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Address—L. Smith
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Shall we ask the Lord's blessing?
How thankful we can be.
For the encouragement from the Word of God that we've enjoyed at these meetings.
Let's look at a verse in John chapter one.
Verse 36.
I was thinking.
Here we've had all this Wonderful.
Spiritual food for our souls.
And it's going to be true with each of us.
There's an Ant.
There is an and. What will we do with this now?
There's the rest of today. Sometimes we see the little saying today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Sometimes we see the little saying today.
Every day is a chance for a new beginning.
But when we have food from God, it's wonderful if the and in our life.
Glorifies God more.
If in just if, instead of justice hearing something that tickles our ears, there's something that comes into our hearts with transforming power.
This verse says and looking.
Perhaps everyone here can see.
Some of this is better than others.
But even a blind man with spiritual eyesight can see.
If you're yet in your sins.
You're not seeing things that God.
Want you to see?
And you need the Savior.
And there's a lot of places you can put your eyes nowadays.
Some of them are very defiling.
Some of them will undermine everything you've heard in these meetings.
But this says.
And looking.
Upon Jesus.
That where my eyes will be.
Tomorrow, the rest of the day. So where your eyes will be.
There's a pure bright object for our hearts.
Dear Saints of God.
Looking upon Jesus as he walked.
He could say I do always those things that please him. What a man.
Oh, we have an object for our hearts, don't we?
Looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith.
Behold the Lamb of God.
Here's the young man.
Perhaps 30 years of age.
John didn't know him before.
But now he knows.
He says he's the lamb.
Of God.
Oh, what an object for our hearts, and what a provision for our souls.
One that's come into the world to take away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
We live in a world that increasingly.
Puts everything before us so constantly.
Junk mail is bad enough.
If you thought you had to read it all.
But there's all kinds of things, isn't there?
But here's an object that will never defile you. Never.
Pure bright object.
Let's look at Hebrews chapter 12 again.
Can you turn the morning mic up?
They can try to talk louder.
Hebrews, chapter 12.
We had in verse two looking unto.
The author.
And finisher of faith, this whole book of Hebrews.
Its major subject is faith, isn't it?
Christ of God, we mentioned that.
As he touches each thing, it for the first time becomes better or perfect.
And the very things that were originally set forth of God to tell man.
By a shadow on earth, The figure of things in the heavens. God.
By his blessed Son touching them sets aside. By glory that exceeds.
Each thing.
Brethren, if he can set aside.
That which was by divine instruction.
Because Moses was told, see that you make everything according to the pattern on the mount.
If he can set that aside.
That Christ may be all. How much more can set me aside? Christ may be all, How much more can he set you aside? Christ may be all. And in this chapter we've read about the different things we go through, like chastening and scourging and so forth, because he wants Christ to be seen out of the vessel.
Let's go to verse 18.
You're not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire under blackness and darkness and Tempest.
Sound of trumpet and voice of words and so forth.
Verse 22.
But you are coming to Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.
In Acts Chapter 7, Stephen says.
That you have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
Let's turn to 2nd Corinthians 3.
It speaks here of the giving of the law in verse 7.
As the administration of death.
Written and engraving in stones, it says, But if the administration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away, how shall not the ministration, the spirit, be rather glorious, or exceed in glory? The one is introduced with glory.
The other.
Exceeds in glory.
For subsists in glory. For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth administration of righteousness exceed in glory, even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect.
By reason of the glory that excelleth, Oh dear Saints of God.
God has connected us by faith in the Lord Jesus with a glory that exceeds all that was ever on that mount.
But the God you and I know desires to have his heart known.
In this earth.
And he uses men.
Failing though they may be.
To let his heart be known.
There's one man, another is written, He's been on this earth that might commend the place, and he's not here. Jesus is in heaven.
The rest of us are failures.
Sinners redeemed by grace at the best.
But there's a God in heaven who wants his heart known.
