Acts 10:16-end

Acts 10:16-end
Address—C.H. Brown
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Following an address by our brother Ch Brown at Fullerton, January the 3rd, 1916.
Kindly read Acts 20 starting with the 16th verse to the end of the chapter. Stop the teeth while the word is being read. Thanks.
Rather an ambitious portion for.
Just an hour of meditation.
So we can only hope to send reception about it.
Just as the apocalypse farewell message.
Through the decision, Elder, he tells us in this chapter, they labored among them for three years.
Some of us were speaking at the dinner table today of the.
Precious tender relationship, affections that exist among the members of Christ where we're thrown together.
In the associations that become us as the Lord's redeemed.
The longer these associations continue.
The more precious they become.
Become most intimately associated in the bonds of Christ.
We have the picture to ourselves, the dear apostle hastening to get to Jerusalem for this piece of Pentecost.
We can't take the time to go up to episodes.
He feels that he did. He'd be delayed too much.
The next arrangements ahead of time that he might have the elders sundown.
And he done burgeoning talk to them, and they can take the messages back to the beloved brethren at Ephesians.
Some my leaders who sent to emphasis that my leaders will support.
The occasion but.
My latest you sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church.
Would it be out of place to stop a moment there and ask what does that mean? The elders of the church?
In those days.
We take it for advantage and I think rightly so.
That the apostle had seen to it that wherever he ministered.
Elders were ordained by himself or one of his representatives.
In every place where they live now keeping.
Chapter in hand. Look at the 14th chapter of this act here.
21St verse.
At 1421.
And when they had took the gospel to that, that in the top many they returned, began to Lisha, and to Akonium, and to Antioch.
Confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the space.
And that we must do much stipulation enter into the Kingdom of God.
And when they had ordained them, elders in every church.
And it paid the fasting They recommended them to the Lord, on whom they had believed when they had ordained them elders and every church.
Ordained elders in every church.
That is the order.
Day of the Apostle.
Now we may draw wrong conclusions at this point.
When they say if that's the case.
Let us have the same today. Let us have ordained elders and all our family.
Well, beloved, there are two reasons why we don't have them.
And why they can't have them?
In the first place, we haven't any.
Apostles, you haven't any properly constituted authority to place them in our meeting. That's the first reason.
For on no occasion, as far as the word of God tells us, that the church itself ever hold an election and elect or choose their elders.
That was left to the apostles or to those with delegated authority.
We have no apostles today.
The only Testament apostles and the New Testament prophets were occupied with laying the foundation of the Church of God.
We have built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the truth cornerstone.
They belong to the foundation. The foundation is laid.
Apostleship was not passed on in succession.
We've got that very distinctly brought out in Peters epistle.
Of course, was one of the cheapest of the apostles.
And he reminds us to whom he wrote that after his decease.
They were to keep in mind not what his successors should tell them, but they were to keep in mind what he had written to them.
In other words, the only succession they were to have on his demise.
Would be the written word itself. He made no provisions to have someone take his place when he was flew down here.
Nor was any such provision made, as far as we can learn from stitches for the Church of God down to the ocean, your position made for a continuation of the Apostolate.
That's the run route.
Now the second reason is this.
The person we had the Apostle Paul here today.
And we could say to him, well, brother Paul, you know, we in Fullerton here would like to have some ardained elders.
And will it suggest that since he was here, that he should appoint them?
You know what I surmise would be the apostles reaction to that?
What these are selling us with another question and say, well, if I ordained elders for the Church of God in Fullerton, where shall I put them?
As we pass that question on to us, what would we say?
Would we say this is the tips of God in Fullerton?
We would not if we were taught of God.
No, we wouldn't be getting of a misinterpretation or a misunderstanding of the mind of God to say a thing like that.
What is the Church of God in Fullerton? The Church of God in Fullerton is composed of every blood, box, spirit, indwelt, soul in politics. The Church of God in Orange County is composed of every blood bought it still stores or still engraved souls.
Composite the sessions are.
If the apostle were to say, well, I'm going to put them all here in this little group.
Or how inflated we would become. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't consistently do it.
Because we cannot rightfully put a sign out in front of any building where we may be privileged to meet and say the Church of God will meet here at such and such a time. Why can't we?
Because we're only just a poor little remnant.
A poor feeble little remnant trying in these last days.
To maintain the truth as we find it in the Word of God.
