Address 2

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Address—R. Boulard
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Well, in our local assembly meetings at home in Hammer Bay, we just took up the little epistle to Philemon. Philemon. And I'm just going to refer to this as, uh, perhaps the working of the Spirit of God behind the scenes, as it were, to produce some thoughts by his grace that might be presented here this, this afternoon. And that might perhaps, uh, give us 'cause to pause and to consider how we're living.
And in whose company we're going. But there was a question raised by a young brother in the assembly at the reading meeting in Philemon as we began to take that epistle up. And it says here, I'm just going to read the first verse and then we're going to turn to some other portions. Philemon verse one, Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy, our brother unto Philemon, our dearly beloved and fellow laborer. And the question was this, what's the difference between a laborer and a fellow laborer? What's the difference?
Well, one has sought to seek those things out and to learn something perhaps will turn back a little bit later to this portion of Scripture. But I want to turn to John's Gospel and you can consider that question as we read some portions of Scripture. So John's Gospel Chapter 11, we're going to read seven things that of seven fellows, some.
Aspects of our Christian path that allow us to go in the company of others. And the first one I want to read of is in John's Gospel, Chapter 11.
And in verse 16.
It says Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellow disciples, let us also go, that we may die with him. Then Jesus, when Jesus came, he found that he had been lain in the grave four days already. Well, we're not going to read this whole account, but you know, the very first thing that we read in that is necessary perhaps in our Christian life is that we're saved by the grace of God, that we put our faith and trust in Christ.
But you know what the definition of a disciple is? Is one who follows.
And one who learns.
One who's a follower and one who learns. That's a disciple. You know, the the Lord called his disciples. He called them one by one. And the call doesn't go out to a group this afternoon, goes out to each one of us as individuals. Wilt thou go with this man? Will you follow?
Will you learn?
Each one is gets a call from the Lord Himself who bought us, paid a price on Calvary's cross to purchase us for Himself. There's one thing that He wants more than ever, more than anything in your life. He wants your heart. He wants your affections.
He wants you to follow him and there are so many voices in this world, so many people that want you to follow them.
It's easy to get distracted. You know, I looked up in the Webster Dictionary this, uh, little word fellow, and it really has the implication of one who's a comrade, one who's a kindred spirit, one who perhaps doesn't have natural relationship to you, but one who is, because of the way they walk and what they value the most in life, they become a kindred spirit with you. You just love that brother, that sister.
You know the Christian pathway is not.
Someone has said a Lone Ranger or Robinson Caruso Christians. That's not what God is looking for. He's looking for those that will follow with others.
Fellow disciples, those that would be called of the Lord out of this scene to follow the Lord Jesus. Fellow disciples, while Thomas here says he's called a twin and I'm a twin, I can identify with this because I don't like being alone. I don't know if there's any other twins in this room, but if there's there's something that a twin, particularly myself, I've never, never liked being alone. It's very, very difficult. I would rather work with someone else than work all alone in my office.
So in my office at home, I have a desk and has two sides to it. I have my seat on one side, Janet has the seat on the other side. Oftentimes we're both in that office at the same time. And so here this is a.
This is brought before us that Thomas, which is called, this is what he said unto his fellow disciples. Let us also go that we may die with him. Well, he didn't have perfect understanding as to what the Lord was doing here, but his disciple is characterized. I like to think of it three ways. He's characterized by following. We already mentioned that he's FA. He's characterized by being a learner and then he's characterized by traveling lightly. Three things he follows.
He learns and he travels lightly because anything in the way will slow him down. Let's just look at those three things in Luke's Gospel, Chapter 5.
We'll look at the first one.
Says in verse 27.
Luke 5 and 27. After these things he went forth.
And saw a publican named Levi sitting at the receipt of custom. He said unto him, Follow me. And he left all, and rose up and followed him. Levi made him a great feast in his own house. And there was a great company of Republicans and others that sat down with them. Well, that's a follower then, a learner. If you look at Luke's Gospel, Chapter 10, one of these, we could turn to a lot of different passages. And perhaps you can look at some of these passages yourself on your own time.
But in Luke's Gospel chapter 10, this is a very precious portion of scripture that the Lord has recorded in His Word.
What meant so much to him? It says in verse 38, Luke 10. Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village.
And a certain woman named Martha received him into her house, and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feet and heard his word.
A good disciple knows how to follow. A good disciple knows how to sit still and hear the word of the Lord.
