
Duration: 1hr 2min
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Address—N. Berry
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Have the opening scene by seeing him number 169.
Lord, we can see by faith in thee a prospect break unfair.
For God shall shine, and light divine glory, and every faith. 169.
Lord, we can.
Say by the way.
I cross and rise in my bed. You're living.
Where God shall try, Never mind.
In the world rain and earth perfectly.
Where God shall shine.
Near my daylight day, in the rain, nevertheless.
Some of you were at Sally when I took up the.
The other side, you might say, and a contrast to this story concerning a man by the name of Caleb.
Who, in contrast to this one, as we will see, was a man who was a stealer of the people, as the Scripture says, when there was so much against him.
And when he had brought back the report of the the searchers who went up through the land, they were here and they went up and they made a complete search and they came back. And on their way back they picked up in this place called Asheville. It's just north of Cadish, which was the border of Israel. After their long journey through the wilderness, they picked up those that.
Bunch of grapes, which was so big that it required two men to to carry. We know that story well.
And the ten men that were with Caleb and Joshua, they discouraged the people that were standing waiting and they were on the verge of stoning. These two men, Caleb and Joshua. Joshua and Caleb the leader and this and Caleb. But Caleb spoke at 1St and he said we're able to go into that land The other ten men said nevertheless were. And though it's a good land, we're not able to take it.
And they discourage the people. But Caleb stepped on with his insistence that if the Lord was with them, he was able, because he had promised that they were going to get into that land. Exodus 6. We saw how God promised he would take them out of that land of Egypt, and we would take them into that land of France. Now this is a story, beloved ones of your life and mine.
We've come out of Egypt.
The world God has delivered us now by that far superior deliverance than what they experienced in the land of Egypt, where the lamb was killed and the blood covered them. Remember that story so well? And then they were went across miraculously. They read sea on dry ground and then they were going down here to build the Tabernacle, which they did do for a year and then they went in a straight line of little solid line there.
To grow into that land and the entrance into that land is a picture not of your and not getting into heaven, but it is a picture of you and my enjoying today our heavenly portion. To be living in the heavenly life where citizens of heaven are passing through this world. And we saw in that story how the two men had the courage.
To say we are well able, we're well, not because they were strong, but they were counting on God. So Caleb was a Stiller, says he still the people he wasn't encouraged. Every one of us here who knows the Lord is our savior. You are in this assembly, Impella. You are either a Stiller of the people. You are seeking to encourage the Lord's people to be a health by your life, by your example.
By a little word here, brothers or sisters to encourage each other keep on they were on the verge of picking up stones to kill them. It was life or death for Joshua and Taylor. Nevertheless, they they persisted, and they were rewarded and beloved ones. We too. Not that we act for rewards, but we too can know that the Lord is looking down into your life every minute.
Of today has been recorded in heaven as to what you and I did for the Lord's glory with to God, we would all be stillers of the brethren that we would be helping and encouraging. And we saw that side of it that was at the end of that long journey, 38 years through the wilderness. And this took place when they got into the land at that place called Hebron, which was the choice spot of the whole land of Israel.
Yes, of Israel. Now we're going to go back in this story to the beginning of it and we're going to be seeing how that when they when they cross here the the.
That's one day, not the beginning. Well, let's let's tell the story. They crossed the the Jordan River and they arrived here.
And there was the great city in there of Jericho. They were in. It was impossible for them to take that city. Just the same as you and I. It seemed possible for us to be able to stand against the powers of the enemy. It's impossible. We have no strength of our own, but they saw by their obedience to do what God said. They walked around that city 7 times.
And they faced the city, and the walls fell down flat, and that city was destroyed. They saw that. And you and I experience in our Christian life the power of God. We do. We can look backhandly and we could say, surely I saw that. And even in our salvation and in deliverances from time to time, that's how God encourages us. But at the time of our other, our greatest.
Deliverances. That's the time when we are most open.
To follow and to lose confidence in God and to be doing things that we know are not pleasing to Him. We get careless, don't we, when we are not.
When we let down those bars. So now let's go over to look up Joshua and we're going to see.
What transpired?
And I just want to read.
One verse first, chapter 6. Joshua chapter 6.