But let us none of us ever become intoxicated with the idea that we are the Church of God.
Your brethren was just a poor little remnant.
The Word of God has much to say about Remnants. You know, they have a lovely place in scripture. It's a friendly to be identified with the believing Remnants. But the Remnants must never get the idea that.
That they represent the whole thing? Never. And God thought.
Any members of the Body of Christ in Orange County is just as dear to the heart of the Savior as any one of us here in this room this afternoon.
God doesn't believe in favoritism in that way.
Every dear blood box soul is present.
Through the heart of God, to the heart of Christ. And if you and I have the thought of God, if we think his thoughts after him, we're going to have a section for the members of Christ as we meet them here and there.
The apostle calls for the elders.
How many were they?
We're not told. I don't believe you can find anywhere.
Sending your testimony.
Well, we're given anything, any description that we can pin down that eldership and say every church had 7 elders, 5 elders, 3 elders.
But there's one thing we absolutely can pin down, and that is that there was no church that just had one.
There's no such thing in the New Testament as the elder of the church that's out.
No, the elders were always more than one.
Now another question.
We ruled out ordained others because we don't have the proper authority to ordain them.
Let's ask ourselves this question.
Does that mean that we have no elders?
No, I do not think it means that we're without elders, but we are without all facial elders.
But in the goodness of God.
In his mercy and his kindness, in His consideration forest in our remnant character.
Who does raise up of those among us that function in the capacity of elders? Thank God for such.
And I believe that things recognizes such not losing our place here. Look at first Thessalonians.
The 5th chapter.
Last chapter, first Thessalonians and the 11Th verse.
Therefore comfort yourselves together.
And edify one another even as also you do.
And we beseech you, brethren.
The No Lamb.
Which labor among you and are over you in the Lord, handed money, and to have seen them very highly in love for their work sake, and be at peace among yourself.
There is an excitation to faith to give recognition to those.
From the Lord is praised to raise up among us. Let's take the lead among us.
I turned a little further to the last chapter of Hebrews and we get a similar thought.
The last chapter of Hebrews and the 17th verse.
Obey them or submit to them that have the rule among you are better translated that takes the lead among you.
Submit themselves for they watch for your soul.
As though that must give account.
That they may do it with joy and not with juice, for that is untouchable for you.
Now if we're taught of God.
We are going to have that spirit of submission to those whom the Lord may place in a position of godly leadership among us. There are such in the wings of God among us wherever we go.
Submit yourselves under them, those that take the lead among you, for they watch for your soul.
I presume some of us in our younger days.
Had little idea of the exercise of soul to which some of our older brothers passed.
In their desire to see us go on with the law, how much time is spent in prayer? How often they mentioned our news before the throne of grace as they sought to lead us on in the truth and she is preserved, and the snares that were laid for our feet.
I would say to you, younger Christians that are here today don't despise the leadership that God has been pleased to set.
In the meeting with which you are identified.
When a brother in the assembly comes to you, and since to speak with you in separate care for your soul.
If you resist him, it isn't that you're just in rebellion against that particular brother, but you're in rebellion against the law because the Lord has placed those in the meetings that have on their hearts the welfare, the Saints of God, and they signed out of an honest and good heart, a shepherd and care for the flock of God.
You know this word, Elder?
Synonymous with another word and secure. That's the word business. Look at the first chapter of Titus and we'll see that.
Write us the first chapter.
And the fifth verse.
For this cause, let's Ivy increase.
The 1007 orders, the things that are wanting.
And ordained elders in every city. I had a point of view, if any, blameless. The husband of one wife, having faithful children, not accused of riot or unruly for a Bishop. Now these things are terminologies. We're still talking about the same man. Well, these things are terminology. Now he's a Bishop. A Bishop must be blameless as a steward of God.
Not self will not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker not given to selfie losers.
Love of hospitality, a lover of Goodman, stobers, just holy, temperate, holding fast the faithful word, as he has been taught that he will be able by sound doctrine both to exhaust and convince the game Sayers.
Now there we see that an elder and a business.
I have a thing.
Why use the 2 words?
Well, the elder is the name of the office.
And I would take from the original word that used for elders that it suggests that it's an older brother.
All that time older, of course, is a relative term.
In a country such as the United States of America.
Where the ordinary lifespan seems to be around 60 or 70.