And a good disciple knows how to travel light. Let's look in Matthew's Gospel chapter 19.
Not going to read the whole portion. Verse 21, Matthew 19 and verse 21.
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor.
And thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
You know, in the early 1800s.
There was an obsession with the British to find the Northwest Passage across the north of North America. They thought that there was a waterway there and if they could, uh, gain the passage, find out where it was, that it would greatly influence and, umm.
Greatly improve commerce in the western world. And so there was a, an expedition that was sent up there, the Franklin expedition. And some of you have heard of the Franklin expedition. He went out there with, uh, a ship or two. He went, uh, through the Northwest Passage. He went down into Hudson's Bay and umm, he had the finest of what this world had. He had fine China.
Engraved with gold and all kinds of things silk.
Tablecloth He had the best of what this world had, and he was going to find this Northwest Passage. And he, uh, his ship got locked into the ice and, umm, after several months, it was, uh, really evident that he wasn't going to be freed from the ice. And you know, those men in the Franklin expedition, every single one of them perished.
But the captain of that ship, Mr. Franklin, Captain Franklin, he wanted to save some of those goods. And so as they left the ship.
He had the sleighs loaded with these dishes, the silverware, all the wealth of that ship and those men were harnessed.
To those slaves with the ropes, and they pulled those sleighs through the snow and the hard ice until they dropped from exhaustion 1 by 1, and they died where they dropped.
Othello disciple needs to travel light and some of us are dragging some pretty big weights and we don't know how to drop them to let them go.
Just to leave them behind, they're not worth it.
We're paying precious moments, precious resources that we have the energy of our youth, and we're trying to drag things through this world that we think are valuable and we're just going to leave them behind. Well, this is a fellow disciple.
In chapter 20 of John's Gospel, we'll find his name mentioned there again, and there's a lesson with Thomas in verse 24.
John 20 and verse 24. Thomas, one of the 12 called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord, but he said unto them, Except I shall see in in his hands the print of the nails.
And put my finger into the print of his nail of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side. I will not believe.
You know the enemy has a tactic in your life and mine.
And he never gives up, never, never, never gives up. He wants to isolate you or I isolate us by ourselves so that we don't walk with our brethren, so that in some way, one way or another, we will not walk with those of like precious faith. We will not walk with those that want to follow the Lord in the truth. You know, it says, I'm going to refer to umm, second Timothy chapter 2 and verse 22. It says there flee also youthful lust, but follow righteousness.
Faith, charity, peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. You know what Mr. Darby's French translation he says translates it this way? Pursue righteousness, faith, charity, or love with them that call them the name of the Lord out of pure heart. You know what it means to have a pure heart? It means to know what the truth of God is, what the Word of God teaches, and to walk in it with a pure heart to want to please the Lord.
You know what an unpure heart is it? It's a heart that knows what the truth of God is, knows what the word of God says.
And will not walk in it for one reason or another, something that will hinder.
And perhaps 'cause you not to walk as a fellow disciple, not to walk as the comrade of others, not to be in close association with your brethren and to want to walk with them, Well, you know it cost Thomas something. Thomas wasn't there in the upper room when the Lord appeared to the disciples. And, umm.
He learned his lesson. You know, I believe in Acts chapter one, it says in uh, verse 13 that uh, when they were come in, they went up into an upper room. It should say the upper room where a boat, both Peter and James and John and Andrew, Phillip and Thomas and Bartholomew and so on. You know, Thomas wasn't found alone. I don't believe you read of Thomas being alone again in the book of the Acts or in the Gospels. He learned his lesson.
And you know, you and I need to learn our lessons, to desire to follow the Lord.
And to follow in righteousness, faith, peace.
Love with those that call upon the name of the Lord out of pure heart. Well, isn't this nice that as a fellow disciple, I have a desire, and perhaps you have a desire to follow the Lord. And maybe it was mentioned this morning that maybe you're saved and you haven't been following.
The rest of our time.
It's a day of decision for you this afternoon if you haven't been following the Lord, but you know, if you've been following the Lord, desiring to please him, it's nice to have those too, that you can keep company with those that you can, that will strengthen you, that will help you, that will correct you. The disciples, Thomas, fellow disciples sought to correct him.
Well, let's just turn to Philemon then.
Now let's turn to Ephesians. Ephesians chapter 2.
And verse 19.
