Address 1

Address—Jim Hyland
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Come my soul, take up the cross, count the gain, Despise the law, labor for and with the Lord brings exceeding great reward, free from every fear of wrath. Choose the laborers happy path tread the way which Christ hath trod till the Sabbath of thy God. 33 in the appendix, if someone could please start it.
Like by way of introduction to what is on my heart this afternoon to read 2 portions of scripture, one at the end of the Old Testament and one at the end of the New Testament. So with that in mind, let's go first of all to the book of Malachi, Malachi chapter 3.
Malachi chapter 3 and verse 16.
Then they that feared the Lord spake spake, often one to another.
And the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him.
For them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name, and then in the last chapter of Revelation.
Revelation Chapter 22.
Revelation Chapter 22 and verse 12.
And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according.
As his work shall be, I have it on my heart this afternoon to turn to some Scriptures in the New Testament.
That brings before us different aspects of the judgment seat of Christ. We're going to see that the judgment seat of Christ for believers is taken up in four different contexts by the Apostle Paul.
But I read these verses by way of introduction because here we find at the end of the Old Testament.
A little company of God's people who were seeking to go on and to encourage one another.
They might have felt like a very small company. And don't we feel that way sometimes, brethren, you know, it's wonderful to be together in a room like this with so many of the Lord's dear people. But some of us come from very small assemblies where there are literal twos and threes. On Lord's Day morning and on Wednesday night or whatever. Other night, we you meet for reading and and prayer, and you might feel like a very little company.
But we find this little company here. The eye of the Lord was upon them, and how He appreciated them going on.
Not just individually, but going on together and seeking to encourage one another.
But what I want to notice particularly is that even a thought upon his name was jotted down in his book of remembrance. Because as we take up the judgment seat of Christ, we're going to find that it's not just a question of our actions that are going to be weighed and manifested and rewarded there, but every aspect of our lives, even those thoughts upon His name. You know, every time you have a thought.
Concerning the Lord Jesus, it's jotted down in his book of remembrance.
No wonder we're told in the New Testament to set our minds on things above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God.
Because every time you think of him so much, does he value it? So much does he appreciate it that he jots it down in his book of remembrance and he's going to reward in a coming day, and here even even a thought upon his name. Oh, he valued the fact that they spoke together. No doubt he valued those things that were done for his glory amidst all the darkness that had come in amongst God's people. And it was a dark day in Israel's history.
You read this little book, The end of the Old Testament. There was so much that was wanting.
These sacrifices were polluted. Many things had been introduced to the service of God that were not according to his mind, there was a lot of sin and unholiness that had come in. But he valued those things that were done for him. He valued the encouragement one with another, and he valued even a thought upon his name. And it's very interesting because we find in the next verse that he speaks of them as jewels. Why does he speak of them as jewels?
Well, perhaps there's more than one reason, but I suggest a couple of things at least. You know, jewels reflect light. When a jeweler displays diamonds and other precious stones in the showcases of the store, they adjust the light. I've had the privilege of traveling with my brother, John Mark Council, who's a jewelry salesman in the Caribbean, and when he would display his jewelry in the days when he and I shared an apartment in Nassau, Bahamas.
He would make sure that there was special lighting in the apartment when customers came up to view those precious stones, because he knew that the reflection of light in those jewels was going to make the difference as to whether they sold well or not. And isn't it wonderful that you and I, as His jewels, can reflect the light of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ? We're going to reflect it perfectly in the coming day. He's coming to be glorified in His Saints and admired and all them that are about Him in that day.
But he wants that reflection, and we find that often. I know they don't do it so much anymore, but often jewels at least used to be displayed on a dark background in the jewelry store. In fact, when I was a young person and you went to the jewelry shop, most always jewels were displayed on black velvet because again, they felt that the darker the background, the more luster the jewel the jewel would have.
In the eye of the beholder. And this was a dark background here. But against that dark background there were those who were reflecting the light of heaven. And he calls them his jewels. It also speaks of the preciousness of his people to his heart. Everyone here today who know the Lord Jesus as their savior, you're a jewel. You are precious to him. I know we sing the little song of a precious jewels that make up his crown, and that's a children's song.
But it applies to every child of God. Every child of God here today is a precious jewel to the heart of the of the Lord Jesus. And I often think when we take up this subject of what it says in the 87th Psalm, I think it's the sixth verse. And I know it's a little different context there, but it speaks of when he writes up the people, you know, God is writing up his people today. He's keeping those records if you belong to the Lord Jesus.