They had to. They had been told. I would like to say this too. I want to be talking too much without referring to the scriptures. But they had been told when they were about to take Jericho. Don't take anything out of the city. Don't touch it. Why? Because it was a city that was to be known as the city of the curse. Jericho is a picture to for you and me of this world.
It can give us nothing in our Christian life. Not that there's no sustenance here. It's just like what this illustrates. The wilderness. They couldn't survive a day without God's provision. Nothing there in that wilderness is just sunshine all the time. And it was burnt, dried and.
No tracks, no way to find their way. That's what your life is here on this earth. But unless you and I realize that there is one who is guiding us and supplying our spiritual needs, feeding our souls, we're liable to be going back. And we drifting back into living in the wilderness.
Now that is a little bit of a picture of what Jericho was. Now let's read this verse, Joshua 6 and verse 18 and ye?
In any rice or in no rice.
Keep yourselves, or I should say in every way, keep yourselves from the cursed thing, lest ye make yourselves at first. When you take probably a first thing and make the camp of Israel a first and trouble it, that's all we need to read. There was a definite warning. Don't touch anything in that city.
So now go on to the 7th chapter.
They won't read the first verse yet, but read the 2nd and Joshua sent men from Jericho. Notice that two AI which is beside that haven on the east side of Bethel and speak under them saying go up and view the country. And the men went up and viewed AI, so we stopped their bridge.
They came from Jericho. This is what I want to emphasize. They had just experienced A tremendous victory that God had given. They hadn't won the victory. You and I don't get deliverance. We get deliverance. But the Lord gets the victory. We don't live in a victorious life. As some Christians are trying to tell us, the victory all belongs to the Lord. You and I get the deliverance and all the phrase goes.
So here they were. They came from Jerry, as I said before, the very place where we sometimes.
And experience a good hand of God. That's where we go out from in a in a position of strength and confidence. That is where we have to be very much on our guard the winter that they weren't told to go and search the land.
To search this little town, tiny little place near Jerry Golf right in there and they weren't told to go there. Doesn't say that they prayed or asked the Lord about it. They send men up to have a look at the city. Now let's go up. Let's go to the next verse, verse 3. And they returned to Joshua and said unto him, Let not all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite AI and make not all the people to labor physics.
They are, but you let's pause there. So they get the men that go up to search the place they find. It's just a little town, little tiny place. They're full of confidence. They say when they come back, they don't bother sending this whole great camp of Israel. You know, there were 604,000 men in this street, Campavision, and we're all there. Don't send the whole 10.
What have we learned from that?
No, we don't need to be so careful. Just send 3 or 4000 up there and then they said and smite AI. They were full of confidence they were going to win verse 4. So there went up thither of the people about 3000 men and they fled before the men of air little tiny village and three or 4000 men. And here they are defeated, they run.
Now Israel never, never ran before their enemies. I just wonder it's put in that.
Though they had many enemies and the Philistines were all was superior to Israel in number in that land.
But if God was with them, it didn't make any difference how strong the enemy was.
That Israel just never ran from their enemies because God was directing them to go ahead, and if they did in obedience, they never. Unless there was something that was seen. Let me say this, beloved ones.
When Satan overcomes you and me.
There's something in my life that God sees.
He sees and I'm not listening to him. I haven't got the sufficient confidence in him and so he as it were, he uses Satan to attack them. Satan is never allowed to attack me unless the Lord sees something in there. Good thing for us all in order to see this. And I realize this because sometimes people have the the, the just, the right attitude or the Satan is going around and attacking here and there and everywhere.
Wherever we can find an opportunity attack that isn't true at all.
He never is allowed unless, as I said, the Lord sees something in us that is required that requires.
The Lord to use that, the brother said to me one time. Oh, I said. Satan gave me a flat tire on the way to the meeting the other day. I said to him, The Lord never allows us to get a flat tire on the way to the meeting unless he sees something.
In US that I'm not requesting myself, did I want to go to that meeting or not? And if that was so, well then these are the things that happened. Let's beloved ones, each one of us, be sensitive in every little thing that happens. Not that the Lord is angry at us, but he wants to correct us and He allows something that might happen that would really normally upset us. But if we are sensitive, I've told all my children all the time.
They ever have something that happens, don't come to me and say that it wasn't my fault ran into me in the car or something. You know, go to your bedroom, get up. They get before the Lord and say why? Why that's so important, why always a purpose to teach us that we can act ourselves alone. And if I act without getting the will of the Lord, I'm acting himself will and I'm going to be in trouble.