We look for the older brothers, the Big Brothers with Gray hairs, Expect them to be well on in years. Let our brother Alexander telling me that down there, and that's part of Mexico where he's been laboring that they don't live that long. And our brother Eric Smith told us to Down on the plateau there's a northern Bolivia.
The lifespan down there comparatively short, so we can't pin this thing down and say you've got to have 60 birthdays before you can be an elder, maybe only have to have 50 or maybe 40.
In a way, it's a relative matter, so we mustn't be legal in these things. But we do see that one thing was requisite, that they should be those of ripened experience, both in their personal life and in the assembly, in their family life. They were not to be novelty.
I've met with some cases in my day and I suppose you have food. I've met young men around, unmarried young men around.
2122 years of age that would tell me was considerable prize. Yes, I'm an elder in the church and unmarried young man in his twenty. Well, we don't find anything like that in the word of God is false. Those that are going to assume the place of leadership in the Assembly of God are those that are right and inexperienced and remember this.
That there is no substitute for ripen the experience and the things of God. That's the reason the word of God says not a novice, not one really come to the faith.
Sometimes we have those brought to the Lord energetic.
Flashes born to leadership.
And being really saved, they want to do things and they immediately strive to take over.
They need to wait. They need to be part of God. They need to ripen up in the school of God.
For in the ways of God, he hasn't seen fit to put rural in the church, or leadership in the church in the hands of such.
I remember old brother Willis that kiss Tipper Willis, father.
Giving an address. Just design. Getting here today. This was at the conference in Chicago.
He was speaking along this line.
He says all my children have a better education than I have.
Says, There's one thing that none of my children have. They don't have my experience. Let us not discount the fact that some of our brethren have been in the past few years. They've raised the problems that believers meet along the way.
They start to get God's mind about the various situations that arise in the church is gone and had a privilege. It is to have those to whom we can go that are able to give us helpful advice along the way.
Now I went to that in its last analysis, the authority of the Word of God takes two things over anybody's advice that goes without question. None of us are ever wiser beyond the word of God. None of us are going to be guilty of putting forth any dog. No, the word of God in this reign supreme. But let us beware.
When we resist the greatest careful leadership oversight.
Of some brother or sister in the mood who's trying to help us.
Let us see to it that we're not resisting the voice of God through our conscience. If we do, it'll be to our loss.
It's an excellent false presenting himself here in the plaintiff of the acts of these elders.
782 first.
You know, from the first day that I came into Asia.
After what manner I have been among you at all seasons. After what manner?
At all food.
Sometimes brothers.
Wonder why?
They don't seem to have more weight. Why the brethren don't listen to them better than they do.
Do you think we might have the answer to it here?
It also reminds us of season elders after what manner he had been among them at all seasons.
And then as we read that chapter, defining a Bishop and Titus.
Notice the qualification.
Are you complaining that your brother don't listen to you?
You feel hurt and slighted because you don't have more weight in your meeting.
You think, brother, that you might have some of the answer to it?
In this deception of the Bishop.
Not South Wales, not seen. Angered.
Dear brother, look at yourself Will. Do you lose your temper?
If you do, if yourself will lose your temper.
If you're a stressor, that means one thundering all the time.
You can't wonder if the veterans do not pay you the respect when you speak to them, if you'd like them.
This thing went both ways. I said. He, my brethren, when they come to me, But on the other hand.
That brother who assumes a place of leadership in the Church of God.
See to it. And he has a manner of life that corresponds to that place of leadership.
And the brother who's constantly losing his pain.
She's constantly trying to have his own way, resting himself through.
Is not wrong. Is going to command the respect in the confidence of the state.
After what manner I've been with you at all season, serving the Lord with all criminality of mind, humility of mind.
There's nothing more.
Cut back to little extreme, they'll turn that down.
There are few things.
More unbeknownst.
In a servant.
Then to become pompous and overbearing.
The Apostle was not that.
No, Serve the Lord with all humility of mind.
And as many people.
Our ministry for him never became a soft, easy pursuit.
No, he wasn't leaning back in the lap of luxury and his service for Christ. It was a rugged reality for him wherever it went.
Said the Lord with many tears and cries.
I remember dear old brother father saying more than once. He said if you want a happy service for Christ, go out and preach the gospel.
But he says if you want style hot, serve the sentence off.
11 It's true. The one that's going to serve the Church of God is going to bear on his heart.
All the trials and troubles would affect the same.
