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Address—P. Wilson
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Now we're living.
In a day, we see a lot of deep Michaelized Christianity.
We're living in a day when we see very little.
A real, faithful devotional threat.
I believe by and large interest profession.
And I wondered if we might not look at a few scriptures.
To deal with real out and out confession, right?
I want to turn first in the 19th of August.
For sure they Christianity is a reality. There's something, George, besides.
Just ahead.
The 19th chapter that.
First search we came to pass. While falls with his client. Paul hadn't passed through the upper coast came to heaven finding certain decisions. So sit down in the chapter.
And we went into stay bold into the space of pretty much this building and persuading the things concerning the Kingdom of God.
But when divers were heartened and believed not to say evil that way before the most duty department from that.
And separated the disciples disputed daily in the school of 1 Thyrax, and continued by the space of two years.
So that all things that dwelt in the problems of Asia.
Heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.
Exteberg And then they Vasili cave and confess and show their knees. Many of them also would use furious arts, brought their books together and burned them before all men, and because the price of them and 1050 thousand pieces of silver. So hopefully they knew the word of God is related.
Going down again.
23rd verse is the same time there arose no small stir about that way for a certain man. It ain't gonna meet you, the Silver Ship, which makes Silver Shrine for Diana.
Brought no small gain under the Craftsman when he called together with the work that have like occupation.
Surging all that by this craft we have our wealthy. Moreover, he's seeing here that not on all of Ephesus, but almost throughout all ages this fall has persuaded and turned away much people saying they be no God, which are making happy so that not only this.
This our craft, is invention to be said enough, but also that the temple of the great God of Zion should be despised in their magnificent should be destroyed to all nation, the world working.
I read those last verses to emphasize the conditions that existed. In emphasis, everything was a prominent city, a great city.
But all went there and lasered there a long time, preaching the gospel first of the Senegal, then the school of Tyrannus.
I want to look at all of his preaching. All, many of the people got there.
They found the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior found them. What were they to do where they could go on like they all?
Could they go off?
Appease into people in the town and worship Diana.
They have gave you a riot like this.
Defense of Diana, the government security. Oh, there is a change brought to those people.
And it's nice to see a change. I know it's different today in this way.
This is a Christian life. We do not have a temple to dynamics.
It's not only a Christian man so-called, but most of us here were brought up in Christian homes under Christian influence.
And so we go along in a certain way. One day we find prices at sea. But I still think it's it's necessary that there be some evidence of it in our lives. When we find the Lord Jesus as ourselves all today, that loss will receive something like this.
All you have to do is to accept price and you're safe for eternity. And you can go on with the world just like that. And so the world is glamorized Christianity.
I can all let them also fall, carry the gospel to Rome. He went there as a prisoner, and he wrote to the Christians that he said to them. He says between how there are not many wives, not many noble, not many great people that are among you.
God chose a weak thing. He didn't choose all the repay. Who was lender, splendor, and glamour to the gospel.
No, he said. The ordinary people now today, with Christianity so-called, they want to glamorize it, and they get great names and their pictures and they push us forward. After these methods, they push forward.
So imagine that went into the seas, to the gospel. They they can remain where they are in the world. Entertaining the world, perhaps.
But there young Christian, that's not Christianity as I know that's not Christianity of this lesson quote. Now these people did not say this emphasis. There was a change in the violence. Well they've had lots of things that they were doing they were apart parcel in this city of Ellis where they had that right effect.
But what they They came and confessed and showed the teeth. They not only confess the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, but they were willing to put where it goes. And the didn't belong to Christianity.
Put them in the.
They didn't put them in the shower. They didn't take them out for the ******** and hide them away out there so that someday they could find them again.
No old things that they got stuck to her in Christianity. They brought them together and burned.
It's going to be any danger of their turning back to their old things.
How many there are today that when they get converted, they realize that there should be a pathway of the closest to the Lord Jesus and that they'll lay aside this thing and the other thing. But they don't just cut the strings. They don't just take it, burn in those things. They get rid of them. And then someday, when the heart grows cold, I'll be coming in.
I heard of Christian Capital exercise money got paid that he about his smoking, that he took his fight and drove it over the fence. Have to be a cemetery next to his place so he threw it there.