If we were to turn to Isaiah 58, I would encourage you to peruse that chapter.
There Israel had.
Gone over their religion for centuries and they get down to where they're fasting and afflicting themselves and God's disgusted with it.
And you find in its context, what he wants to have displayed in their life is his character.
That's what was displayed in the early church, wasn't it?
Well, this administration.
That subsists in glory and exceeds in glory is the very thing you and I have been called to share.
And I was thinking, let's look at Proverbs chapter 29. There's a verse there.
Verse 18.
Says this the first part of the verse where there is no vision.
The people perish.
Where there's no vision that people perish.
What we've had before us in these meetings we've had.
The heart of man brought before us that we're responsible.
To control our thoughts.
What our hearts are going to take up with, we're responsible.
We should be careful to be taken up with that which is of God.
Isaiah 33.
This is a day I believe coming in Israel verse 14.
The sinners in Zion are afraid. Fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites.
Now, when the Lord manifests himself to that nation.
They dare not just be playing around about knowing God. There has to be reality.
If you've been here these days where we've been privileged to be under the word of God.
And there's no reality in your soul.
This could apply to you, especially if the Lord comes immediately.
Fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites, but then this question is asked, Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? That's not hell.
As God.
Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? The answer is he that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly, he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes.
That stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil. He shall dwell on high.
His place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks. Bread shall be given him, his waters shall be sure.
Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty. They shall behold the land that is very far off.
Talk about vision. Isn't that a wonderful vision?
To see the King in his beauty, to behold the land that's very far off. We've had Abraham looking for that city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Why, How wonderful that is.
But it says in the end of Hebrews 12 for our God is a consuming fire.
I don't know how many of you have been near a big fire.
It's pretty scary, isn't it?
To have those billowing flames and that black smoke and that terrible crackle and the very breeze that it creates, it creates, you know, forest fires create their own winds As soon as they get up to a plume of 20,000 feet, they can be very strong winds.
But our God is a consuming fire.
We read God is a spirit.
Isn't it amazing?
That the grace of God.
Can bring the poor lost Sinner.
To be at home in the presence.
His own presence.
Our God is a consuming fire to go through this chapter we've had.
And realize that we who were once lost in our sins are now redeemed by the blood of Christ.
And at any moment, we'll hear his shout.
And we'll rise.
Out of this world into the presence of our God, and be forever free from the presence of sin, and be absolutely at home there, Moses said about that place on the mount he was exceeding.
I exceedingly fear and quake, and you and I are brought by grace to not fear Quake.
The elders in Revelation.
If you look at them in the various places, they're never disturbed.
They are at peace.
They know what's going on.
Isn't that wonderful? Representing believers, I believe.
God wants to have his heart known in this world. I want to look at a few young men. Let's turn to Exodus 24.
Verse one.
And he said unto Moses, Come up unto the Lord, thou and Aaron madab in a Bayou, and 70 of the elders of Israel, and worship, be afar off, and Moses alone shall come near the Lord. But they shall not come nigh, neither shall the people go up with them.
Verse 9 then went up Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and 70 of the elders of Israel, and they saw the God of Israel.
There was under His feet, as it were, a paved work of sapphire stone, and as it were, the body of heaven in his clearness.
Marvellous upon the nobles of the children of Israel. He laid not his hand. Also they saw God and did eat and drink. This is an amazing sight.
In a lost world, a nation entrusted with testimony of God.
Verse 13 And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua, and Moses went up into the mount.
Of God. And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you.
Forsake of time, I won't read it all.
Verse 16 In the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And the 7th day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. And the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel. And Moses went into the midst of the cloud and got him up into the mount. He was in the mount 40 days and 40 nights. Let's go to chapter 32.
Forsaketh time will just say Moses received those 10 commandments.
The Lord tells him to get down, that Israel had defiled themselves, and in verse 19 came to pass as soon as He came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing Moses. Anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and break them beneath them out.
