's right. Maybe you're sitting in the front, you're like, look at those kids in the back row. I'm better than them. I know my verses. I go to the meetings. I'm a good kid. No, that's not good enough because everyone of us have to deal with a perfect standard. God. His standard is perfection. So maybe you're not as quote UN quote bad, but you're not perfect. And the only way to be perfect is to accept what God has given for your soul.
The sacrifice of his son. Anyone else? Yeah.
Check out other options. Yeah, maybe you're in school and your teacher is teaching you about other religions, other options, other ways that you can go to God. Yeah, maybe you want to check out other options to make an educated decision, you say. But you know what? There's only one way to God. John 14, Six. Who knows? John 14/6.
Yeah, India.
John 14 six, Jesus said.
That's right. I think that's the right reference. Is that the right reference, John 46 if you.
Pressure up here. All right. Anyone else have one? Oh, yeah. In the back? Yeah. I'm not that bad. That's right. We talked about that before, right? How we think that compared to the other guy. I'm not that bad. I'm OK. Ready to catch. Good job. Yep, I know.
I know. Is it? I KN ow, Yeah. OK. I know. Say I know enough about like I know about God. I know about the Bible. If you ask me a question, I'll have my hand up. I'll answer it. But we talked about earlier how that you might have knowledge in your head but not have the knowledge in your heart. Let's sing one more song.
Sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about you. I'm too young. I'm too young. That's a good one as well. Now, anyone else forget one for you? No, I didn't forget. Anybody else. I'm too young. Yeah, maybe. You're sitting in the front row. You're saying I'm too young to make a decision. All these people in suits, they're talking and they're preaching, and that's maybe for them, but not for me. I'm too young. It's not. Maybe when I'm older. Hey, thanks a lot. Sorry about that. Anyone have a song they want to give up and move from this section over here?
There's one under that seat.
There is.
There's one.
Where is it?
You want to get it? Where is it?
You're holding. Do we do it yet?
Oh, another one. Ho ho, ho, it says, know my verse. Yeah, knowing my verse, who hears knows a verse for the week.
No one knows their verse for the week.
I'll just bury that one. I'm sharing your home assembly people. Have your parents, your teachers helped with their verses? But knowing your verse is not enough now. Did you already get a candy? You didn't get one yet. What does your paper say?
Oh yeah, this is a good one. It's not cool. People say it's not cool to be a Christian. I'm going to neglect be accepting Christ because it's not really cool. Because the cool kids, you know, they wear like different type of clothes or maybe they, we all want to fit in a different way. They say certain words, they listen to certain types of music. That's the cool stuff to do. But to be a Christian, to go to a conference and there's no like.
Really cool music, although him seems to be pretty cool but.
Relatively speaking, it's not a rock concert. You might think that's not cool enough for me, but you know what?
To be cool.
Is not what God is looking for. He's looking for your heart to be turned to Him. Now you had two papers, right? So you're going to get one because you sat beside the person who had two. OK, so let's sing another song. All right? Who has the song they want to sing?
Yeah. What number #10?
All right, let's sing verse one and four. OK? And once again, I want to invite any child that's in the back row or in the room that wants to come to the front. We still have a couple spots available. Just feel free. If not, you're OK right there as well. OK, verse one and four around the throne.
Everyone will have to be happy and.
Glory, glory, glory, glory to God.
And Savior, grace on everything, love to say so everything is blessed and grace and praise you for a man singing glory.
Like to talk about a few?
About neglect. Now who knows what a this means? Like you can probably read, but what would you put this up for?
If you have something expensive or you don't want anybody to take to put that up, so so they don't take it.
That's right. I have a landscaping company. We rented out a warehouse and a couple times has been broken into before, Hopefully not this weekend, but not we weren't there when it was broken into. But when I rented the place, they said you got to put cameras up to make sure that people know that you can protect your stuff because it's a lot of people walk by that area. So I'm going to put up cameras. This is a warning.
That we're filming. What's going on now?