That one thing went back to town.
Well, we did not really broken it up and put the phone over the bed and found it.
All I'd like to see is the holiness of the dear Saints and heritage. When they got saved, there was a decision for Christ, a decision to bring the world.
All their young people, let us never forget this wild thing, that the world in which you and I live in the same world that crucified our Savior.
In an official decision that a Roman court of so-called justice set away with him. We don't want and the world has been changed.
All the outfit appearances change. Some brother this morning referred to the verse having a moral godliness but denying the power thereof.
There's lots of infection, never so much in the history.
But what does it mean? You're changing the what the Jewish teacher in Jerusalem on the Lord is. First of all, I suppose there is more religion there for square foot than there's ever been ever since religion. And yet it doesn't mean that the Horror Story, we don't want it. But all these people came out and they dropped their toes together and burned them before all in.
I mean, how is the price of lemon 50,000 pieces of soda?
So if you have something in your home before you got saved and it had that much value, I'm sure I'm afraid we want to hang on to it so we can sell it for at least part of the price. But these folks were.
Work some magic works connected with the idle worship. These things that probably have to do with the satanic, the power of darkness, well, they simply got rid of it. They burned it.
They didn't even take it to take them down to the second hand bookstore to recover what they pulled off and just take rid of it.
I'll be there in question. Is there something in your life or mine? When you're all are mine, that's a hindrance to the enjoyment of trust. If there's something that's an entrance to the enjoyment of Christ, it's detrimental to main spirit.
Or is there a message to you, and I will plead with you, if there is something, get rid of it. Get rid of it for Christ.
And I want to call your attention to the Thessalonians.
When they got saved, they they will hang out of your soup. First Thessalonians, first chapter, the end of the chapter we read that they turn to God from idols. That didn't say they turn turn from idle to God. No, they heard of the Lord Jesus Christ and their hearts were attracted to him, the one that came down and died for them, and they turned to him.
They turned the field off.
Well, that happened when they turned their face shorts off, but the idols were behind their back.
Determined with your base to the east, sure, something else will be get your back to the West, turn to a ball, but the ice is hard.
After they stop the back, they turn to God. I don't deserve the living room.
They were like.
They made a real confession, so much false that Paul wrote to them and he says we don't need to speak anything, Every word. They're talking about you people that gave up, your turn to God, gave up, all right.
And it just become a matter of common report. These people were living for a for a God in heaven, and they've given up all their forms of idolatry and everything they connected to the idols. Well, that wasn't all.
Returned to the clock for my to serve the living and true God all. You can't serve God exactly if you're hanging off on the island.
One foot in the world. Not the way to go with that minister. Oh, I know Christianity has confused so holy. They'll tell them that all he has to do is accept Christ and then you go on with what he's doing in the world.
And everything will be hard. Just stay right where you are.
The living and true God. Since what you hear your Mr. Michael, please, the Lord Jesus, would you like to serve him? How would I say, Sir, I do not necessarily mean go downstairs, have to go over to Africa and preach to the heat and there each one of them, each one of us can serve God, can serve God acceptedly in our own home.
In our all neighborhood, In our own school or our own workplace. So they know you as a Christian at school.
So they say, well, Christian, do they matter? No need about the end of the dance. I know his answer. He's a Christian. He's a Christian and he won't go.
To serve the living nation.
Backup practical things for you and we in our everyday list and to discover. And the way through Sacramento, they were waiting for the Lord Jesus to come back.
Now sometimes people tell you that you put in Christian cause, preach the truth of the Lord, coming to people who first get paid the fall again when it was immediately the method of telling you that Christ died. He said The world cashed him out, he was crushed by it, and he died on the cross, but he's coming back.
At the stroke of his first coming and the second we're coming back to film and the earth base of the church. They turned the club from Michaels and might be seasoned and burned. They probably burned the whole thing. They got ridden then. They serve the living in truth off and all the factors were serving him. They were waiting for the Lord to come back and sometimes challenge myself. Dear young people, we know the Lord's coming and we know it soon. It can't be far off.
Everything is. It takes how much it was. Anything you and I get up in the morning.
Well, perhaps.
We'll hear that blessed shout and be caught up to meet him in the air today. Do we go to bed at night or think well before another morning? We may be with you.