And that is not true. That the trials and troubles that may be in our local assemblies at present moment, our new thing in the history of the Church of God here on earth, They have always been here.
Certain states the truth of the church. Satan is the enemy of God and of Christ. Satan doesn't want to see anyone going on with the Lord in this world.
He wants the flowers. In the confusion he's ever casting in the apple of this part among us, that we may get it out with one another. When he's doing that, he's working at his place.
Let's never get discouraged because things are not going as smoothly as it may.
But let's research into the closet and get on our knees and try to God for wisdom and help through the difficulty that may be present at that time.
Or I've seen.
Some situations.
Wedlock situation and impasse that it seemed that nothing could break.
God came in and answered.
Some deep, earnest, long class sinks on their knees, crying out in united prayer from God to come in.
And I seen those situations clear up and dissipate and disappear, and Saints go on again and happy harmony all. Let's remember that we have a living God in heaven that's interested in the welfare of these people. Don't give up, don't succumb.
To these old stores that will exist.
If you all know tired, baby.
He wasn't out.
And they bring them, God help them to.
Just looking for the next month steps.
And leading us now.
He was there to represent God.
Is there to speak for us a mind of faith. And he says. I stepped back. Nothing is possible underneath.
Do we want 2276?
Anything to it?
Do it. We desire to keep to ourselves. Grow that will.
All that's been saying, the things that took a lot is.
What we do, we're not in the mind of the spirit of God.
We were there in the 2nd 10 minutes as the time is coming.
Whenever nothing doers sound option.
But they'll heat to themselves to keep having this in years and turn away that way from the truth.
Well, what's the penalty for that? They should be turned undestable.
If we resist the truth of God, if we say I won't have it, then we're going to have certain substances, we're going to be turned aside to something that's not the truth of God.
Well, the dear faithful apostle Paul.
Wherever he went.
He gained hold back anything.
We're living in a rare compromise.
The desire for good things.
Besides, they said hi.
And there's others. The truth suffers.
Passes in the groups because men have set certain goals and they say they're going to listen to.
At what price? All sad to say, at the price of the surrender.
Of much of the present truth of God's Word.
60 value more.
And good, good powerful assembly.
100 getting together.
Or the train crisis on the decorated trees of gas. In all experience, which will be prepared?
You know it costs something to walk in the truth of God.
And read it does. Where that will limit Godling, Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
The devil was always ludicrous into the path of compromise.
We say, well, why do you have to do some differently from everybody else?
Why does it fall in with the pattern, the accepted pattern around?
What do you know how that works?
Why do you do it? Why do you say? Well, things aren't too far off center. Let's do it. Let's fall in with accepted panic.
Is accepted pattern 25 years from now what it is today? No, it's just gone that much further off centers. And so if you try to keep up with accepted patterns, you're just gifting, gifting gifts and generation to generation and you know where you'll end up. You're going to end up and layer this year. That's for your end layer to see us. What is Laurie Lucia? It's the last of the seven cities.
As recorded in the second and third chapter of Revelation.
And it's the professional Church of God.
Become such a naughty thing that the Lord Jesus Christ.
The head of the church has to say I'm going to steal you out of my mouth.
As a hateful A rejected testimony.
And that's exactly what's going to come.
All this build up that's growing around it that's going on around us today.
Yes, build up for world power, whether it seems a policy from or whether it's in Protestant news.
It's all heading for the same.
And it isn't far off when the whole thing is going to collapse under the governmental hand of God.
It's a day at present from the Lord, lower than you hear, and thank God he has them here and there.
Two more of them. They're not lost in the crowd. He has his eye on it.
One of these days in here, the South and everything one will be caught out of this world that needs the Lord in the air.
But all is not a sad thing to say. And then can still go on functioning as though nothing had happened.
Representation Be there next Sunday to give these sermons.
The people can be there to hear it, the elders in the distance can be there, and the thing can go on, functioning as all the Lord has never come.
Because it's a non save proofage.
And unsaved distance and unsaved elders and unsaved members.
Now that may be an external location, but it shows the point.
The Lord is going to take out all the mediums long ago.
Those that have a vital link to the living Christ and glory, he's going to take them out and this dead, lifeless profession is going to be left behind.
All beloved. They can't afford to take the load of compaments.
Paul says. I set back nothing it was possible to do. You want to have gospel?
We want the pitching of a line of truth that's constantly dodging 50.