There's a page on his book of remembrance with your name on it, and I say every time you even have a thought towards him, he that book is open to that page with your name, and he's jotting it down. He'll never forget it and he's gonna reward you for it in a coming day. And then I read at the end of the New Testament, because here we have a similar encouragement. You say, well, in Malachi, that was God's people in the Old Testament, but what about you and me today?
Oh, he gives a promise on the last page of the word of God, in fact, three times, as has often been pointed out.
On this last page of Holy Scripture, he gives the promise that he's coming.
And in one of the contexts he says, and my reward is with me to give every man, according as his work shall be, he's going to reward everyone and every person is going to have something that he's going to find to reward and commend for in that day. And so we're going to see this as we take up these various contacts of the judgment seat of Christ, and I believe we're going to see how God is going to look at everything.
In our lives as believers and see if there isn't some aspect of that thing that he can't reward for in that day. And here he says my reward is with me. I want to make this little suggestion before we go on and turn to some further scriptures. But the judgment seat of Christ will take place very quickly after we get home to heaven. The reason I say that is first of all as we read here, my reward is with me.
I think of it when my girls were younger and I used to come home from a trip, I always had something in my bag for my girls. And you know, no matter what time of the night I arrived home, why I wanted to quickly open my bag and give them those little things that I brought for them. Because I delighted to bring my family something, some little souvenir, some little trinket from my trip and I didn't want to delay. And I think of the Lord Jesus.
In the coming day, the reward is going to be right with them. He's not gonna delay, such will be his delight in rewarding his own for any faithfulness. But there is another reason I say what I say because if we were to turn back to the 4th chapter of Revelation, we would find that as soon as the heavenly scene opens there, the redeemed immediately have their crowns. Those crowns that are given for rewards that the judgment seat of Christ.
And immediately they have their re, their rewards, those crowns. I think again another little hint that the Lord Jesus is not going to delay to reward in that day. I would just say this too, by way of introduction, that the judgment seat of Christ will do three things. I'm looking forward to the judgment seat of Christ. I can't wait because first of all the judgment seat of Christ is going to show the perfection.
Of all God's ways with us here in this life, things we didn't understand down here, and we'll develop this a little later on, I trust.
But I think of the children of Israel, when they were in the wilderness, you know, they often complained.
And they often said to Moses, why did you bring us this way and that way? We're hungry, we're thirsty, we're going to die.
They questioned over and over again God's ways with them during their wilderness journey. But it's interesting when you go to the Psalms and you read, I think the 105th, 6th and 7th Psalm are there about, you'll find that he rehearses in retrospect the wilderness journey. And what does it say? He led them by the right way. In retrospect it was the right way. And brethren, we're going to look back in the coming day at the judgment seat of Christ.
It's all going to be displayed there and we're going to bow before him and say he led us by the right way. And the other thing the judgment seat of Christ is going to do is magnify and give us an appreciation of the grace of God like we've never had before. We're going to finally realize the import of that verse that says it's God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure because that the judgment seat of Christ we're going to realize.
That if there was any response in our hearts, any desire to follow the Lord, he put that response in our hearts. He worked in us to put and gave us that desire, and then he's going to reward us. No wonder the redeemed at the end of Revelation 4 take their crowns, those rewards, and cast them back at his feet. They realized that it was all of of himself, and he's going to get all the glory in in the end.
We're going to realize that it was nothing O of ourselves and then we're it's going to also establish our place in the Kingdom in that thousand year reign when we reign in righteousness with the Lord Jesus. It says a king shall reign in righteousness and Princess shall rule in judgment and that's why it says and I know it's figurative language but in connection with the parable the Lord told.
He said, be thou over 5 cities, be thou over 10 cities. There's going to be reward and administration given in relationship to our faithfulness. Now that's why Paul at the end of his life in writing to Timothy, he refers to the crown or reward there as a crown of righteousness. It's a reward for living righteously in an unrighteous world, and it establishes our place in that reign of righteousness.
In the coming day, Well, with this in view, then, I'd like to go first of all to 2nd Corinthians.
Chapter 5.
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 beginning with verse 6.
Therefore we are always confident, knowing that whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather, to be absent from the body.
And to be present with the Lord, wherefore we labor, that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are manifest unto God, and I trust also are made manifest.