As they were here, they were beaten, so let's go on.
Verse 5 And the men of AI smoke are them about 36 men to even count how many men die? 36 And God is interested in every little detail 36 Men die, Bible tells us that. Why? Why didn't we just say, well, they were all beaten? No, everyone was all miserative and God knew every little detail.
For they chased them from before the gate, even unto Shabbir.
And smoke them in the going down, wherefore the hearts of the people melted and became as water. Why do we get discouraged below?
Does my new nature ever get discouraged? Yeah.
And you can't get this, the Lord tells us, and I think it's the 41St of Isaiah. He never gets discouraged. Minor nature never gets discouraged. If my old nature gets discouraged is because I'm not getting what my old major wants, that's just plain as that isn't so. Here they are, and they're all discouraged.
They didn't see the mulch. They didn't see what God was trying to teach them. I trust we just will apply these things rather than my oldest just going back to applying spiritual ways and what we need to learn.
If we are sensitive tonight, we will get what the spirit of God will lay on each one of us as far as our own life is concerned in connection with this story. So they were discouraged that people's heart melted and became as water verse 6 and Joshua rent. His clothes look pretty good, isn't it? He ran his clothes. And sometimes we bring our hands, don't we, when things go wrong.
Instead of saying why?
So he falls on his face and to the earth before the ark of the Lord, until Eventide really looked very good, and he, He and the elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads. Why? It was a false humility entirely, wasn't inquiring of the Lord. Why? Why? I emphasize this. It's so unnecessary for us to be sensitive to everything that happens to us. Why, Lord? There's a why Lord in every one of our lives so often.
So here they were just giving the appearance of of deep concern verse 7 and Joshua said, Alas, oh Lord God, kind of a hypocritical way of speaking. Wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over, Jordan?
Deliver us into the hand of the Amorites. To destroy us would to God. We had been content and dwelt in the other side. Jordan. That's kind of sad, isn't it?
Is he saying he's saying, just like in your life and mine, I tried Christianity, I went on with the Lord, but oh, it was so, so difficult. And I'm just going to go back into the world again, Just give up. Does that happen to us? Yes, it does. It happened to them.
And it was. It was. Some of the people noticed Joshua that was falling in his face a few minutes before. There was no reality to it, No reality. And beloved ones, the Lord wants a reality in our life, doesn't want us to be Capricorn, so to be pretending that we're holy and so on when we're not. He wants us to fall down in humility before him and confess what was wrong. He wasn't doing that, as we will see now.
And he blames the Lord. And then he says, what the God? We'd stay there from the wilderness.
Like us who wanted to get back into the world and finding it easier there. Mercy, oh Lord, what shall I say when Israel turn at their backs before their enemies? What shall I say? Thinking about the great big eye in it itself? And then the 8th course gets worse for the Canaanites, and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us, circle us ground and cut off. Who notice this hourly over there was right. Isn't that something? We're so touchy?
Excuse me for saying that, but we're so sensitive to our brethren and we take offense when somebody just trades to sideways at us and we're we're just like this. Our name, our reputation, me, a great big me.
And so there it was. But notice now that it says, And what will thou do unto thy great name? The Lord's name is just heard.
Kind of by to buy what do you do about your great name. And he says that to the Lord theirs was first verse 10 And the Lord said unto Joshua, Yet they are.
Wherefore liast thou upon thy face? It was just vain humility. And the Lord saw what did he see? He saw that there was a state of soul of that volcano.
And how we affect each other is going to be very clean as we go on. First select. It doesn't say one man of sin. Notice what the 11 Says. It is real. As we're beloved once we're living in a day when we are suffering from the result of Christians all over the world going on in carelessness and earnings, we're in the body and we're suffering from it all.
Those things that are happening in the world, we've seen it in the last six months or so, that dishonor that has been brought to the name of Christ by evangelists that there are there in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I see we suffer from that because we're in the body. So here he says Israel has sinned. Don't look down our noses at him say I'm glad I didn't do what that fellow did. Our hearts are just the same, and it's pride. If we do, we must humble ourselves.
Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant, which I commanded them for. They have even taken of their first thing, and have also stolen and dissembled also, and they have put it among their own stuff, but stuff they're not. The Lord just tells the whole story one sense, but he blames the whole of the camp. He doesn't say anything.
