
Listen from:
Address—C. Buchanan
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Says by thee, Oh God invited.
To look under the sun.
Lord insulation and God's invitation. You want to look into the sun this afternoon.
By the old Lord in by.
Man, we cry.
All right, let's scream.
A lot of our sins, all of our dear.
To start with.
A few verses in John 16.
Beginning with.
Verse 13.
The Lord Jesus speaking here says how be it?
When he.
The spirit of truth is come.
He will guide you into.
All truth.
For he shall not speak of himself.
But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.
And he will show you.
Things to come.
He shall glorify me, for He shall receive of mine.
And shall show it unto you.
All things.
That the Father has our money, therefore said I, that shall take of mine.
And show it unto you.
In this section in these few verses.
To find a wonderful depth.
What the Spirit of God is here?
In clarity.
To the followers.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2 believers.
Earlier in the chapter there was the work.
That the spirit of truth, the comfort would.
Do for loss of sinners out of the world.
To convince, to bring the demonstration of sin, of righteousness and objection to come.
For us, that's all taken.
And God wants us to go on in the liberty of the Holy Spirit.
Unbraid and yet for our own good, everything we have read up here.
It can be.
The Spirit of God has come.
When the Spirit of God is and he is a God.
Just as much here as the day he didn't come to go into that.
But that's just a tremendous thought.
That Jesus would give up having finished his work.
Down the Spirit of God according to that.
But let's just think, the Spirit of God is come.
I quote to you.
From First John 520.
About Jesus.
We know.
That the Son of God.
And that he had given us an understanding that we may know him that is true.
And we are in him, that is true.
Even in his Son Jesus Christ, this is the true God, and he turned right. First of all, it was the Son who came. He is come, is present, going on in the tents that as Jesus came and became a man and he remains.
God manifest in flesh. What a tremendous thing that is. That's the beginning of all of our blessings revealed in the Senate. God is coming.
But the Son of God came.
And finished his work.
As to glorifying God, as to hold the sin question and laying a basis to redeem, to save sinners and bring them to glory. And he went up and from that place he sat down in the Holy Spirit. We're in the age of the Holy Spirit here on earth today. But here said, when he, the Spirit of God is God and he is his God, what was he going to do for you now?
He will guide you into.
All truth.
No injure, it's all.
It's all for us.
It's known. It's apprehended by the Teacher of the Holy Spirit.
To those who walk in that trip, like the children of Israel, were given the Promised land.
All the way from over there at the Euphrates River.
Or the battle raged Virgin Gulf area all the way back to the Mediterranean and all the way from Lebanon on the north to the Willis from South.
But they didn't possess anything.
They only possessed what they walked. Now out of the truth, you and I only possessed what we walked. But he's here to give us all.
For he shall not.
Speak of himself means that he would not be independent of the Father and the Son.
Just like the sun.
When he came.
Just hold the 16th.
Turn back to.
Chapter 12 at the end.
To get.
What the Son said when he came and who he got his words from. Think of Jesus.
He is come as a man and he he walked the earth and talked and what did he teach and where did he get it? John 12.
Verse 49 Jesus his last words in his public ministry are these 1249 I have not spoken of myself. You see the same language that means he didn't speak independently.
He spoke in conjunction with the father.
And the Spirit of God will vote for me.
I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me. He gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting. So the Gospel sound, the way of the gospel, like everlasting, is made known by the person of the sun and his work. Than the last word were whatsoever I speak, says Jesus. Therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.
And the Spirit of God follows the same path.
He does not speak of himself. That means he doesn't speak independently.
He gets his message in conjunction with the Father and the Son, and he's the active one on Earth.
And so he teaches.
Verse 13.
But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, that says the Spirit of God down here, where in the last part, John 1630.
Whatsoever he shall hear, that shall that shall he speak.
Tells us again that he fumble the Spirit of God here. Follows the same pattern that Jesus did when Jesus was here. Jesus got his message in conjunction with the Father. The Holy Spirit gets his in conjunction with the Father and the Son here, up there and he's down here teaching.
And who's he teach? He will show you things that come.
The first thing he's promised here to tell us is promising.
The future Are you interested in a course where we can't do anything about the past? It's gone.
They can't get back. They like to reminisce.
What's valuable?
The future Do you know, do I know what's going to take place?
There's no one with her that knows the future like the gathered Saints, the poor, according to the teaching of a Spirit Father.
Keeping the truth of the one Body, and allowing the liberty of the Holy Ghost to interpret, to teach from the Word which He has written.