Because of the time, we're only going to mention these things very briefly, and so you can go back and study and meditate upon them yourselves. But the second thing here I want to call attention to in verse 19, Ephesians 2 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God. You know, a foreigner is a citizen of another country. He's a citizen of another country, and he owes his allegiance to another country. And there was a work of God.
At the cross of Calvary.
To make you a citizen of heaven, you are a citizen of earth, you are a citizen of a doomed place that was going to fall under the judgment of a righteous and a holy God. And the judgment is going to fall. It's going to be.
A scene that's going to be destroyed. Everything in this scene that you see and touch and feel and smell is going to be gone one day. And you were a citizen of that scene. You were you bore your allegiance to that country of this earth and all that it has. But now you're a fellow citizen with the Saints. You're not just a citizen of heaven, but God has ordained it that there might be others that walk in the path of faith that you can go a long with that. Oh, their allegiance to a heavenly man.
To a heavenly scene, to a place where Christ is going to always have the 1St place, The one who's won our hearts and whose allegiance has been won. Our allegiance has been, uh, given to.
Why? It's the Lord's desire that we would respond to that, that we're not, uh, citizens of this world, but that we're fellow citizens. We have privileges and responsibilities now in connection with heaven.
You know, my wife and I, when we lived in the United States after 911, we began some processes to become U.S. citizens because of travel and so on. I was doing a lot of international travel. And so my wife and I are U.S. citizens as well as Canadian citizens. Now, the Canadian government doesn't care whether you're Canadian and you're Australian and African and plus you have American citizenship. They really don't care. They just want the tax dollars.
But the American government when you cross the border into the US.
You're American, you're not Canadian, you're not African or anything else. You better say that you're American. So my wife, you know, she forgot one time and she was crossing from Hammer Bay down into Ohio and umm, or into Buffalo, NY and, uh, she handed the, the uh, customs agent her papers and he said, uh, citizenship. She says Canadian. He says, ma'am, I'm gonna give you these papers back again and we're gonna do this again.
And so.
He said. Now I'm going to ask you again.
What is your nationality? She says American. She, he says. Correct.
Welcome home.
You know, you and I forget sometimes our citizenship and we forget the immense privilege of being able to walk the path to glory with those that have their allegiance to Christ.
Their allegiance is wholeheartedly to that Blessed One in the glory.
But sometimes we forget, sometimes we pray unintelligently, sometimes we pray and we speak to one another unintelligent way. But isn't it nice that you and I have the present, present day, the privileges, the responsibility to lock this scene in the dignity of those that are heavenly citizens? Do you act?
And walk and conduct yourself the dignity of a heavenly citizen.
Whether you do or not, you're a citizen of Heaven.
And when this world asks you a reason of the hope that is in you, and you give the wrong answer, perhaps you don't look like a citizen of heaven. Perhaps you're not dressed like a citizen of heaven. Perhaps you're not even speaking like a citizen of heaven. Perhaps you're in a place where a citizen of heaven shouldn't even be, but you're a citizen of heaven. Oh, how wonderful it is. What a preservation it'll be if we walk the path to glory with fellow citizens, those that have an appreciation for their new.
Relationship with God and the fact that they're heavenly citizens. Let's just drop down here a little bit further in chapter 3 and umm, verse 6.
That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ.
By the Gospel fellow heirs in Romans chapter 8, it's the the term is used joint heirs and I believe Mr. Darby's translation he uses here joint heirs and in Galatians mentioned as well. I would just say this that each one of these terms that is used that we're going to look at this afternoon are used very, very infrequently in the word of God and God never uses a term flippantly or without real weight to it.
And here he says fellow heirs, the Gentiles should be fellow heirs. You know, we were strangers from the covenants of promise. We were without God, without hope in this world. We had nothing. We were bankrupt, held hell deserving sinners. And God in his grace has made everyone of us who have been purchased by the blood of Christ, made sons of God he's made us heirs to.
Thank God none of us is going to take anything out of this world.
We may have a pretty firm grasp on some of the things that we have in this world.
But thank God we're going to leave it all behind says in I think it's first Timothy chapter 6 says for we brought nothing into this world and is certain we can carry nothing out. And So what is it that you value in life? What is it that's a present advantage to you in this scene? You know, young people, I see a lot of your faces here and I want to say this.
That the Lord Jesus is the heir of all things in heaven and in earth. He's the heir of all things. And one day you are going to physically stand beside his side. You're going to physically be seen by this world at his side. He's going to display His church by his side.