But now he says bring the whole camp before me. There's the whole camp, maybe 3 million people in the whole camp, all in this perfect quarter. All instructed by God as to where they were. And these are the this is the Tabernacle in the center here. And this was always looking toward the east. And here in the front was the Greek tribe, the royal tribe of Judith. And they were the leading tribes when the.
March went on. These ones wheeled a bait about it, and they led.
Procession. And they were the royal line. From that line came the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
And so when they come before the Lord, let's read it now, verse 13.
Sanctify the people and say, sanctify yourselves against tomorrow. For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, there is an accursed thing in the midst of the O Israel, thou canst not stand before thine enemies until you take away their first thing from among you. Just let me make this come, when I do something, that I that dishonours the Lord when the assembly.
Have to deal with a person who has fallen, and then there is a restoration. How important it is for that person, for me, for me to go right back to where I started to go off the track. That is what judging the route really means, to go back. Not just to say, well, I'm sorry I did this, to confess that I did it.
What led me to come to that fruit?
One of the girls in our own assembly a year ago at the Montreal conference, she was rightly safe and went on very happily, took her place at the Lords table and was a real testimony for quite a while. Few months ago we noticed there was a little bit of a change in her. She wasn't quite the same and the next thing you know she started to miss the meetings.
Started to go into a group that was going to be helping the third world countries and the next thing she has left the meeting. We also are intensive her father.
Catholic man, Frenchman. But how gracious of the Lord to give us an entrance to that home and we found. I asked the Father. I said, Did you notice anything that men off? Did you notice a coolness? And he didn't know what I meant, because he's not.
Believer and taught in the word. And I said here, did she stop reading her Bible and he said yes, he said. I noticed a month before she left home.
Upgrading about cure. April's later side, Both the lovely ones. Are we feeding them alone? Are we really not the word of God for ourselves every day, morning if possible, before we face the world. That's what is going to conserve. And so here there was the exposure.
Of getting to the root of control. So the Lord says, bring all those tribes before me.
Verse 14.
Verse 14.
In the morning therefore ye shall.
Ye shall be brought according to your tribes, and it shall be that the tribe which the Lord taketh shall come according to their families. Let's go down.
Verse 16 So Joshua.
Grows up early in the morning. Nothing about falling on his face. Now he's in urns. He gets up early in the morning. He's doing what the Lord told them to do. And brought Israel by their tribes. And the tribe of Judaistic here. Was that the privileged tribe? All the privileges privileged. Let me say this.
Has gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in this, the town here Appellate. You are the most privileged people in this town.
You're the people apart by God's grace gathered, and you there a testimony. Here your responsibility is very not that it's increased by taking our place at the Lord's table, but oh how important it is for every one of us to judge everything in our life that would in any way spoil the testimony.
Revealing the stores or our jobs or school, wherever it might be, probably we might realize how important it is as privileged people. There was the royal tribe, we are the Lords royal people as being Christians, but then also the privileged people that we are be gathered to his blessed thing. There was the tribe of Judah taken verse 17 and he brought the family of Judith.
They were my son-in-law made these illustrations and you could take a look after it and you'll see how interesting the whole thing is. But apart from that, here was the tribe of Jude 42,000.
About 42,000 men, they're single. That now God is reaching out his hand, his finger, as it were, and he's putting his finger. I just trust to God that there's no one here that is going on with something that we know in our hearts is dishonored for the Lord.
Nothing will weaken the assembly more than a heart and conscience. It was a man with a heart and conscience. It was the tribes first privileged tribe. The pride of the tribe of Judah is taken.
In the middle of 17 and he took the family of the Tsarites and he brought the family of the bizarrely man by man. And Zapdi was taken. And he brought his household man by man and taken the son of carmite spelled riddled. Now the son of Carmi, the son of that guy, the son of zero of the tribe of Judah was taken. So here we go down.
More more isolation.
Down to the family of eight areas with this chip. Look at the drawing. So this is not important. As to what the man looked like this morning, There he is, 1.
He's the troubler is God put his finger on that spot on that thing.
Now then, let's go on verse 19. What a change in Joshua now.
The Spirit of God has worked in that. And Joshua said unto Akin, my son.
Hereby praise the glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession not to me but unto him.