And if you and I are going to know the future, we're going to be like Daniel, that young man in a captive land were in the world and I was supposed to us.
Are the captives in Christ package now? But Daniel was in the rough situation and he was doing two things.
For the witch, God opened up prophecy to that young man.
What was he was reading the book?
That he was reading in Jeremiah chapter 25 and he was praying.
And identifying himself with Jones people in the.
So the future and perhaps see the truth.
But what's next on the schedule? The Rapture?
The seven years of the tribulation.
As a Millennium.
And the Great White Throne.
On the day of Eternity is known only to those who accept the Spirit of God's teaching in this book.
And we must be getting close to the very beginning of that, and that's the rapture. But we're not there yet. We're still down here. So we want to get these things that the Spirit of God is here to make known to us. Now, the next thing in verse 14 is very important.
He shall glorify you.
The Spirit of God is here to glorify Christ.
Not to glorify the Spirit of God.
And four men in the systems have messed in Illinois.
And they want to claim the power of the spirit of talking tongues, and even to perform miracles and gifts of healing.
For notoriety, for fame and for money.
That kind of thing is not.
The Holy Spirit.
He owns Lord Wise Christ, He never pays attention to himself, running in the flesh and making something noble to man.
Now that's one of the tests that we have to try, the spirits for the dear God.
So the Lord says he shall glorify me. That's a blanket first statement here in this verse.
For he shall receive a mine, and shall sow it unto you.
That's the worthless fear of God to make Christ know.
When he talks about things.
He doesn't just talk about some things, he talks about old things.
You find this.
In many places in the Bible.
Politically quoted.
All things look together for good to them to talk more to them who are the cold recorders perks and believe it.
And perhaps you'll enter the depth of what those old things are.
But when we get to the end of Revelation.
21 The reward to the overcomer says he that overcometh shall inherit all things. Do you enjoy your 4000 and 66140 acres in Highland? That's a little piece of ground, a nice home that's nice to have. And the Lord knows we have even some of these things down here to gain a lively cut.
I think of all the pictures.
He that overcometh shall inherit all things.
So the Lord talks about that here, All things that the Father hath.
What the Father has belongs to the Son.
And he shall show it unto you.
The whole thing, that the Father hath our mind. Therefore said I, that he shall take our mind, and shall show it unto you.
Then he says a little while there's sixteen, he shall not see me again. A little while and he shall see me because I go to the fall of it. So the Lord Jesus man up.
And let's go then to Acts chapter one to trace the.
Descent of the Holy Spirit down into this world, who is promised and who has come, and who is here in our favor, to teach us and to show us all things, and to open up prophecy for our enjoyment.
And get the actual happening in chapter one of Acts beginning with first one.
The former treatise Have I made opiates of all of Jesus began both to do and to teach. Luke is referring to his book of the Gospel, but this also follows Matthew, Mark and John where we have recorded many things that Jesus began to do and to teach until verse 2, the day in which he was taken up after he threw the Holy Ghost.
Have given the commandments under the apostles whom he had chosen, to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion. That's Jesus and resurrection by many infallible truths being seen of them. 40 days approving period that Jesus was losing, he showed himself.
To the disciples, to the apostles.
Being seen of them 40 days and Speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, that's in the future.
And the things concerning the Kingdom of God that we can understand from the book and being assembled verse 4 together with them.
Commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father.
The Father promised to send her a spirit. The Lord had promised to send the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. We promised to count John 14 and 15 and 16, which said, He, ye have heard of me, is referring back to what he had written in the Gospels.
For John purely baptized with water, but he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
Only 10 more days. Let's go down in 10 days, Chapter 2.
Now, this is 50 days after his resurrection. He was.
Jesus had finished his work and he showed himself alive by many infallible fruits for 40 days.
And we read all We found out where Jesus went after the night.
And 10 days later, chapter 2, when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven.
As of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting, and they appeared under them, pulling tongues like a sapphire, and sat upon each of them, and they were all field.
The holy person will stop there now.
Spirit God is God.
Down in.
About 10 years ago.
I was going around with our brother, Pharrell Valderrama.
To visit.
Of his relatives.
And it rallies a wonderful evangelist.
When he got saved, he just thought he could convert everybody in Lehman. He found that he couldn't do it, but he got that kind of a heart, you know?
And he still goes after those he knows and seeks to bring the truth of the gospel to them if they like to get the blessing.
So he asked me to go around, but I was glad to visit several homes regarding a confused situation.
That was a burden to me.
Mona Raoul's relatives.