I have a camera that if I have my cell phone, I can look at it and I can see exactly what's going on at that shop or at my house. But today, in this room in 2019, there's someone that can see even more than what my camera can see. God knows the heart. He sees inside every single one of us. He knows what your thoughts are, He knows what you're thinking, He knows what you're doing, and he is watching and knows every thought and intent.
Heart. So this is something that we can't hide from. We can't neglect. You can pretend that you think God can't hear you or can't see you. You can try to hide from God. Someone tried to hide from God in the Bible. Who knows what that guy's name was? Jonah, raise your hand.
All right, What is it? Good job, Jonah. OK, Jonah. Could Jonah hide from God? Did it work? It didn't work, right? Yeah.
It didn't work, right? That's right. Good answer. OK, another sign.
What does this say? Keep out. Now who would put that up?
That's right. If you have private property. Now, if we're here in Canada, we don't put these up. If you're in the States more, it's more of an American thing I think, but.
I'm not getting political this morning, but just saying. So people put these up in errors and I have seen them in Canada, to be honest. Keep out. It means you have to keep out of this certain area. It's a private area here. I'll take that. Yeah, it's a private area. You don't want anyone to trespass because it is. It's your area.
And you know, this morning.
We talked a little bit about neglecting so great a salvation this morning.
God, if I could just put it this way to make it figurative, has a sign it says keep out of help. Keep out. I don't want you to go there. I don't want any boy or girl or older person to go to this terrible place called hell. Keep out. But if you neglect, if you neglect what God is telling you.
There's no hope.
This sign, if it's clearly posted and you just rip it away and you say I'm going there anyway, I'm going to disobey what the rules say. I am sorry my friend, there is no hope for you if you choose to go down that path now. God is merciful. He in time. You might reject today but accept war. But we're not guaranteed tomorrow. Today is the day of salvation. Behold, now is the acceptable time.
So who here can help me hold the sign?
You want to help me out? OK, Just hold it right. Take care of it.
And maybe someone else can hold the camera sign if I can find it again. You want to hold it. All right, you hold this one.
What does this say?
Who knows here what Kijiji is or Craigslist. Yeah, you try to sell things on Craigslist. I have a terrible luck with Craigslist or GGI. Try selling stuff and I really have a hard time. So usually you start off with for sale. Let's say it's $1000.
You're at $1000 on it. Let's say I'm trying to sell an old vehicle and eventually after 2-3 weeks, you try to lower the price. We'll put the 800.
And then you see that new Rigid toolkit at Home Depot that you really want, and it's $500.00. So you say if I sell the truck, I get the tool kit. You're right, $500.
No one's buying it. No one wants to buy it. Eventually you say, look, I'm just giving up.
My handwriting is terrible free.
Give up. I just want it gone. I want this thing out of my life. I want to move on and have ruin my in my garage or whatever else you have. And you know, salvation is not like this. God is not bargaining. He's not saying all right. And I've been to different places in the world where you have to bargain. Like in India, you're expecting to bargain over stuff and the price starts really high and you go back and forth and eventually the price goes down.
But not here with salvation. God is not going to cut you a deal. He's not going to cut you a liquidation special to get it to heaven. He's not going to cut you a sale. He says my gift is free. The gift of my Son is absolutely free. And if you neglect it, it's on your terms. It's going to be because you chose to reject what I gave you.
So free.
We sing a song, right? Salvation is a big word, but I am not too small to know. Christ died in Calvary from sin to save us all that we sing within the chorus goes the gift of God is free for Jesus died for sinners, even you and me. So could someone hold the sign free Sign for me? Yeah. All right.
It's all right. We'll talk to you about something else here. I'm running at a time. This is how I'm having so much fun here. This is really a lot of fun. Thank you for being, for paying attention guys. You guys are a great, great front row and also second row too, and everybody else. So this is who knows what this is.
Yeah, tape. Now why would I use this for? Yeah.
That's right, construction. You want to keep your feet out. Anyone else know why this is used? Yeah.
That's right. You're kept out so that no one gets hurt. Yeah.
Yep, that's right.
So we put tape around to protect the area so people stay out of that area, right? And I want to talk to you guys about something that's happening in my hometown Of Montreal right now. We're going through a flood. There's a flooding going on in my in my city and.