And your consciences? Now just make a comment before I bring out what's particularly on my heart.
In saying that, here I believe the judgment seat of Christ is a general term.
And here it includes both believers and unbelievers. For the unbeliever, it will be the great white throne judgment that we have later on in Revelation. Because there we find that the unbelievers, those who have rejected God's salvation and mercy, God's way of blessing, they stand there and they are judged for their sins, and there they stand before God. The heaven and earth flees away.
It's a great white throne. There's purity but no blood. And the books are opened and the reason they're there is because their name is not written in the Lamb's book of life and they are cast into the lake of fire. It's the second death. And I just want to say, if there's someone here and you don't know the Lord Jesus as your savior, you're not going to stand at the judgment seat of Christ for believers, but you will stand at a judgment seat and knowing the terror of the Lord, Paul said we persuade men.
Because it will be a terrible thing. There will be no hope there it will be to.
Realize that your eternal doom is sealed, but this afternoon the way of blessing is open for you.
The work of Calvary is available, and God has extended the day of grace.
Thus far, but as I say here in this context particularly, it has to do with the judgment seat of Christ for believers. Now just a little contrast between the Great White Throne judgment and the judgment seat of Christ for believers at the Great White Throne judgment, We could liken it to the judge on the bench at the court of law, because if we were to go to a court of law today, we would find that there are people on trial.
For their sins against humanity and people are brought up and it's the person that's on trial.
Because they broke the law and it's the person. It's because of their deeds, of course.
But it is the person that's on trial, and it is the person that is going to have to bear their penalty, whether it's a jail term or community service or whatever it may be. It's the person on trial. But there are other kinds of judges as well. If we were to go to the County Fair, we would find that there are judges there as well, and they're judging, but they're not judging people. They're judging their works. They're judging what they've done. And so there may be ladies who brought different baked goods.
And there are judges who go along and they taste those baked goods. Maybe it's jams or something like that.
And they taste them. And it's ultimately the person that gets the the award, whether it's the blue ribbon or the cash prize. It's the person that gets the reward. But it wasn't the person that was on trial. You go to an art exhibit and there are judges there judging the art. It's ultimately the artist that gets the reward for the best piece of art. But it wasn't the artist that was on trial. It was their their works, what they do, they've done. And when I stand at the judgment seat of Christ.
I have No Fear of being judged for my sins because my sins have been taken care of in the blood of Christ.
By one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, but my whole life is going to be brought into review.
And I believe that's the context that we have here in 2nd Corinthians 5.
It's the context of our whole life being brought into review and the Apostle Paul says here twice we are confident.
Isn't that beautiful? Again, when I stand at the judgment seat of Christ, I'm not going to stand there in fear and trembling.
Oh, it speaks of being ashamed that it's coming and there is going to be loss that the judgment seat of Christ.
But not loss of salvation. Again, that's secure in Christ. I'm going to have utmost confidence as I stand there, but my whole life is going to be reviewed. You know, it's interesting that Daniel lived his life in view of eternity. I say that because his name actually means the fear of God, and Daniel lived his life in the fear of God or the fear of the Lord. That is, that fear to do anything that displeased the one that he thought to serve.
Do you and Ari live our lives in view of that day? Do we live our lives in the fear of the Lord? It's the beginning of wisdom. It's the beginning of knowledge. It's the beginning of understanding. And it is going to cause us to walk by faith, not sight. The apostle Paul here, he puts this wonderful hope before them. In fact, if we were to back up to the preceding verses, he we, he has talked about the condition of those.
Who have passed away, and those who are waiting for the Lord's coming, and being clothed upon and not clothed upon, and so on in connection.
With our bodies and the Spirit being absent from the body and present with the Lord as to those who've gone on before and so on. What a wonderful thing it is to have a hope beyond this life. Because when he speaks of walking by faith, remember this brethren that faith always has an object. There is no such thing as blind faith. Faith is not a leap in the dark as many think. No faith always acts on the light that it is given for the moment and for the next step. And faith always has an eye to the future.
God always gives us something for the future, all those that live by faith.
And are listed in Hebrews Chapter 11. They all had something before them beyond this life.
There were those who didn't receive the promises, but they saw them afar off and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Abraham looked for a city which hath foundation whose builder and maker is God. Even those who suffered and didn't receive deliverance that are listed at the end of the chapter. God having provided some better thing, they had something beyond this life. They looked on by faith to something other than the suffering down here.