Oh, what a wonderful thing it's going to be to be with Christ, To be cold with everything down here that rises, To be through everything that practice away from Christ, to be in his blessed presence and gain him face to face.
All doesn't your heart that young Christians tend to burn within you when you think of seeing? If you remember that you disciples when he walked to a man and he talked to them about the scriptures and they said he did not our heart burn within it while he walked with it by the way. And while he opened up the left description, what would you think of heaven is soon coming? Why are going to see that plastic flag?
That one the status and well sighted and waited there to walk forward, leading forward.
I'm going to be sleep effort, that one that went went to the grave wet applies. Strange. Lots of applied stock, but in sympathy with the sorry for eating what?
See to what kind of God's creation you sin always on his feet.
See him, We're going to see the world. And they took out one day and failed truth from.
Everyday doctor, everything me they can think of.
Have they given that to all the human freedoms of hate to God, they male intellect, crops and desire there through your ship?
He's coming. He's coming back at That's my world. The early church. Look where to come then. They didn't know how long it would be. Why has it been so long? Oh God in law, suffering, patience, not willing to manage his perish. It's been waiting for soul to be saved.
Maybe the last ones will be brought in air. These meetings closed. The Lord and Thomas shall that shall be both. Do you want to come?
Little things that you'd rather have hurt. You wanted to come. Would you say, oh, Jesus, come, Or would you say. I'd rather that I got this back over. For I'd rather enjoy a little more of this world first. Every joy that you get in this far world will rob you cry. It'll rob you'll get joy in it. OK, Sir. The Lord go on with one foot in the world and the other one outside.
He cannot serve two matches.
As your salvation meant anything to you, dear young people.
Has it been something wrong in your life that you want to live with Christ?
I'll tell you something else about those Ephesians.
They're also all right, Later wrote to them, and he expounded to the most precious truth.
All When you're reading the Epistle to the Ephesians, you just mar all of the depths of what the apostle uphold to them.
Patients all over our heads.
It's Steve Truant. Well, how did it happen in those Ephesians in spite of two feet? I think the secret of the world was out and outstanding. The prayer they cut their strength with the world. And if you're a fight in India, we go and join the things in Christ. See how many strings the world has on it.
All I like to think is Matthew, Council, please, Claire. They were helping out for Christ and then he could come back. He could go away when the time comes, right back to them. And I'm bold, these things of Robin.
Is it going to correct 1St Corinthians 3? Let's try to go into briefly.
As far as there was a difference that were in the believer hasn't just completed with the world, you know what was the matter is harm. They value the world. They value the world and his opinions they got in the world and it's philosophy.
All there was a lot of culture there and a lot of high ideas of what man in the question to do and they were influenced by they were carnal rich. You know what a carnal vision is is a Christian That is important. Folks are more or less here. He's entitled down here, a spiritual Christian is not who's enjoying Christ in his soul.
A natural man may be a perfectly good man as the world goes, but he's still unsafe. He's still in his sins.
But the Christian and who's been delivered from your sense of control? But then there are some fish into their mind. There are so many stuff in the world that you couldn't get a spiritual judgement from.
But then there are spiritual ones. Now what does Paul say to this third chapter, first verse? And I, brethren, but not speak unto you wish of the spiritual, but it's up to carnal.
That's a world in my new Christian.
Now I know theaters of vessel, we're told, as newborn babes to desire the sincere milk of the word that we may grow with.
Every Christian ought to have the same desire to read the word of God that a newborn baby has a desire for milk.
It just, it just goes with the newborn faith. You want to be. You don't have to teach it. You don't take the new board, made the school and instruct it how it should like milk. No, it just comes with it. It's made virtual to it has no born, laid desires sincere enough of the word. That's how we should desire to read the word of thought, Whether if we're not enjoying the reading of the word of thought, if there's something wrong.
Our appetite is in court.
Children gets their appetite go and they come to the table. There's no one. We eat their dinner. And mother says, well, why don't you monkey? Well, I'm not hungry. Well, why aren't you hungry Where you need some candy? Oh, yes, the paper just gave me some candy.
I'm sorry. Appetite is so for the wholesome food. They got something they shouldn't have had. Perhaps they got it at least at the wrong time. They had no appetite.