Have delved into Roman Catholic charismatic movement.
And we got into that place and.
I could count some feelings.
I was very, very uncomfortable.
And they were a group that was going to have some kind of a vision, some kind of a voice.
And it was supposed to come from this matriarch, this aged lady sitting in a rutting chair.
And there was they passed around some little.
Tablets with songs on them just.
Short thing, they just chanted that music.
And I sat there and prayed.
I think around it too.
And two or three young people came in, they were sitting close to the house, filled up.
And they tried to get a vision and they.
Because the Holy Spirit was there, and a few people.
And didn't let that other spirit get in there.
But what they were saying is, oh, Holy Ghost, come.
And after calm down, I said I'd like to speak a few words.
I said. You people remind me.
Budget school children, they're sitting in A room.
And on the table is a great big bowl of candy, available to anybody that wants it.
And all you have to do is take it and you say, oh, give me candy, give me candy, give me candy, give me candy, said the Holy Ghost is come. He is here. He came and he is here. We don't have to ask the Holy Ghost to come. Now, that's the ignorance that's in some of the systems that men have set up. They don't realize that the Holy Ghost is.
He is here. He's here right now. He's here. He's there.
Greater see that is in you than he that is in the world.
Well, here it came.
He's still here.
Now this was in the axe.
Where we noticed that he came and he followed. Through the book of the action, you'll have what is really the action of the Spirit of God.
In and through men. Let's go to the 13th chapter to have just one example.
Then we're going to get on into the epistles quickly.
So are Paul and Barnabas.
Get their missions.
To go forth and evangelize and teach. Chapter 13, verse one.
Now there were in the church that was at Antioch.
Certain prophets and teachers.
As this fiber, the carnivus and Simeon that is called Nagar AS2 Lucius of Irene, that's three and Manaan, which have been brought up with hair, the teacher and soul. Now he's fine.
They were in the church and Antioch. They weren't the church. They were just fine prophets and teachers in the church.
But they were doing something, verse two, as they ministered to the Lord. They serve the Lord in our Sunday school.
We noticed that in writing Titus.
Pole begins with saying.
Paul the Servant.
That's what he wants. That's what you and I service ministers.
May we carefully minister to the Lord from the book that he's given us as they minister to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said separate the Barnabas and saw for the work for him to. I told them and when they had passed it and prayed, they laid their hands on sent them away so they being sent for it by the Holy Ghost. That's why I agree you see, the Holy Ghost took over. He selected those two they were called.
Both of them were called apostles.
Now, Chapter 15, the converse.
Going into the solution out of it, it's very interesting problems. I suppose you'd get a few. And so we get down on lunch, really, and each local assembly you get in Congress, and what are you going to do about it?
Well, we have a pattern of the problem, and we have the Holy Spirit to wield the sword of the Spirit, to enlighten us and to guide us in grace to go on for God. It was a horrible doctrine that tried to export from Jerusalem the first verse. Certain men came down from Judea and talked. The brethren said, except to be circumcised and keep the after the manner of Moses, you cannot be saved.
Right back.
Think of that. Tell the Gentiles out. You've got to be circumcised after the matter of Moses. He can't be saved with the Spirit of God. Let that stand in no way.
Gentiles were never put under the loan. Bad duck. It had to be cleared up.
And it had to be cleared up where it came from. So they had to go back up to Jerusalem, to Judea, and the apostles and elders were there and they got a kind of a beginning of an answer out of a brother's name that is out of meeting of the apostles and ailments.
And it was. They were all together and.
Peter began the.
Message and James clinched it, but they didn't say in the end, well, this is an assembly decision. Let's read the words they did use.
To put to it down in.
Verse 28.
It seemed.
Good for the Holy Ghost.
And to us.
To lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things.
There is the way of grace.
We are not under law, we're under grace.
And grace and love and faithfulness.
And attention to the Word of God to get what seems good to the Holy Ghost and to us. That was the apostles and elders. They came to a decision rather contrary to the teaching.
The apostles who were Jews and.
You couldn't have gotten that kind of a decision out as Jews. They had to get it by the Holy Spirit. I want to go to John's first epistle now and touch on what John has to say for our own comfort in this age in which we live.
As the Holy Spirit here.
And we confess our weakness, the Church which has begun there, and by the baptism the Holy Ghost, including the Gentiles. Max, 1011.
Was formed and remains. The Spirit of God is down here.
In that baptized body, and we as gathered Saints are only a dairy small current.