Part of it has been underwater, certain parts. Thankfully my house is on higher ground and safe, but in certain parts of the Montreal area and suburbs.
There's been an evacuation warning places like in Rego Hudson area, Hawkesbury close there. There's a highway goes close to the river and people live there and people are being evacuated, Yeah.
That's right. That's right. Some houses are on stilts because of all the flooding. And so these houses are on are being flooded. And so because of all the flooding, the mayor has issued an evacuation notice. Now, what does that mean, An evacuation notice? Yeah.
Get out of here something dangerous. So he said, he says as of this date, you have to evacuate the city. You have to evacuate what this area because of the danger. And what they've done is they've taken tape like this and we're going to.
We're going to tape off an area here.
And he's taking the tape and he says, look, we are going to block off give me hand. You loop it around the end right there. Keep going this way. Do another you do another fist around. He says we're going to block off certain areas of the city. And if you choose and he says we're going to say that you cannot go back in this area because it's dangerous. Sorry here, Savannah.
For the sake of progress.
Thank you. All right. We're trying to hit you. So we're going to close off this area. He says if you go out, sorry, if you choose to go back into this area, you're on your own. He says. We're giving you warnings. In 2017, we had a big we had a big flood area, a flood in Montreal and people's homes were were lost. People were I don't think anyone died, but people were taken away in from in helicopters and it cost the city a lot of money and so they said.
We are setting up.
A perimeter and if you go inside this perimeter, you're on your own. And they took a keep out sign like this and they post them all around. And the mayor went on the TV and he said and the radios too, and put stuff all over the Internet. He said if you choose to go into that perimeter, if you go where it's not safe, you're on your own. We're not coming to get you. And he made it very clear. He says it sounds mean, but we know that the water is rising and the water is rising at some .6 inches an hour.
And if you don't, hey, guys, don't touch the wire, OK? My safety tape here. It's very important. So let's pay attention. All right, Hands up, Hands up. Hands up. Hands down. Hands up, hands down. Clap once, clap twice. Hands up, hands down. And so the mayor said if you choose to go into this area, you are on your own. We are not coming for you. And he made it so clear. He had the police chief say the same thing, The Fire Chief say the same thing. And you know what?
Some people.
They said, you know what, we're going to stay here anyway. I was just Googling the updates this morning on my phone and there's one guy, he said I'm just going to. I took off my phone, I shut off the radio and I unplugged the TV. I don't want to hear what they're saying. I don't care. I'm staying here. This is my home. I'm going to. I'm going to be OK. So this guy.
He can you hold this for a second, He had a, he had a safety plan, he said.
He says I'm going to.
Survive this storm. This.
Flood because I got.
So he says. I have gone to the store, I got provisions, I got everything I need.
And so if I fit this.
Want to put this over here.
And so this young man, well, young man, he's an older man, he said. I'm not going to leave the area. I got my rain gear on. Probably putting this on crooked, who knows what these are.
Waiters. Yeah, he's like, got my waiters on, I'm good, he says. I don't care how much rain comes, they're not going to get me now. He probably wouldn't be wearing the same outfit I'm wearing here today.
Because we'd all been in a lot of trouble, but he's wearing his waders.
I bet that's cool. All right. So he says thank you. Thanks, Emma. So he says, I don't care what the city says, the police say what the army says. I'm staying put. I'm wearing my waiters. I'm good to go. But the problem is I'm not that good at math. But if water is rising 6 inches an hour, how long till four feet is how long? How many hours did that take to go up?
Four feet divided by 6 inches. That's how many hours.
Anybody any home school students here?
40 that's that's even more so 6121824 how many hours?
8-8, maybe 88. We'll go with eight, eight hours, 8 hours before these waiters are no good. And it makes you think of the story of the flood of Noah, right? Noah's flood.
Noah's preaching and warning people for all this time, saying you have to get out, you have to get on the ark.
And what do the people say? They mocked them. They laughed and they said, no, we got our own plan. And I saw a picture recently of like some tall mountains and people holding on the mountain as the water was rising and the ark was floating away. It was a really cool picture. And people were calling out to the ark saying come and get us, but it was too late because God had shut that door. But today the offer of salvation is still open. Today, if you are able to hear, hear my voice, if you're able, if you're listening to this tape recording, maybe from a conference, maybe you're.