If your appetite is mine for the worst dog you can come, doll, there's something wrong. We need to search it up before the Lord.
He said, I have fed you with milk, and not with me for his until you are not able to bear it. These are now. These are yet now, for ye are far apart. Now I'll go back to that first bird.
I could not see any use of the spiritual disruptive harm, even a certain place. Now then turn page in Christ does not indicate.
What shall we say?
Just being born to having been born doesn't indicate that they were so newly inverted.
No, All things that Christ is a time.
That is, now it's a term of reproach about your face and grace, therefore.
Something is sudden that wrote they weren't just inserted. If they weren't converted, they would have desired film and the word is a mill. But here they are now that they're carnal and as Hindi their growth, he said. I have the right to be like.
Do you want to leave a joke?
You want to be a Christian that enjoys the word of God, and some other Christian comes to you and ask you about the scriptures. You can speak about them and enjoy them together and enjoy them intelligently. Global meetings. You enjoy the experimental description, or if you can't, you're one of the stubborn ones. You wouldn't want to have a painting. It was usually hurry up with Parents clearly wouldn't want to have a baby that was a dwarf, but these were dwarfs.
I like to think of that.
From the beginning.
On them and when all in many problems.
If you go to the fifth chapter of Hebrew, you'll find that the Hebrews had gone backwards and they were having to be taken up to back work backwards and started throughout the Hebrew. It was a sort of a recognition. They gone back. Someone has called it second childhood.
This condition that was in the Hebrew with the Hebrews.
They've gone backwards and now they had to have milk all their yard fish. And I would do it. You would all or enjoy the things of Christ and growing in the knowledge of those so that we wouldn't have to go off from the meeting and say, well, it all over my end.
Oh, may we not have to go home and say that?
Well, I want to go on to another point in election season at the point or two. Let's go now to second Timothy, where we were reading this morning.
As the first chapters.
And remember that Timothy was an evidence and Paul was writing to him.
In other words, when you read this epistle to Timothy, you're reading about the condition existing in evidence at this given time.
The great mass of the Christians and devices have turned their backs on fall.
Only they can soak with a clearance and they make spiritual problems. But there came a day when they shunned the apostle Paul. Why did they shun Paul?
Because it was approved. Why did they shut him back?
Well, it was a real goal. Should be connected with all the prisoners. People look down on Paul.
People look down on London was in prison all gravity. These Christians advocates were afraid of the river ropes connected with Paul.
You know what, Paul?
Christian was diabetes. He didn't belong in this world. I just thought his both aspirations were out of it. His bone was inevitable. He was just down here, temporarily waiting for Christ to take him home.
That's what Paul talked about.
But they turned it away and by and large, I would say that today.
Christmas turned away from Paul.
That heavenly calling the heavenly character of kitchen while he waits for the Lord to come back.
From the sad commentary that these dear souls that were so right, this impression made such nice progress at the beginning.
So now shards of approach.
To suffer a little bit.
Not a popular gospel. Thank you, God. It isn't something that helps God in the world.
I will help you to see the world and keep your eye on faith as well. All made the dearly. Other people hear these people.
Out of their heart, that's the Depression. May want to serve delivery and to serve him.
Out of the 4 billion in the service of love and let you grow in the trees, make sure no problem all their young people. What do you agree? What do you agree?
I'll tell you what a lot of our spiritual work.
What? What we read still can't read the things of this poor world and get your heart and marriage with things down here and not before spiritually.
Very young. We're running into our homes and things that are going to bring the world into our homes, they're going to affect our spiritual life. It can't help us who it is. I'm not raising the question here this afternoon what's right and what's wrong?
I'm saying if you want to be a president as a Christian, ought to be. If you want to enjoy Christ and make spiritual progress, you can't go on with the things of the world. How does the world just gravitize in your home or reading the world's novels? I do like young Christian years ago.
Who evolved in the reading of novels? And it's just about renters spiritual life.
All that was robbing her in French and silicon, Something else.
And I was telling her with a glamorized picture of what the world is. And then she found the world wasn't what the novel said it was. And then she was not. Happy discontented her.
We have to see the park things of the new nature of these if you're going to enjoy the country.