All Rd. into the moon and he's trying to make God around here and there to escape the significance of birthday that he comes across in God's word.
Every word of God is healing, and you and I have no right to discount one person in the lives of the books. It's Paul, written for our instruction and our learning.
Well, what was the burden of Paul's ministry? Well, as far as the gospel.
It was testifying both the Jews and the Greeks.
Repentance towards us and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
You can never improve on that.
If you haven't started with repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, you just haven't started.
That's fundamental. That lies at the foundation of all.
Have you taken sides of God against yourself?
That you're taking your place in the just.
And his Christ become your All in all.
Have you said yes to the pleadings of the Spirit of God had returned to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ah, the one in whom you'll have to put your face is God Christ.
Many talk strikes today, they put them at the front door.
Yes, they do. Your doorbell rings, you go there and somebody wants to give you some medicine. Maybe, the magazine says, oh wait.
You know that magazine would be better named Go To Sleep.
It's an opiate to put you to sleep. It's a denial of the truth of God.
Yes, Satan is busy. He robbed of God's price. Or be sure.
That the Christ whom your question is God's Christ.
Where the world is full of any Christ today.
And their number is increasing and one of these days in a different power.
The Antichrist is going to appear on the thing, and the world that has turned its back on God's sight is going to welcome Satan's Antichrist. Oh what a world it is. No wonder the heart of the Christian says Even so. Come, Lord Jesus.
Now a little further down.
26 verse.
Wherefore I take you to record this day that I am pure from the blood of all men.
When I have not done to declare all the council of God.
People say, well, why do you have to go into all those things? Why aren't you satisfied just to pick the gospel?
Just get people saved. Let it go at that.
Or, brethren, what a misrepresentation of the heart of Christ that is.
That isn't God's truth.
Why the Apostle Paul bore upon his heart and his ministers to present every man's perfect.
Inside every man. Perfect, So long, mature.
Don't ever be satisfied with the attainment of the system or their vast heights. Yet to be still, we never stand down here. That's long gone wrong.
Someday we're going to be welcomed into the perfection of His presence. Then there's no more progress to be made in that way. The ground here you can always have more of Christ. You can search the Word, and if you live to be 100 years old and your mind's clear enough to think, you'd be discovering new and blessed truth in the Word of God that you haven't seen before.
I had that little Mr. Potter stay at my home.
In 19 years in succession, during the time of the morning country, sometimes it'd say two weeks, sometimes it's basically.
And the thing that I often notice.
But the way that old gentleman ready by.
And he'd get up early too easy.
Anything crap to me. You know, I saw something in there, in the script, in that scripture this morning I never saw before in my life. And I think to myself, well, I don't understand that. I thought she knew everything in that book.
And yet he was mentioned new discovery. And there was, with his patriarchal old way heaven and his white beard looking the very picture of heavenly wisdom. Yet he was still finding new discoveries in the word of God. Well, that's wholesome.
I took your direction to this day, that I am cured from the blood of all men. What does he mean by that?
Ah, he means that no one could ever accuse him.
Of having misled them after the truth of God doesn't ever say pause and never told us that.
You never ministered that truth.
So he accept himself and they're responsible for the blood of any. I'm not trying to declare unto you all the council of God. Do you want left?
You want less. You want to live by less?
I was about to go to some company where they're quite satisfied. There's 75% of 50% and 25%. You got any, any percentage you want that 5 or 10%, five percent, 1%?
How much do you want?
I'm not stunned to declare you all the council of God that was called minister.
Well, the dear man comes down now to the end of his address to the elders.
And the kids no doubt ran down the street.
As you told in a sad news.
That he knew that after he was gone.
Satan is going to get busy and divide them and scatter them.
And that scattering is going to take place in two ways.
Jehovah Witnesses in the 7th Day Adventists and the Christian Scientists were going to come along that drew this world and scatter the flock.
I don't believe that hurts the apostles.
I don't believe that the success that he touched things like the next.
Also of your own style shall men arise.
This is perverse things to draw away disciples after James.
That's what made him lose.
That's the reason, he said. Therefore, Watson, remember that by the space of three years.
I seek not to warn everyone. They are not.
Oh, how sad it is.
When a brother.
Assumes the responsibility.
Of dividing the Saints of God, of your own self shall men arise, looking for birth things. Headstrong things determine things.
What for the jaw away disciples after themselves?