What a time.
Chapter 33 and verse 3.
The Lord says I will not go up in the midst of the Lord of stiff necked people.
Verse 7. Moses took the Tabernacle, and pitched it without the camp, afar off from the camp, and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass that everyone which sought the Lord went out unto the Tabernacle, the congregation which was in the camp.
So the law.
That he received on those tables of stone got broken.
He doesn't appear to be commanded to break them, but in his anger he broke them, and his anger was correct.
Verse 11.
Moses has gone out to the Tabernacle. Cloudy pillar descends in verse 9.
And in verse 11, the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
Isn't that marvellous?
The Lord speaking with man as his friend.
And he turned again under the camp, but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed, not out of the Tabernacle.
Moses, evidently.
Appreciated, Joshua.
But I was struck with this next verse. Moses said unto the Lord, See thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people, Thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me.
Moses is called the meekest man in all the earth, and I think this verse displays that.
He could say, well, I really like this young man that serves me, can't he lead the people?
He says, Thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me.
We've had several of our older brethren here with us. Some have already.
Left for home.
I want to ask you, dear young man, if the testimony to the Lord's name were left up to you.
Would you?
Lead the people of God to His glory.
Could you, like Moses, be willless?
And listen.
Or things from God.
Can you bring a message to the people of God?
That is meat in due season.
It's a question for my own heart. It's a question for anyone that desires to serve him in some measure.
He is worthy, dear young brethren, young sisters, mothers.
I was thinking of this difference.
It gives us their name specifically then when up Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel.
Nadab and Abihu went up on that mount. They didn't go up as far as Moses did.
But they saw His glory.
Will glory preserve you?
What did they do?
A little later they offer strange fire, and fire comes out from the Lord, and.
Their cinders.
Oh our God.
Is a consuming fire.
Is there any room for self will in the Church of God?
Do you get to approach God the way you will?
Or is it going to be according to his word?
Do we fear before him?
That there might be that which is acceptable to him.
No doubt we'll learn what the flesh is. No doubt like we've had in the very tenderness of Hebrews 12, chastening, maybe even scourging because He wants us to be partakers.
Of His Holiness, that he might have representatives here below that can tell out his heart.
To lost mankind, to weary Saints.
We read about the hands that hang down and the feeble knees. I was trying to think, Don't they take a rock and let Moses sit on it?
And Aaron's on one side holding up a hand and her on the other, and there's a battle going on down there.
As long as his hands are up, the battle goes on.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places.
If your heart as a redeemed child of God.
Lays hold of the spiritual conflict that's going on in this world.
So that you stand for God.
And you hold forth for him.
It'll be more exciting life.
Than anything this world has to offer.
And it might just be between you and the Lord.
It's well worth it.
Laid amateur by hue were exposed, I should say. They had the testimony of the glory of God. You've come to these meetings. There's an end in your life.
Every life here.
Where is it going to go from here?
We sang of our blessed Lord Jesus, unmoved by Satan's Wiles or suffering, shame and loss.
Thy path, uncheered by earthly smiles, LED only to the cross. What are we expecting?
Some of our brethren are suffering.
Persecution and death.
Sometimes it's so simple.
But I wonder if we'd be confused by the simplicity of the situation.
You're meeting with the Word of God.
And the Chinese police raid the house and they find the Bible and they line you up and tell you to spit on it.
And if you spit on it, you can go out the door.
Some sister comes along and picks it up and wipes off the spit and kisses it.
And in their normal manner of execution, a little gunshot to the base of the brain and she's gone.
Don't take powerful doctrine.
Does it? What's it take?
A love for God's Word.
If persecution were to break out in this land, then it could well do that.
Will need vision.
We need it anyway.
Vision that beholds the Lord in glory.
My, this feast we've had these last couple days, don't you wish you could share it with every believer in a persecuted land?
You know their hearts would be thrilled to hear this.