Of the baptized body. I speak of the baptism the Holy Spirit now, which is reality and you have the body. It's reality I believe and every believer those dear Roman Catholics are labor amongst in South America. You already saved or just much in the body as we are and any other denomination doesn't exclude from the body of Christ. When they're saved, genuinely saved and trusting in the Lord Jesus, they are baptized and they're in the morning.
He meant that we should the Lord pray that we Almighty 1.
But whatever is committed to man goes into the room.
And we confess we're just a part of the ruin. But there is a path to see. And the faithfulness to what is what is there is one life.
And there is a teaching by the Spirit of God.
To to guide us into all truth that we have. So in first John two, we want to get that from the apostle John by the Spirit of course, in verse 20.
First John 220 we read a few verses.
But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things. That's the anointing of the Spirit of God.
Verse 21 I have not written unto you because you know not the truth. She's talking about the same using the same language he's regarding into all truth.
I have not written any because you know not the truth, but because you never.
And that no lie is asked the truth. How cute was the word?
If I lie doesn't do away with the truth, the truth abides.
Check with you.
The truth abides.
If you look in your own private reading and.
2nd Corinthians, The last chapter you read we can do nothing against.
The truth, but for the truth, I like to use that verse with this one.
Supposing what I did online, that doesn't do away with the truth. It doesn't destroy the truth. The truth is over there. I'm not in it, but the truth of eyes. But you and I can do something. For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. And we're here to support the truth. That's what the Church was formed to be, the pillar and ground of the truth. We are supposed to go on in that way.
Verse 22 who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ.
He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son.
Many of the so-called denominations deny this and the Jews deny that Jesus is the Christ. That's the Jewish apostasy.
Verse 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. The Unitarians have nothing.
They have nothing. They deny the son. They haven't got the property.
You have to have the whole of the print and the whole of the Godhead.
Verse 24.
Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning. He goes back to the teaching of Christ here on earth, and on into what the Spirit is going to talk. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, He also shall continue in the sun and in the Father.
And this is the promise that he had promised us eternal money.
We have it.
We know that Son of Gods come and that He giveth us understanding that we may know Him that is true, and we are in him that's true even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. We have eternal life.
Verse 26 these things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you a warning of the Antichrist that we're even coming. John's day and they're prevalent in the word of the day. You'll find it in the newspapers. I was improving. The man claimed to be the Christ. I was in the Dominican Republic when another man had himself crucified in the courtyard of the hotel. Some of our brothers.
Of course he didn't die and they said he had supports under his feet, but there he said under Christ he had himself crucified Antichrist. Antichrist there in the world today.
Now we want to get this 27th version.
But the annulment.
The ocean.
Which he had received of him. That's the Spirit of God.
That anoints us.
Abideth in you, and ye need not in any man teach you.
But as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, you shall abide in.
Berlin, I believe I have seen and even felt that in our weakness, in our small gatherings, when they get together frequently, we seem to have very little gift.
But in reading the Word of God, the Spirit of God teaches.
In my experience for 60 years.
Defined in low gatherings.
Seem newly saved to follow the order of the book and they don't have some of the great gifts.
Because they have enough, we have enough. Because we have the Holy Spirit.
And we give the liberty of the Spirit. I make a mistake in my teaching a brother, correct. And that's the way the truth is held. We can go on for God in faith and faithfulness. Now we want to turn to 1St Corinthians chapter 12 to get the.
Truth about what the Holy Spirit has done and is done for the sake of the body of Christ today.
The first one of First Corinthians 12.
Now, concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
We know that you were Gentiles, the Corinthians carried away with dumb idols even as you were led that land of hedonism.
The Spirit of God came over and Paul preaching verse 3. Wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God called Jesus occurs now that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit.
The same spirit.
And there are differences of administration look the same woman.
And their diversity operations, but is the same time which work at all we have the credit issue.
The same Spirit, the same mind, the same God in this action.
To supply the needs of the church while she's down here.
And there are many gifts and you can't say and I can't say that I don't have that because everybody.
Yeah, and they're all necessary.
And they're all help.
And if you just look at your own body.
And compare it. If your right arm could say I'm not going to work anymore, you got to get along without me. How does your body function?
You just don't think somewhere else.
We need each member of the body, each one to function in his own place.
Verse 8421 is given by this number seven, but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to drop the holy Passover, that there's a manifestation of the Spirit of God in everyone so that all of us make profit together.
41 is given by the spirit of.
The Word of Wisdom.
To another, the word of acknowledged by the same spirit. To another faith by the same spirit, To another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit. We notice that he always says the same spirit in this list. In First Corinthians 12, these gifts are reparted, given out by the Spirit of God.