And tell me now what thou hast done. Hide it not from me done in secret.
Exposed to the eyes of everything, and that is what the word of God says. Those things that are spoken in the bed chamber are going to be proclaimed from the House time.
Everything that we say is restorative, the ear of the Lord, how important it is for us to be guarding our language, even in secret.
The Lord heard effort, and here now the Lord is. It's at least Joshua the Saint. Don't hide it.
That is all is what sin accompanies, or the accompanying of sins. Always time for the next verse. And taken, answered Joshua. I think this is Sophia, indeed, indeed not in thought. Indeed, indeed, I have sinned against Israel, you know, against the Lord God of Israel. And thus and thus have I done.
When? When Joseph was.
Attempted to be seduced by Potiphar's wife.
He said a remarkable thing. I told this to the young people in the Nova Scotia 10 for many, many years.
How can I do this? Great wickedness and sin against God wasn't against those men, or the woman's husband, or the woman against God. Every sin is against her.
How can I do this great wickedness of sin against God? And here he says against the Lord God of Israel and he his heart is opened and he confesses the whole thing. How important this is, how important it is. I had a brother one time that went on and seen in a prominent position in an assembly like 20 years. He was going on an immorality and he was hiding the holes. And at last.
The state of the assembly was.
Better. And when the 1St Corinthians 5 was taken up, he told me afterwards, He said it was just like a man with a £50 mouth hitting me on the head and he said I could stand it no more. And he said, as a matter of fact I took a bought a ticket to go out to one of the bridges across Montreal and the leap off and take my life. Instead of doing that, he kind of passed. He called together the brethren and he told everything.
It's so important, isn't it? When you and I are dealing with the Holy Lord God that we come into His holy presence, how important it is to have everything clear, no thoughts, even of malice against a brother unjust. If you do, If I do, I'm going to bring wings in this. And this is what he was causing amongst this whole vast number wasn't just himself.
It was not only his family. It wasn't only his larger group in his family. It wasn't only his tribe. It was the whole camp of Israel that was now under the judgment of God, Beloved ones, we affect each other. We affect each other. How do you live? How do I live? Do I live so that my life won't be a discouragement or a hindrance to others amongst the Saint, the Lord's people?
How important it is? And so now he says verse 21. Notice the four things here in verse 21.
When I saw his eyes first, when I saw, he goes right back now to the time when he is standing outside of Jericho and he's about to March straight forward into the city he saw.
Among the spoiled.
A goodly babylonish Babylon, Babylon the World.
The cream of the world. Probably some very expensive.
Particle that is being brought by somebody from Babylon, the capital of the world at that time. And here he sees it, it attracts his eyes and 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold of 50 shekels weight. And you know, here's the 2nd and I covered it.
First his eyes and then his mind he covered. He wanted them.
Sin is always preceded by thoughts in our hearts.
And here's the third one.
His hands back.
And behold, they are his.
Always accompanies sin. Doesn't we have to hide that we have to cover up. We have to lie to cover up our sins, whether we're deceiving our wife or our husband or our parents or our brethren. We have to hide those things with an awful conscience. And here was the man just exposing the whole thing, telling everything, the details of it, the order of the things. And then he says, and I hid them in the first.
That's all. The treasures of this world is just in the Earth. Nowhere else there's nothing happen.
In the midst of my tent and the silver under it. Now let's just pause there for a few minutes.
Here, here he is with his family and I know everyone is going to say, well, surely the children aren't going to be affected by her father. The children weren't doing anything. What? I didn't mean to see it at a minute. Now I believe we're going to see that those children must have known what was going on.
They're going to be involved in this. I say myself, what are my, what are my children? See, you know, the tent is our personal life, our home. That's the intimate circle of the family. That's the physical circle. The assembly is the spiritual circle. And so here is the tent and it is in the middle of the tent. Well, we know that those in those.
Tents. Why everything was exposed?
And possibly the children said to their father, what are you doing that I'm only supposing this? And the father said, you keep quiet now we're going to just hide these things. It's going to be benefit for you.
And we just keep quiet. And so there a hole was dug in the earth and in the middle of the tent where they all could see it, the middle of their home and their prostate covered over so that nothing would appear. I say this to each one of us who are fathers and mothers who are doing to our children.