And so we walk by faith, not sight. And we're confident, he says here to be absent from the body and present with the Lord, because it's one or the other.
It's we're, we're, we're, it's one or the other. I know we have the Lord with us every step of the way. And lo, I am with you always, even under the end of the age. But as long as we're here, we're not there. As long as we're here in this world, we're not there. You know, those of our loved ones who've gone on before, my father and mother, for instance. You know, if they had opportunity to come back, they wouldn't want to. And if we could understand what they're enjoying in the conscious sense of the presence of the Lord now.
We wouldn't wish them back for 5 minutes, you know, when Samuel was called up by the witch of Endor at the request of King Saul, he said. Why have you disquieted me to call me up? He didn't want to come back. He was in a place of rest. And our loved ones who've gone before, they're in their unclothed state, as it says, that is, they haven't received their glorified bodies yet, but they are in the conscious sense of the Lord's presence, but for us who are here.
Let's keep in view that as we live our lives and walk by faith from day-to-day.
As we said earlier, everything is being recorded, everything is being written down. He's writing up the people. What story, what tale has been written about you and me? What has been written this very day in heaven concerning our lives? Has it been that which is for his glory and for his honor. And so he says here, and that everyone may receive the other things.
Done in his body according that he hath done.
Whether it be good or bad. And so I say everything is going to be weighed in that day. Everything is going to be brought to light whether it was good or bad. Even as I said earlier, our thoughts, you know, we have a lot of bad thoughts. At least I do. I have a lot of bad thoughts too. You know, even my idol words are going to be reviewed in that day. Every idle word that man shall speak, he shall give an account of in the day of of judgment. And so.
Let's live in view of that day. Let's, like Daniel, live in view of eternity. Let's, like many of those of faith in the Old and New Testament, live in view of what's ahead. You know, you think of the Apostle Paul. He was saved, as we would say, right out of the world. He had the world at his doorstep. What was it that gave him the courage to go on from day-to-day and year to year and apart from the Lord Jesus, who suffered more?
Then the apostle Paul in the path of faith and service. But what was it that preserved Paul? He had the end in view. He had the prize. He had the goal and brother in the prize. In the Christian life is always Christ and glory. That's why Paul could give up the things he once counted dear, forgetting those things which were behind. He pressed towards the mark for the prize. He had that prize in view, and it gave him the courage and the strength to run the Christian race with the the end in in in view.
Now let's go for another aspect of things to 1St Corinthians chapter 3.
First Corinthians chapter 3.
And verse 9.
For we are laborers together with God.
Ye are God's husbandmen. Ye are God's building according to the grace of God, which is given unto me as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon. For other foundation Can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold.
Precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, every man's work shall be made manifest.
For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved. Yet so as by fire. Well, we've spoken of the judgment seat of Christ in connection with our whole life being brought into review.
But here I believe it's narrowed down a little bit, and that is, it's in connection with our service. Because every little service for the Lord Jesus again, is jotted down in his book of remembrance, valued by himself, and it's going to be rewarded in a coming day. But I read the context here because, you know, there's a lot of service for Christ that perhaps is not going to receive the full reward that he wants it to receive to receive.
Because we find here that Paul, first of all speaks of a bill, a foundation that has been laid.
And himself as the wise master builder. If we were to go over, I think it's to Ephesians 2.
We would find there it's developed a little further where it says that the foundation were built upon. That is the Church of God is built upon is the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. What is he really referring to? Well, it's the truth of God that was laid down at the beginning of Christianity, and it's been laid down by all the New Testament writers, apostles and prophets. But Paul was the wise master builder.
Because brethren will never really understand the truth of the Church of God.
Our true calling and our service for Christ unless we go to Paul's ministry.
Why is there so much confusion amongst so many Christians as to our?
Reactions and interactions with the world and our position and what we get involved in and so on today.
I believe largely it's because Paul's ministry is ignored and neglected, at least to a great degree. And so Paul was the wise master builder. He gives us foundation truth concerning the Church of God, the hope of the Lord's coming, what it is to be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. How we can serve acceptably while we're here in the path of faith because God has an intelligent service for each one of us to render, it tells us in Romans chapter 12.
But we're to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your.