Exodus 33, verse 16.
Wherein shall it be known here that I and Thy people have found grace in Thy sight? Is it not in that Thy thou goest with us? So shall we be separated, I and Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth?
Think of that 40 years.
Pillar of cloud by day.
Pillar of fire by night and they got so used to it.
They hardly cared.
And Iraq followed them with water wherever they encamped.
Miraculous, we say.
Do we become so familiar?
With God's Word and God's truth and meetings.
That we lose that cutting edge in our soul.
Where Christ is all.
How are you going to be distinguished from other people?
The presence of the Lord.
Nate Abbott and by who saw glory?
But you wonder if they apprehended.
Of God. Likely they didn't.
Or they would never dare approach.
The strange fire.
And if you and I get into the presence of God.
In our souls.
The last thing we're going to try is something of self will.
Verse 18 And he said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory. I just broke the stones.
It doesn't say that, does it? But I added that to say the stones have been broken.
He's got to get it again.
But he wants to see his glory.
And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee, and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious.
And will show mercy on whom I will show mercy, he said, Thou canst not see my face, for there shall no man see me and live.
The Lord said, Behold, there's a place by me, thou shalt stand upon a rock, and it shall come to pass, while my glory passes by, that I will put thee in a Cliff of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by. And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts, but my face shall not be seen.
The Lord said unto Moses, hewed in two tables of stone, like unto the 1St.
Here's a manifestation.
Of glory.
That apprehends the person, the presence, and it comes between breaking stones and hewing stones.
It comes between God said you're stiff necked, I can't go with you. And he says if you don't go with this.
How are we going to be different than anybody else?
You know what really distinguishes a Christian?
Though very poor I may be at it is something of Christ likeness.
In our ways.
Many years ago I was in Hong Kong.
The US Navy and a fellow said I'm going over with you, Smith. They recommended in that city not to go alone.
When he was a Catholic man.
A married man and he wanted to go with me. I said I'm just going to a Christian book room.
You probably find it a little boring now. I'm going with you. So we went.
We got there and Sister Helen Willis.
Was there in several Chinese refugee artists were painting scripture texts, watercolors, and I had a little moment when I could say this man doesn't know the Lord, he's Catholic.
Well, not that you can't know the Lord of your Catholic, but that's about all I had time to say. Well, I wandered around and looked at these other artists working and dear Sister Willis sweetly gave him the gospel while we were in that book room. I don't know how long we were there.
When we left, we walked out in the.
Courtyard And she opened the gate and we went out on the street. She bid us goodbye.
And we hadn't walked far. And this man said to me, you know, she's just like Jesus. You never want to leave her.
I thought how sweet.
That's for God, isn't it?
What a sweet savour.
There can arise for His glory.
So Moses sees this.
Awful sight as he comes down from the mountain, he breaks the stones and he says.
You've got to go with us.
He says.
To me bring up this people now not let me know whom thou hast send with me.
Well, there's a land of promise.
Some of our older brethren have already passed on.
Will he send you?
To bring forth words that are words in season for his dear people.
How young should you start?
Can start with a verse.
All that at any age.
Maybe you visit an older sister or brother in a nursing home.
Before you go, you have prayer and you say, Lord Jesus, just give me a verse that will be encouraging to them.
You go there and maybe you give out the verse. You don't know if it did much good, but they give you a verse that really encourages you.
It may start quite small.
But make it your life habit.
This takes place.
Verse 4 Moses goes up into Mount Sinai again to receive this rewriting.
Verse nine He says, If now I found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us.
For it is a stiff necked people pardon our iniquity in our sin, and take us for thine inheritance.
Oh, how wonderful.
What an intercessor.
And he's prophesied, saying, A prophet like unto me, shall the Lord your God raise up from among your brother?
That's Christ, isn't it? The Christ of God.
God had to say, a man cannot see my face and live.
Well, let's look at 2 Corinthians 3 again.
