Acts 18: October 2005

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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Now Paul left Athens and was led of the Holy Spirit to journey westward to Corinth, the capital of Achaia. This city was noted for immorality, but God wanted the gospel to reach these sinners. What a joy it must have been to Paul to be led to the home of Aquila and Priscilla. They must have enjoyed sweet fellowship as they toiled together in their trade as tent makers. Aquila and Priscilla, being Jews, were commanded by the emperor to leave Rome. An assembly of believers gathered in Corinth. As Paul continued there for a year and six months, there was plenty of time for good teaching so that the Corinthians could be established in the faith. Again we see that it wasn’t long before the Jews raised up opposition to the truth of God. Paul was taken hold of and brought before Gallio’s judgment seat. He cared for none of those things that Paul was charged with, considering it only to be a question of words, names and the Jewish law. Paul then left Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus, and while they were there, an eloquent man named Apollos came through. He only knew the teaching of John the Baptist, but he soon learned the way of God more perfectly. Now that he knew that Jesus was the Christ, he was of much help to the believers in Achaia. The more we learn of God’s Word, the more we can help others.
1. Why did Aquila and ____________ have to leave Rome in Italy?
Acts 18:___
2. How long did Paul continue in Corinth ____________ the Word of God?
Acts 18:___
3. When Sosthenes was beaten before the ____________ seat, what was Gallio’s attitude? Acts 18:___
4. Name the man who was ____________ and mighty in the Scriptures.
Acts 18:___
5. What was he able to do for the disciples in ____________ ? Acts 18:___