It's really intelligent service. We have an intelligent service, but we're never going to know how we can intelligently and acceptably serve God and serve the Lord Jesus unless we go to the foundation principles that have been laid down and remember too that nothing can change, that what has been laid down at the beginning, the foundation cannot be shaken. The question was raised if the foundation be shaken.
What can the righteous do? That's a quotation from the Psalms. But in Timothy 2 Timothy, where it seemed like, at least outwardly, everything was being shaken. He says there that the foundation of God standeth. Sure, it'll never be shaken. The truth of God stands for all time. But then he exhorts us here. How to build, Where to build? We have a service to do.
And we're to be faithful stewards in building. But you know, sad to say.
We don't always build those things that are for his glory. And so there are different things. And again, it's illustrative. It's figurative.
But he speaks of these different things.
We're to build on the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, those things that stand the the test of the of the fire, because everything again is going to be tested in that day. And here he uses the illustration of test by fire and those things that were not for his glory, that are illustrated here as wood, hay and stubble.
They're going to be burned up, and I'm glad they are. And to me again, it's just going to show the marvelous grace of God.
When I see in my life that big heap of wood, hay and stubble, those things that were not for God's glory.
And I see. And I don't want to speak flippantly, but I see the match lit and it goes up in flames and it's gone. And then to see there's something left after the fire. Some little bit of gold, little bit of of of uh, silver, a little precious stone. Oh, I say. I'm gonna praise them for all eternity. It's just gonna bring forth fresh bursts from our heart forever. Just like those in Revelation 4 as they burst into the the song and give him all the glory. That's what it's going to do, brother.
And I'm going to be glad to see that wood, hay and stubble all gone. And it must be so for us to really appreciate the grace of God and to enjoy that heaven heavenly scene. And so it's all going to be manifested there. But just hold your finger here in this connection. I would like to read some verses in the book of Colossians just to exercise our souls in this regard in a very practical way.
In Colossians chapter 3.
And verse 22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with I service as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing God. And whatsoever ye do do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ. Paul was writing to the Colossians Saints, and many of them were servants, or perhaps even slaves to ungodly masters.
And they might have wondered, how can I serve the Lord in my day-to-day job and grind of life?
The apostle Paul says you do your work well, obey your masters, obey your employers, and that service to the Lord and don't do. I service as men pleasers? And I want to make an application here in a little broader sense perhaps, than the context, because so often in our service for Christ, we're looking for the Lord's approval rather than man's approval. But that's not what he wants us to do. He wants us to be like Paul, who said we labor, that whether present or absent, we might be accepted of him. So often we want to be accepted by our peers or by our brethren. And you know, it's not wrong to desire to be accepted.
But the question is who's acceptance do we really want? Are we doing serve I service as men, pleasers or those little things? And I suggest that the greatest rewards are going to be given for those hidden services that nobody knew, that nobody saw. We didn't get thanked this side of heaven. We didn't get appreciated because perhaps no one knew that we were doing it, but those little things that we did.
Under the eye of the Lord Bec Those were done for him, and those are going to get, perhaps.
The greatest reward in that day. And so I want to encourage you to go on and do those little things. And I would just say this too, that if we start with the little things, then God may entrust to us greater things. You know, I was in business for many years and anybody that's been in business or is in business knows that when you hire someone in a company or corporation, you don't usually start them at the top.
You may even have them on probation for six months or a year. You start them down at a lower level and if they prove themselves then they may work up through the company. Now would God run something more careless than humans? No, he proves us in the little things. And I just say to the children and young people here, I have noticed that the children and young people who stay behind after the fellowship meeting and help clean up, maybe stay and collect the hymn books after everyone's gone out of the meeting room.
Uh, after the evening meeting and little things like that. Those that slip over and do a little work around the meeting room when nobody's looking on a Thursday afternoon, those are the ones that God entrusts greater things to later on. It starts with the little things, and if we do them for the Lord, oh, there's going to be a great reward in that day. And, brethren, isn't it really the Lord's approval that we want the man's approval may make us feel good for the moment.
It may last for a little time, but his well done is what is really going to make it worthwhile in a in a coming day when he says well done, thou good and faithful servant. And I would just say too, he wants us to have an abundant entrance into his Kingdom. You know in Peter where it speaks of having an abundant entrance, It's not an abundant entrance into heaven. We're all going to have an abundant entrance into heaven. But again, rewards have to do with the Kingdom.