We read about that fire on that mount, that glory.
Verse 7. Here we read that glory was to be done away.
It was a glory of condemnation, glory as it was.
Verse 11 For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth.
Is glorious.
All the magnitude of blessing that's now been poured out in the risen Son of God.
And so it says in verse 12, seeing then that we have such hope.
We use great plainness of speech.
Such hope.
Now if we go back to verse 6.
The Apostle says, Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament?
Not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For this letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life for 17 Now the Lord is that spirit.
And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's liberty, but we all with unveiled face.
Beholding the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as.
By the Spirit of the Lord.
Oh, what a transforming thing.
There's a man in the glory who has utterly glorified God in every respect. God found all his delight in him when he walked on the earth. That man found all his delight in the Father's will.
That Will took him to the cross.
There he laid down his life.
There his blood was shed, and he was taken down and buried, and it was not fit. The grave should hold him.
Though he rises from among the dead, Mary Magdalene was mentioned in these meetings.
We don't see her as a real intelligent person.
About what was going on.
But all the heart.
That wants its object. If you and I have a heart, the once its object, and that object is the Lord Jesus in glory at the Father's right hand. That's vision.
The brother that faces the wall in China this afternoon.
And gets that gunshot to the base of his skull.
What a price, because Jesus means everything to it.
The rapture happens. We're going to see him in a moment.
Dear young people.
Do I have such a vision of what God is up to in this world that its glory?
Means less and less and less.
And the glory that we are called to means more and more.
He was quoted of John Baptist. I must decrease. He must increase. I must decrease.
In Hebrews 12, that chastening less scourging.
Is to help us decrease.
That he might be everything and all the glory that he's called us to, to look in that face of the risen man, the man who is so happy to be there, knowing that all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth.
On the end of Matthew he turns and says, this is the way it is. Go ye therefore.
Teaching, baptizing, preaching.
There are eternal destinies ahead, heaven and hell.
Those of us who know the Word of God and the message of the Gospel have this opportunity, don't we, to spread its truth.
How wonderful.
If it's power arrests a soul.
From eternal damnation.
Into the very presence of God.
If it doesn't, where will they go?
Right off into hell.
Eternal torment. Awesomeness.
I'd like to look.
Well, I mentioned Joshua, some young men.
Moses wanted to know who the Lord had sent who would help. Later he reveals to him, Joshua, you put my charge upon that man.
The Lord tells him, and he leads the people of God into the land of promise.
Let's look in First Samuel chapter one. You can only touch upon a few points.
I hope we're familiar with this story because I don't have time to go into it in detail. We know about Hannah.
Here was a woman who was barren.
She was the wife of a Levite.
And she had no children.
She seemed to discern.
The State of Israel.
And she asks the Lord in verse 11.
She vows a vow. O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look upon the affliction of thine handmaid, and Remember Me, and not forget thine handmaid, but will give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life. There shall no razor come upon his head.
This request is blessed.
And this request is honored.
And a child is born, and a child is presented to the Lord.
In the context of these next few chapters, you can peruse on your own.
There are two other men, Hofmey and Finnehas. There's also a priest named Eli.
If we look.
At these leaders, Moses and Eli, and we look at glory and its effect on these people on Nadab and Abihu.
What glory do we get in Samuel's day? Things are so weak.
Like I said, is there a purpose in the heart to serve the Lord acceptably and come forth with words of deliverance, words in season for the people of God? How did it start with Samuel? It started with his mother. Isn't that marvelous?
You dear parents, what a privilege you have to take this inheritance from the Lord your children, and to seek to put into them that which will be to the Lord's honor and glory.
Well, she brings this little laddy.
With a rather good sized offering in verse 24.
To Shiloh, not because it was such a place of marvelous order.
Perhaps she sensed that the only deliverance is a man child that's holy for the Lord, and so she presents a little Nazarite in verse 26.
27 Pardon me.
For this child, I pray.