Those heathen gods that they had at that time, big brass, hideous looking things. They they made them a brass and underneath it they had big fires lit. And they would make those fires so exceedingly hot that the whole brass thing, this hideous God with with its arms, it would be just red hot. What do they do? They bring their infant babies and they leave them in the arms of those guys, I say to myself.
What do we do to our children? Are we exposing the world to them? Are we bringing the world into our homes? That's what we're doing. We're destroying our children. I speak plainly and I don't have anybody in mind, but I say that to my own self. So whatever my children.
They turn out well. No credit to us. They don't turn out well. It's because we are to blame. And here was this man, guilty not only of bringing his sin and guilt to the whole of Israel, but is immediate and how careful we need to be the other ones in these dark days. Notice what it said there? There was silver and gold and a garment.
Turn take time to look at it. I'll just give you the reference in in Genesis chapter 2. It tells us there that our first mother on this earth.
She saw that that fruit was good.
To the site, and there she did the same thing she coveted and she took it. And she blamed her husband.
Paul could say in Ephesians chapter two, I think it is verse 30, he said. I have coveted No Man's silver and gold or apparel at the contrast there was even here is taken.
Using these things that would appeal to the eye, the clothes that we wear, how careful we have to be beloved ones. I'm not speaking with anyone in particular, but so much stress is being laid on fashions and being up to looking like the world.
And that we have departed so far away heavily. I'm not saying this in criticism, but just for the conscience of myself and each one of us. Do we look like Christians or are we indistinguishable from the world?
Wanted to have a garment that would be like the world's garments, the babylonish garments. I ask you this, did he ever wear?
Ever get a chance to put that garment on?
But every year you spend a nickel of fat silver for that gold.
Let's look on.
Verse 22 So Joshua sent messengers and they ran under the tent. They ran for series. When the assembly has to deal with matters, it is so important not to delay and say, well, we.
We don't want to be too fussy about these things. It must be looked into very thoroughly and quickly. And so the men ran to the tent, and behold, it was hid in the tent, and the silver under exactly as he had said. And they took them out of the midst of the tent, and brought them under Joshua, and unto all the children of Israel, and laid them out before the Lord. There was the whole thing. Shame. It must have been a shameful scene. There was the whole of the display, the garments, and the silver and the gold.
That which had weakened that whole assembly of Israel.
Assistance weakening our assemblies that may get any weaker.
We travel about. We certainly see it beside to see it. Why? Because we are allowing things of the world to creep into our lives individually. So here it was it was the whole thing is exposed now. Verse 24 and Joshua knows this and all Israel everybody was involved. All we involved the whole of the assembly because.
I say that that the assembly is The assembly represents here in in.
Hello, it's a little.
You might say a little cell of all the believers in the world. Your assembly here is the exposure of of the that which is the expression of all the believers on the earth to display the holiness of the Lord Jesus in our life, and how important beloved ones it is.
To realize that we affect each other's so much.
And Joshua and all Israel with him took Akon the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his passes, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had.
And they brought them onto the valley how they go.
And Joshua said.
Why hast thou troubled us?
The Darby translation says.
How hast thou troubled us? Not a question mark. It wasn't any more questions now it was. These were.
The Lord shall trouble thee this thing. He's going to turn them over to the Lord. First Corinthians chapter 5, verse four. It says this in the name.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, and my spirit.
In the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh unique destiny just parallel here.
For the destruction of flesh, that man wasn't going to be sent to hell. That man would sing in First Corinthians 5. But it was a serious offense that had been involved the whole of the church.
And he was delivered to be delivered by the apostle Paul in his power of his name, toward the distance that he might die. God graciously preserved him. God doesn't preserve this man.
And all Israel stoned him with stones and burned them with fire. After they had stoned them with stones, Both them everything waited happy little family in order to drive.
Stoned to death, burnt.
Why? Because God was going to have evil in that camp, and I believe this too that other ones. And though the assemblies are getting small, I believe that the Lord is going to maintain a testimony until they come.
But Matthew 18 it says where two or three first home or two or three islands since the childhood. Wondered what that would mean. Just two or three big assembly. We used to have 350 in our assembly and it's a large assembly still.
But the assemblies are going down, it's getting smaller and smaller, and I just believe this beloved ones that were being tested individually now individually.
Can't depend on numbers.