And let's not be ashamed of a little return.
A little reproach. That was maternity leave. They didn't want their approach the next to them.
Now what works?
After Hebrews Revelation.
And under the Angel of the church kidnappers, right?
Now it's not fall right into them. Now I can get in the official potential for the immediate. It's not all right to Timothy who was that epicent. Later, if the apostles are writing by the Spirit of God, writing a letter to the church to ask under the 8th human Church of Ebony the things that he holds the seven stars in his right hand.
Who walketh in the midst of the seven goals.
I know I work.
And thy labor and thy favor and all. Thou canst not bear them with your evil. And it's five that would say they're apocalypse that are not that have found the mires. And that's four. And that's eight surprising labour, and that's nothing.
What a nice array you might think of things that the church at Ephesus would be all there was a certain amount of what you would call things.
They didn't want any false apartments when one came forward and said I'm awfully Friday and if he was a liar, he was exposed.
There was faithfulness.
Remembering this little crispy crap 25 or 30 years after the official to the occasion and after Paul wrote the tennis, this was quite some timely the the assembly was still going on there and you might say today, where it's all such an assembly as that.
Labor work hate cannot bear again to the people.
If I could find such an assembly of all one of my stated.
Might have looked that way back, but the spirit of God desire and said, but I am.
Short verse, you never know less I have leave that word somewhat out there. I'm probably going to tell it doesn't belong. Never let I have seasoned. All have left side first love.
Alex Jensen.
Within the midst of the seventh goal, Candle sticks and he was discerning and judging. And he writes to this assembly that outworthy looks so good. And he said.
Everything over it looks fine. But I look into your heart and there's something wrong. There's something wrong. You don't love me like you.
They went on, right? They made great progress, spiritual. They were not made in practice. They were not ********. They didn't lapse in the second childhood like the Hebrews did from going back to the law. They went out on overly over, but it was cold.
It was mechanical. It was mechanical, but it lacked affection for Christ. Now that isn't the danger, particularly of young people, I know, but it's Adventure first fall. It's nice to see a young person take a good, clean, standard crash.
At work, at home or wherever it is. And come out forward with his friends, with his health, Get their weak and Lord, help them to confess. I may help you to let them know I belong to see. And when you do it and you read your Bible and you put away those things and put into your spiritual throat, you'll make progress. But don't ever let rest on your goals. Don't ever say well it's all easy from here on. I've been pet strikes and they know I'm a Christian. So now it's all.
Rather, there's all this danger while we're here.
Of losing our love, losing that attack to the park that we had at the beginning.
Thou has not lost word is left, Thou has left thy first love.
To young people South of Justin Merritt.
Your wife.
Girl, you love her and she loves you and you're married. You took her home, You started a new home. Everything was not.
Let them all after a while to come home from your work and you'll find that she has an alcohol deep sleep.
Already at the appointed time. It's not all burned, neither it's so.
But there's something about the new center. I just say, well, it's just one thing is wrong, you know? I don't think she loves it like this.
Don't you think that would hurt your words and having a poor summer?
Don't you think that would hurt your work? To see a little dump, start something, just come home and say, well?
America loses her love. I think she filled up, but it isn't like that.
Well, when we lose that first, the captain apart.
I know that spiritual problem.
But you don't want to use.
It is not a full heart anymore.
Or rather, such is the case in your life or money. I thought that the Lord warning the Church may serve God, he said. I have.
All that the Lord have something against him as Christians this afternoon, well, it was all cold enough, our feet may still as being where the where the office is.
Be careful, Be careful. You have to be. If the heart goes cold, it is long sometimes when you'll feature follow up in the heart and away we go.
If you keep the heart right, you'll never have to worry about the feet.
All the hearts, right? The people go on like may the Lord help to make a clean break with the world and to put all of our homes and our own lives. No sins and directions and sins join with Christ into spiritual progress. Get them, get rid of them. They burn their stuff. They fix them so they wouldn't hang on.
And that's great to go on.
Making Congress in their souls so you won't have to say. When somebody speaks something more than a depressed, I consider should I say anything more than I say to you? Please.
It will make virtual cars will enter into more religion.
And then?
They do not become a dog.
Experiment with affection direction.