The Spanish says for this Nino, this infant, I prayed this little one.
And the Lord hath given me my petition, which I ask of Him. Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he liveth, he shall be lent of the Lord.
And he worshiped the Lord there.
Then we get a beautiful prayer.
Of henna.
Verse 11 after that volcano went to Raima to his house, and the child, the little child Nino says in Spanish, did minister unto the Lord before Eli the priest little boy here to day.
Little girl.
You know there can be purpose in your heart.
Even now, to serve the Lord acceptably.
That's wonderful, isn't it? Why did he take up the little children into his arms and bless them?
Well, really, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, and the children are surely part of it. Who has more right to bless and have blessing from His creatures than the Creator?
So here's this little child ministering unto the Lord before Eli the priest, verse 18.
But Samuel ministered before the Lord, being elhoven.
Is really what it is in Spanish, girded with a linenie font.
Now he's grown a bit.
But he's got on those priestly garments. That's what's important, isn't it?
Well, he grew before the Lord, verse 21.
Remind you of the Lord Jesus doesn't it grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men would get it. In verse 26, child Samuel grew on and was in favor both with the Lord and also with men.
Well, in the third chapter.
We get this statement.
That Samuel did not yet know the Lord.
Verse 7.
But here he is. He's in the right place.
He has the right clothes that a priestly aspect.
His parents involvement, his mother vowed him and his father didn't disavow her vow. So it stood.
It says in verse three, air, the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord where the ark of God was and Samuel was laid down to sleep. You know, in the new translation it seems like things had gotten so.
Out of order that maybe he actually laid down right in there with the ark in the holy place, I don't know.
God allows some interesting things in days of terrible weakness.
You and I live in a day when we say, well, the Lord Jesus is in the midst, You little boy, little girl, young people, we have this privilege.
Of being where the Son of God is in the midst. You dear older brethren up in years, think what that's going to be to hear that shout.
And you won't be gathered to any different person there than you are here. Isn't that wonderful?
All his Saints will be gathered unto him.
Samuel's there, the lamp hasn't gone out. Evidently they're in the purpose of practice and letting it go out. Awful.
But the Lord comes four times. He calls him.
You know the story, perhaps I trust you do, But in verse 21 it says that Lord appeared in Shiloh, for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. And dear young people, that's my encouragement to you this afternoon, all of us, dear Saints of God.
This word of God.
The face of Jesus Christ reveals unhindered glory to the redeemed child of God by gazing upon him. There's the transforming.
From glory to glory, Marvelous.
This says in Shiloh by the word of the Lord, started out with a mother's desire, ends up with a man that all Israel knows. He gives a word in season to his people and God establishes a link through this man.
Before he obliterates Elis house.
You see, it's necessary for God to use men to speak to men.
I mean, that's his desire. He can speak without men, but he generally uses men.
And his spirit and so my desire for you this afternoon. We could have discussed our time has gone off me and finnehas these men knew.
The place they knew the presence.
Had visited that it was just habit.
They would haul the ark into battle and lose their lives.
It even says the Lord was minded to slay them.
So we have some young men to look at, and I want you to look at the right ones and follow their faith. We've had Nate, AB and a Bayou Joshua Samuel Hoffman, Finesse.
Oh dear young people.
Be before the Lord and He'll reveal Himself to you in His Word.
He wants to do his work. We've had the verse before us.
Always abounding in the work of the Lord.
That's needful, isn't it?
And there's a rest coming.
God's going to rest. We got into Hebrews 3 just a bit on one of our meetings.
Hebrews 4 There's a rest coming. God's going to rest, and each one of us who know the Lord Jesus are going to rest.
In God's rest isn't that marvelous? And it says in one place he will.
Rest in his love.
Shall we sing verse #222?
Everlasting glory.
God and God.
Will dream to live with joy, I pray.
What and what is it?
I praise God.
Should have thrilled.