Actually in Romans 12 where we have another list that seems to be called.
And in Ephesians 4, where Christ is the ascended on high, He gave.
If in the man is Christ given to death, but here in particular it's the action of the Spirit of God here on earth to recart the gifts for the whole of the body, and we need these gifts.
To another verse.
To another verse 9 faith by the same spirit, this is a special kind of faith. Evidently it's a special gift, even as the special gift of wisdom and knowledge was before that.
In those days to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit. You see, the Spirit of God acted in a powerful and miraculous way to attract to Christ at that time before the book was written.
And it did attract.
And then after the Bible was completed and the work was.
I mean, the word of God is available.
Some of these gifts were withdrawn in a public sense, and we.
Can't take much time to go into that, but we know that that's the fact.
Going on.
Verse 10 to another working miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits. What a wonderful necessary gift that is. I think they can have that if we look into the word and see how we can test the spirits of John himself tells us in his first epistle. Very necessary in the time in which we live, when there are so many winds of doctrine to another divers kinds of tongues. Now when I went to South America, I didn't learn to talk Spanish. All of a sudden I didn't get that checked.
Had to work at it for years to be able to talk to Spanish.
So it just was a demonstration to me that the signed gifts weren't given to me. At least in this way it wasn't necessary. They were interpreted and they were did brethren down there. That could benefit your interpretation as well and other reasons.
To another the interpretation of the tongues, verse 11. But all these work at that one in the self same spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
And this 12Th verse as the body is more.
Here's an absolute fact.
Is what we were saying.
Everyone that is born of the Spirit is genuinely say the child is gone, is in one body. Christ has not two bodies.
The first chapter of this epistle, that tremendous question is shaped here when you hear it is Christ. That might absolutely impossible.
Based on that there is.
I'll say what some objective insistence of these.
There can only be one testimony.
Truth that there is one body because two is division.
I firmly believe that there's only one trivia.
To the true fact that there is one body, may I seek that place and seek to go on there. There is one Bible.
For as the body is one and have many members, and all the members of that one body being many are one body, so also Christ is the way it should read.
Hold this place and they'll go to Genesis 5 and read the second verse because very early.
In the Bible we have a type that fits this exactly.
When you read verses one and two.
Genesis 5.
This is the book of the generations of Adam.
In the day that God created, man in the likeness of God made.
He him male and female created he them.
And bless them and call their name Adam.
And the day that they were created, he didn't call their name Adam and Eve.
They were.
And when you and I are baptized in the body of Christ, the name of Christ is critical. That's what we have here this 12 years.
All the members of that modern body, being many, are one body. So also Christ, or you could say the Christ, the head and the body is Christ. Oh how near that we are linked up by the Spirit of God, united to Christ our head in glory now practically.
It's very simple to see.
The wisdom of this.
So even as I stand here.
Or you sit there.
You have to get all the commands and directions as to how to check somebody'd hand, how to stand up and pull.
Or any action of the body coming from the head.
And the body that functioned well always does that.
Now we'll use a case of a person who's coldly *******.
You've seen them, you know that they have an affliction.
And their affliction interferes with the command from their heads, their hips, actually, all right.
Nerve commands don't get through and they can't handle their whole body properly.
That's a picture.
I'm afraid of crystal.
Who gets their commands?
And confuses them. He mixes them all up and doesn't pay any attention really to what their head dance to say. And they get into all kinds of dissension and argument.
Men's rooms and creeks and darkness and wicked duck because they're not holding their head.
You and I must.
Hole in your head and listen to what the head has to say.
Now the next verse 13 tells us.
And what took place when the Spirit of God came down, and I believe it includes.
Acts 2 That we read, and Acts 10:00 and 11:00 to bring the Gentiles in.
For the 10th chapter of this book, it mentions three groups that God recognizes on the earth, the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God. So once the Spirit of God did, when he came down, he baptized into one body what is called the church from the Jews and from the Gentiles. So that's what we have at verse 13. For by 1 Spirit are we all baptized.
Into one body.
This is a vital action of the Spirit of God.
We actually had nothing to do with it.
Therefore, it's a perfect life.
You know, I had eternal life. We're in union with Christ by the Holy Spirit and Jesus sent down from that country.
By 1 spirit.
Are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one spirit?
Now we have that spirit and in order to function in the body.
There's much truth given. You could go on if we had time and the rest of this chapter and in the love chapter comes in between and the actual operation of the function of the church in chapter 14.