And he wants to give a full reward in that day. He doesn't want to just have to say be thou over 5 cities. He wants to say be thou over 10 cities. He wants us to have I say again what scripture calls a full reward. And so we find here it's our service that is reviewed and rewarded for. But now let's go to 1St Corinthians chapter 4. Just over a a chapter in Corinthians First Corinthians chapter 4.
And verse 4.
For I know nothing by myself, yet am I not hereby justified?
But he that judgeth me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time.
Until the Lord come, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness.
And will make manifest the counsels of the hearts, and then shall every man have praise of God.
So just to review for a moment, we've spoken of the judgment seat of Christ in connection with our whole life being brought into review. We've spoken of it in connection with our service. But I suggest here it's something very different and that is our motives, because someone has said our motives are as important as the thing itself. And you know, it's possible to do the right thing in with the wrong motive, but God not only wants us to do the right thing in our lives.
But he wants the motive to be right. And so the Apostle Paul here encourages the Corinthians Saints not to judge something before the time, but to leave it with the Lord. We often say we can't judge motives, and that's right. But the Lord can and he will. Now I want to put this in its proper perspective and context here in this in this epistle, because, you know, I suppose the most missed, applied and misconstrued verse of our time is this verse.
Judge. Judge not that you be not judged. You know that is the most misconstrued and misapplied verse of our time, and people use that to say, well, we can't judge anything. Well, it's interesting that in the 5th chapter there was something that needed to be judged because actions must be judged. Sin must be judged for the Lord's glory, because God has always taught from the beginning of time that sin is a thing that is not fit for His presence or the presence of his people.
And there was sin allowed in Corinth. There was very serious sin and evil.
And it was commonly reported, and they were slow to take up the matter and to deal with it for the Lord's glory. And so the apostle Paul writes, and leaves nothing unexplained as to how the matter was to be taken up and judged. But isn't it interesting that before he takes up that matter, he says, judge nothing before the time until the Lord come? Because we must judge actions for the Lord's glory, But we can't judge motives. And maybe there's someone here this afternoon and you say.
You know, I tried to do something for the Lord and everybody spoke against me. Or that sister said something. That brother did something and the Lord never came in and dealt with it. You know, there are some things you're just going to have to leave till the judgment seat of Christ Judge nothing before the time until the Lord come. He'll bring out the motive. He'll bring out the hidden things of darkness. He'll bring out the councils of the heart. Mary of Bethany to me is a beautiful example.
Because when she poured out her ointment at the feet of the Lord Jesus at the end of his pathway.
Not only did Judas speak up against her, but all the disciples spoke against her. But read the account carefully. You'll never read of Mary saying one word. She never spoke up to try to vindicate herself. She never tried to justify herself. She let the Lord do it. She left the vindication, the justification with the Lord. But, brethren, there's some things are never gonna be settled this side of the judgment seat of Christ. There's some things you're just going to have to leave. Paul was misunderstood by his Corinthian brethren. They judged him at every level.
They questioned his authority as an apostle. They questioned his ministry. They even questioned his ability to present his ministry.
He said, that's OK, I'll leave that with the Lord. I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day. I know it takes faith to leave those things with the Lord, but just leave them. They'll all be straightened out another day. The tangles of life will be undone in that day, and we'll see it all from his perspective. And we'll just praise him for his ways with us there. Oh, I just want to encourage you to leave those things.
With the Lord you know so often we do more damage by trying to vindicate ourselves. You know the Lord Jesus it says who When he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously. How could he do such a thing? He knew that God had the record down properly and God has the record down properly. And the Lord Jesus still hasn't been vindicated on planet earth yet. He has his rightful place in heaven, but not on earth. He's waited 2000 years plus. That's a long time. Surely you and I can wait just a few to hear.
His vindication in that day.
And see it all manifest in the light of his presence. Now let's go to Romans chapter 14.
Romans chapter 14 and verse 7. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live we live under the Lord, and whether we die we die under the Lord.
Whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lords. For to this end Christ both died and rose, and received that he might be, might be Lord both of the dead and the living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? Or why dost thou said it not thy brother? For we must all, we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Well, look here. We have the judgment seat of Christ the 4th time. And if we were to read carefully the context of this chapter, which we don't have time to do.
I believe we would find here that it's a question of our spirit and our attitude. It's not just a question of motive, but the spirit and attitude in which we do things. Because again, he wants us to do it not just with the right motive, but he wants us to do it in the right spirit. It's often been pointed out that Caleb was the only one that we read of that got a personal inheritance when they entered the land. All the rest got it by by tribe and family.