In the car with your parents, Maybe you're at home. You're listening. If you can hear this message, the gospel is still open for you. You still have the ability to listen, and you're still able to hear what God is telling you today.
I'm really running out of time, so I really got to compress here, but that's OK. So God shut the door. So this man, I don't know what's going to happen with him. He's probably going to be flooded up. Maybe he'll be washed out to see. Maybe he has a boat that he can throw away.
But he's neglected to hear this message. So it will be really too bad today to have boys and girls and the older ones, I mean young people that are sitting conference after conference and hardening their hearts and rejecting what the mesh of the gospel is. The mesh of the gospel is simple. We've talked about it last night. We've gone over it many times. Many of you kids probably could could say a lot of verses that regards in regards to the gospel and tell me about the way they got to God. But have you made that acceptance for yourself personally? Have you accepted God's?
Free gift.
God says keep out of hell. Do not neglect, do not neglect. You know, we talked about the three words at the beginning. I didn't cover them that much. We had. What were the words again? Yeah.
Reject, accept, reject. Neglect. I'll give you candy, but it's so far down I can't reach it.
So accept, reject and neglect. So today you are the sand and those one of these three categories either you've said I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, He's my Lord, I am nowhere. I'm going either you are rejecting, you have said no, it's not for me. I reject God. Or maybe you're saying I'm going to I'm going to neglect it. I'm just going to deal with it when I'm older or later and all those reasons you guys still have those blue papers. Some of them are floating around. Be sure to collect them up after. But you have those blue papers. Maybe that's one of the reasons you're giving.
And that's not good enough. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. A few years ago, I was at my meeting room in Montreal. We were raking up leaves and I looked outside in the backyard and there was these built, these houses. And I saw flames coming through one of the up in the kitchen, up through the window. So I ran, I jumped over the fence, I ran through the door, I started banging on the door and I said there's a fire come out. And the kid came to the door, probably the same age as a bit older than him.
Age comes up to the door and he the fire was here on the side and he walked up to the door oblivious to the fire and I said, open the door, your house is on fire. And he's like, no, I was like buddy, like I'm about to kick this door down. So get out of the way. Thankfully he he, he saw the fire and then ran away in the, in the in the living room. I was like, all right, 10 seconds, I'm going to kick the door down. And he came back, finally opened the door and I was able to get in and switch off the electrical fire electrical panel and put out the fire. But that could have burnt his house down. But he was.
He was ignorant at first. The fire, when he saw it, he acted. So today, if you hear what we're saying today, you're not ignorant. You can't say I never knew. You can't say, oh, no one ever told me clearly the message of salvation. We talked about salvation being free. We talked about how God always sees us, right. We talked about how God is saying keep out of hell today. Do not harden your hearts. Do not be like that guy.
That disregarded everything that the city was trying to tell him.
The authority was trying to tell him, so I'm right at the end here. Does anyone have any questions? So sometimes I get excited, I speak too fast or I'm not clear. You don't have a question that maybe not being clear, Yeah.
But at first they didn't know what he was doing. They were laughing at him. That's right.
Wouldn't you think that would be able to swim? Yeah, but they could. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. I saw kids swimming in the pool for an hour and they were tired. So there's no way you're going to make it for 40 days and 40 nights. So. And plus you got to eat right? So it would have been hard. So I really. The message of salvation is for today. It's for now. It's not for later. Behold, now is an accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Jesus Christ died on the cross for you. He shed his blood if you put your faith and trust in him, if you.
It like Teddy accepted that free gift you can be saved. Anyone else have a question?
All right, let's bow our heads and let's pray.
Father, thank You that we can open up Your precious word. We can talk about the importance to not be neglectful. We can talk about the importance of us not despising what Your word has said. We pray that every boy and girl might accept this for themselves. They pray they might make it personal to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. We pray the right be joy in heaven over a Sinner that repents this morning.
We ask these things to your glory, Lord Jesus, you, your name, Amen.