They are. May our hearts be sensitive to the effect before the Lord's Lord He brought that whole family down into ruin, and they're all dead, and they are in a valley of people.
Come to the last verse. But before we read the last verse, in order to pass on the thought that I have now just about to give you, I want to go back to the first verse, and then we'll read the last verse. There's a strong contrast and a little bit of a surprise. Look at the first verse. But the children of Israel committed a trespass in the first thing.
For Akin, the son of Carmi, the son of Zadai, the son of Zerah.
Of the tribe of Judah took of the accursed thing, and the anger of the Lord was kindled against the children of Israel, so He stopped there. Notice that this is the beginning of the story, and God tells the whole thing before it all comes out. You see, the Lord knows that He knows what's going on in the life of everyone who's here.
He tells the whole story before it happens, but it does say that the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. Alright, now look at the last word.
Verse 26 And they raised.
Over him that's taken a great heap of stones until this day. So the Lord turned from the fierceness of his anger. Wherefore the name of that place was called the valley of Hagar unto this day. See the contrast. First verse says that the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and here it says that the anger of the Lord is turned away.
Why? Because there was death.
And I think I can find it in James.
Then when lust have conceived, it bringeth forth sin and sin. When it is finished, bring forth death.
Romans 5 says.
Where sin abounded, Grace did much more about it.
Now I guess you wonder what I'm coming to.
I'm going to change the whole story now and I would like to point out that instead of this man.
A warning, and I trust he is to us now, We're going to look at the picture. We're going to see what the Lord has in all these things and telling us this sad story. I don't want to end this story on a dismal note like this.
God has a wonderful story to tell us, I believe. Let's go over to the Little Book of Moses.
Doctor Ezekiel, Daniel Fuzzy.
Chapter 2.
Verse 15.
And I will give that posse at chapter 2 verse 15 and I will give her vineyards for fence.
And the valley of Egor for a door of hope. And she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of each, and go over to Isaiah, chapter 65.
Thank you.
Verse 10.
Isaiah 6510. And Sharon shall be a field of flocks, and the valley of Achor, a place for the herds to lie down in for my people that have sought me.
Just this stuff now coupling these scriptures that I've read.
Entirely different place in the scriptures telling us a whole new story. Coupling. That was the fact of the first verse of our chapter saying that God's anger was kindled against Israel. The last verse that his anger is turned away from Israel. How is God's anger ever going to be turned away? Only one way, the other ones. And that is through what the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished.
He's the one. He's the one.
That Aiken is a picture of, and this is what I want to leave with you tonight. So that's where Grace where sin about it. Grace did much more of it.
God has turned the cross around, that cross which is the village, some total of what this world has done to God, beloved Son. God has turned that around and made it to mean the blessing for your soul and mind forever. And bless our blessed Lord. Jesus is that one who has taken the judgment, Adam who brought the whole race down, all his wife and his children.
Through obedient and disobedient.
Death came in, and the whole world is in this awful state. Time for how thankful we are, beloved ones, that we can see that the Lord Jesus Christ has come and he is our apron now. And what was a valley of despair and death and sorrow and and separation has become a dual.
So maybe go through that door, beloved ones, and maybe taste the fruit of the travail of his soul, Bless his Lord Jesus and the glory. Now he went into death taking his body. Lies over there in Israel, the blessed Lord Jesus, who was the one who took that stoning for worse than that, the crucifixion. He's now alive forever. He's sitting there in the glory, looking down into your heart and mind. May he find a response in our heart that I'll be doing. We're close to the end now.
And you hear we've come here to tell it, to encourage you to go on people.
Days of dark shadows are lengthening everybody's there's so many are giving up and turning into corruption of all kinds, compromising with the truth. Were unwilling to stand in separation for the truth, even if it's two or three alone. May God help us now and he will. He'll encourage you and me to stand until the moment we believe it's so close at hand. And he's going to give that shout. And we're gone on the day of faith.
Will be forever. All the trials and the sorrows and the fever of life will be gone forever and will be there. The day of faith will be over. But today, 11 months, today it's your opportunity and mine to give to the Lord just a little bit of prayer for all that He has done. He doesn't have much credit left this world that rises up in blasphemy against him and even the Christians saying such awful things about the Lord. May you and I seek the grace He gives it He provides.
Press on now on the last little block until we hear this year, let's down for.