These things we know and these things we need.
We need one another.
And two other little admonitions that I need.
I don't know what you do, but I should probably do. We'll look them up and read them in Ephesians chapter 5.
You want to ask somebody to help me find that this works with greed, not that Holy Spirit provides your seal for the day of redemption. Sure, it's right here somewhere, but I can't put it up.
Patience 45 is.
443430 OK, Thank you. I was looking the wrong question on the page. Thank you. That's at 4:30 and.
Agree. Not that Holy Spirit, not for by your seal until the day of redemption.
You see what happened when I act in the flesh or you act in the flesh? It hinders the positive action that we read about in John 16/13/14 and 10.
And the Spirit of God, if I act in the flesh, you can't keep me. All the truth as to the person of Christ and his glories and the prophetic things, but he has to make me think about my seat.
And to correct that first and bring me back into communion in it forward with the book that the Spirit of God wrote. So every time I grieve the spirit and it's the allowance of pleasure grieve the spirit I'm hindered in growth in the soul. So that's we want to grow Peterson last word growing grace and in truth and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So we understand that greed, not the Spirit and we go to.
First Thessalonians chapter 5 to find the 2nd.
Little simple statement that I'm sure we need.
2nd The 1St Thessalonians, Chapter 5.
A little list of short versions here which are so helpful, beginning with verse 16.
The positive is so much more blessed than the negative. Rejoice evermore.
The shortest verse in the Bible, except for one.
It has 2 verses, 2 words and this has 2 words. These words are little longer. Rejoice and.
Next thing is pray with empathy, be in that attitude to ask from God as a dependent preacher. That's what we are.
Pray in everything, give thanks.
But says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. And here's the other short affiliation.
French, not the spirit. Now this speaks to me. I'm sure it speaks to you.
What this is, is the hindering.
Of the action of the Spirit of God.
In another and it could be in myself.
I am not to quench that spirit of joy. He has given out the gifts. We had them there in chapter 12. You have yours, I have mine.
The body needs your help, they need my help. We all have a service to performing the body like your fingers and your feet.
And every part of your body and the unseen parts of the heart. And ever, perhaps the most important.
In fact, he says so in that chapter.
We need one another.
And the Spirit of God is the one to direct us from the head, who is Christ and glory, the lines of communication open by the Spirit of God and the liberty of the Spirit to teach us. And that's the reason I said I have observed in reading meaning amongst the gathered Saints where there wasn't much gift that they just drew and couldn't. I can think of a deer, a man in his way who are pretty much isolated. I never saw anybody. It holds much truth as he other brothers go along with me.
Taking on the breaking of bread over there in Indiana for some 40 years.
As a real live demonstration to me of what Job says who teacheth like Him, you have an option of the Holy One, and you know all things. Read through it and wait on the floor, and you get your teacher and you'll get the wizard, and you'll get the premise and the love to go with it. But don't quench the Spirit if He asks you to, dear brother, to give out him or to pray and clearly do it.
Don't punch the spirit.
And don't say anything that requests the spirit in your brother.
So this is.
Craft will pinching up the Spirit despise, not prophesying. I've listened to Indian brothers.
In port clothing and learn truth from.
The source is from.
And an humble Indian brother can say the truth in just a precious way. We're not to despite it because he's just a poor brother. Never.
Prove all things.
Despite our prop sign prove all the things tested by the word of God. Hope that's that which is good. We're going to the last chapter in the book.
And find out the Spirit of God's last words.
And we're just ready for it.
The Spirit of God is here. We are here. We're not going to stay here. The Spirit of God is not going to stay here. When we leave, he leaves.
Divine accreditation. Most perhaps all of the great events in the Bible.
And here we find.
The Spirit of God in his place down here.
And verse 17, well, I'll start with verse 16 because they have Jesus, alright? Jesus have sent my Angel to testify into you these things in the churches. I am the root and offspring of David and the bright and Morning Star.
We're looking for the orange carpet, right?
Now here's the language of the Spirit and the God.
And the Spirit and the Bride say.
The same spirit is here in the church.
And in this last chapter in the Bible, he's inviting Jesus.
Well, Jesus is much, but he waits till he gets the command from his Father to rise up and come and get. And when we go, the Spirit of the car goes to Let's sing a hymn closing number.
131, which mentions the Trinity.
Praise, which is the Father give praise. We see the first born bring praises for the Holy Ghost sent from heaven, Pentecost.
Some brother raised the 10 and just singing the last stance verse 4.
Plus our portion.
For us.