All the Saints of God is suffering under that light for all of history.
The thing had already started and stirred in Paul's getting everything. I'm a Paul. I'm stupid. I'm a Polish. I'm Christ, it's driving way back there.
But it's just as heinous in God's sight for there as it was then.
God stops having things a bit.
And you know, beloved things in God, I believe I can say it with with true humility and heart. I'd rather just quit.
I'd rather die right here standing Vic.
And ever be left in this team to divide the Church of God? I think that is one of the saddest tragedies that could ever possibly come into the life of a of a servant in law. The guilty of leading away a person of the Church of God can Christ to send his destiny might have a personal following.
Or how contrary to the heart of sight that is.
The Good Shepherd gathers, who sits together.
The Good Shepherd wants to see them step together as one flock he loves in every woman.
You know, Mr. Potter said. That has been helpful to me down through the years.
It's kind of.
He said, Brethren.
Remember the Lord has settled. Remember the Lord has shepherds.
But it has no separate laws.
All that stuff been off topful thought for me.
In what spirit do I do I yearn after those whom I may?
Is it a self-righteous of Paris or the Spirit?
Or do I have the heart of Christ? It bears them upon my heart is belonging to him. And though I long to see them gather, Christ is the center, it will not be happy in His presence again.
And our brethren.
I come in with a God, and to the word of his grace.
Notice he didn't say. I commend you to the apostles.
We didn't say I commend you to the elders or the deacons.
We commend them to no earthly authority whatsoever.
We commanded them to do unchangeable objects, God and the Word. And God seems no God that changes not.
Ever Thy word is settled in heaven.
He commanded them to God.
And the word of His grace.
Which is able to build you up.
And to give you an inheritance among all remittance sanctified, God wanted to be built up in our most holy things.
And we do that.
And he wants us to have an inheritance among all them is sanctified. Bethan God's people are sanctified people, have separated people and gathered out people.
And so Paul is commanding into that job and to that word that would bring them into the realization that God wants us separated in the holy people.
All when we see things of God.
Signs of Tom noodle.
The holy things of God, when the price of this world got an insult, it is for the blessed Lord Jesus.
Oh beloved must wake up.
Let's remember how near we are to the end.
Is our association that?
God can recognize as a sanctified association.
Is our fellowship was sanctified fellowship?
Our our relaxation from time to time are they strengthified? Relaxation somewhere in the desert and the reservoir. God has no objection to people coming apart and resting a while. But are they sanctified? Relaxation.
Now the 36th verse.
When he had just spoken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all.
Played with them all.
Said wisdom not absent.
No, not over them.
They all knelt down together and he prayed with them all.
On the left shore and fell on Paul Smith. The system. How lovely are the affections of the people of God.
Don't ever seek for anything like that in the world. You'll never find this.
Going join this or that, but you'll pay your way, and you'll pay as long as you're there.
All that you have is a mercenary is a mercenary return. It's all on the basis of what you've got.
That all beloved, this fellowship in the which you and I are brought by the grace of God, is the fruit of Calvary.
It comes down from a bell from the head of the church. Such lovely affections you see displayed here.
All wept sore and fell on Paul's neck and how they loved them.
Will be an unfaithful shepherd. Had he always smoked, spoken smooth things to them.
Just the way they wanted it. Absolutely no. And when it's been today farewell time, their hearts and sanctions is told them that that dear man of God had told them the truth.
And to serve God, talking to their arms around them, and their tears and tears and mingles as they pardon for the last time here on this earth.
Styling most of all to the words that he spoke.
That they should see his face no more.
And they accompanied him to the ships. Yes, there they go, down to the shore. They watch him get on the boat.
And I can see them moving as the boat pulls out.
You know, we had a little brother among us, namely William George Hughes of Ottawa.
Is there drifted? Settlement starts.
He was instrumental in my being at the Vancouver conference.
My wife and I both in 1913.
And we took boats from there down to Seattle.
And that old man continue. The last time I ever saw him, I both pulled out. And there's your old Gray hair section. That faithful servant. Really. Thank you. Where they had to see the book pulled out the end of the day. That was our last night of the ministry.
All beloved. Hallelujah. The acceptance of Christ. Let's not betray them. Let's not seek a substitute. Let's go on the job. The Lord is coming. Let's go closer together. We need each other. I need your encouragement. I know I'd love to be a little encouragement to you. The Lord's coming is so near. Double quote.