But Caleb got a personal inheritance. Why? Because when he was faithful in standing for the truth in his day.
It says my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him.
When we come over to the last words that Paul penned by inspiration to a young man named Timothy.
And exhorted to go on and be faithful and continue in the truth of God. In the last days and perilous times, Paul said the the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. He wanted Timothy to be faithful, but he didn't want him to do it in the wrong spirit. You know, sometimes we can be clear as ice and just as cold. We can be straight as a razor and just as sharp we can be and and just as cutting we can be as pointed as a spear and just as piercing and so we want to be faithful. It's true.
And these are days when there's days of giving up the truth. We need to stand faithful, but he wants us to do it in the proper spirit. Blessed is that man in whose spirit there is no guile. Daniel was another man who lived in difficult days, but at least twice it says Daniel had an excellent spirit. And so Moses in contrast, he had a provoked spirit. They provoked his spirit at the waters of of Mara. But you know where to be meek and lowly in spirit. We're to have a we're to be.
To to act in the spirit of the Lord Jesus, David said when he failed. Renew a right spirit within me.
You see how our spirit and attitude and there are many scriptures we could mention, but our spirit and attitude is so important.
If I can just sum it up this way as our life is reviewed at the judgment seat of Christ.
And our whole life is brought into display. Our service, our motives, our spirit and attitude. To me, it's just as if he's going to turn everything in my life and see if there isn't some aspect of it that he can't reward for. That will be his joy and delight in rewarding. So maybe I did the wrong thing in the right spirit. Well, he can't reward me for the thing, but perhaps he'll reward for the spirit. Maybe I did the wrong right thing with the with the wrong motive. Can't reward for the motive, but he'll perhaps reward for the thing I did. You see how he's going to turn everything to see if there isn't some aspect of that thing.
That he can't reward for, but I'd like to end on a little different note. And by doing it I'd like to go to Hebrews chapter 12.
Hebrews, chapter 12.
And verse one. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. This is what I want us to notice, particularly looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand.
Of the throne of God. I want to say in conclusion that rewards handed out for faithfulness at the judgment seat of Christ are not to be our motive for following the Lord or serving him or living for his glory. Christ is to be the motive. Christ is the motive of everything in our Christian life. And it's looking unto Jesus. It's having Christ before our souls as that object, the one and the only one who began and completed.
The path of faith and service and perfection. That's why it's not so much he's the author and finisher of our faith, but he's the author and finisher of faith. He began and completed the path of faith and perfection, and as such, God has seated him at his own right hand as the object for you and for me. And so our object and our motive is not to be reward. Rewards are given as an incentive because it's like the athlete and so often, just as we have in this portion.
The Christian pathway is likened to a race or an athletic event because we understand very clearly that when the athlete goes out to participate in the event, he always has the goal, the prize in view. Why doesn't a young person give up many comforts and train themselves and discipline themselves? Because to participate, to practice and participate, because they've got the goal, they've got the prize in view.
And the prize, I say again in the Christian life is always Christ. Yes, those rewards are given as an incentive, but I trust, brethren, that every one of us here, young and old, who know the Lord Jesus is our Savior, have Christ so before our souls that we are motivated to live for His glory down here. That's the real motivation, and I can't stress that enough at the end of this meeting.
What is motivating you in your Christian life? Is it Christ? Has he so captured your gaze? Has he so captured your heart? You know, when we were growing up, we used to sing that little hymn. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of his glory and grace, we sometimes sing a little prayer. I trust it's the sincere and earnest desire of each of our hearts.
All fix our earnest gaze, so, holy Lord, on the.
The West Side beauty occupied. We elsewhere none may see. Oh, does Christ fill our gaze and fill our hearts.
That we run with endurance, the race that is set before us, looking to him, having him before our souls every day, and then realizing that when we get there, so much, so much does he value every thought, even a little note of praise is going to get its reward. Every action, the spirit and attitude in which things are done, everything is going to be rewarded in that day. And won't it be worth it? Won't we wonder why we didn't give up more? Why we didn't seek grace to live more for his glory?
When we look into his lovely face, when we're there in the light of glory, oh brother, it's going to mean everything to him. And it's going to thrill our hearts to to hear him say, well done, thou, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.