You're going to be displayed as a fellow heir, a joint heir with Christ over all this scene. The created world, the created universe is all going to be brought into subjection to the Lord Jesus and God is going to give his Son.
Everything that was ever created.
Everything, every being that was ever created and that has bowed the knee in this life is going to rejoice in the fact that the bride is a fellow heir. Every one of us is individuals, but you know, we're not always living as fellow heirs.
Have you surrounded yourself with those that have an appreciation for the inheritance that is in the glory?
Says in Ephesians chapter one. I think it is here.
It says in chapter one and verse 14.
Just at the end of verse 13, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance.
Until the redemption of the promised purchased possession under the praise of his glory. And so God has stated a fact that we're joint heirs. We're heirs individually with Christ. We're joint heirs with Him. But oh how He longs for us to enjoy it together.
Not to want the best of what this world has, because God himself is going to give us the best that heaven could ever give us. God is going to give us the best.
God is going to give His Son all things, and you and I are going to be associated with that blessed one.
We're joint heirs with that blessed one. Well, let's look to Philemon now.
Philemon verse one.
Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy, our brother unto Philemon, our dearly beloved.
And fellow labourer.
Anyone here in this room ever dug a ditch?
I have Doug Ditches.
Labor is hard work, isn't it?
In other places these perhaps the term is used. Fellow workmen, I was digging a ditch in Michigan through hard pan. Some of you know what hard pan is. It's ground that's as hard as concrete and doing it by hand and with a pick.
We have hard pan up in Hammer Bay too.
All around Lake Huron is hardpan. It's just as hard as concrete. And Jonathan and I were just about 3/4 through digging a couple of ditches in Michigan and we had a man come down the street. He said I have a small backhoe. Would I, could I come and finish that job for you? He came and he finished that job.
Oh, I was so thankful not to have to hack through the rest of that ditch. I sweat. I had blisters and my young son had blisters that were bleeding. I was glad to have that man come.
And dig the ditch with us.
Paul never used these terms lightly.
Phi Lehman, our dearly beloved and fellow laborer here, was a man who knew how to work. He knew how to dig ditches, as it were, spiritually. He knew how it was what it was to dig in and to get the job done among the people of God.
It wasn't just something that was lightly done. You know, recently we painted the meeting room in Hammer Bay and it's a, it's a large building. It's about the size of what this building is without the, uh, annex at the back. And it's about 3 stories high at the rear. Wood building, wood windows took a lot of scraping to get that building. The, it's stained. So it wasn't, uh, you know, there was some scraping to do. There's a lot of hard work.
And at the rear it's three stories high. We had scaffolding up and had ladders to get right up to the very peak. And the paint and uh, I learned something painting that room with brethren.
Everyone helped. There was one brother who didn't help.
And he, his father and he run a business, and they had some employees that are gathered to the Lord's name and part of the assembly. And that one brother who didn't come and paint at the meeting room ran the business and did try to do the work of three men.
To allow the others to come to pay.
He was working, he was laboring that the work might get done.
There was another brother, you know.
Lots of them. Lots of us start a job and we don't all finish it. And so when the project started, took two weeks to do the, the, the work and there were a lot of people there and a lot of the easy jobs got taken first, as it were. And umm.
There was one brother, I don't want to be humorous about this, but he likes the easy jobs. He's a dear brother. He has a heart of gold. He'd give you the shirt off his back. But he does everything he can to sweat the least, as it were. And he went and bought a $300.00 paint machine, paint spray machine so that he could spray the place. And so he said, no sweat. We'll, we'll paint this place in half an hour. And so the front of the building had already been done the hard way. And he, he was quite sure that he could do the rest of it very quickly. And so he got the spray gun out and he sprayed.
Three walls of the building and the.
Rear of the building and it took three men to clean up.
Lot of hours put in cleaning up the roof, a lot of hours the brother spent cleaning the paint off the windows and so on, and then it still needed two coats of paint that was brushed into it. There are no shortcuts when it comes to labor and the working in the field of the Lord. There's no shortcuts. We're going to have to sweat. We're going to have to do some grunt work, as it were, and it's not always convenient.
Paul slept under the stars.
Paul wasn't in the deep day and the night.
It wasn't comfortable. It wasn't convenient. We live in a day of convenience. There was another man that worked on the meeting room, an older man.
Your brother working behind the scenes.
72 years old and when everyone was gone and there was all kinds of work to do, the hard stuff.
He would drive by and I would be up on a ladder or on top of the scaffolding, whatever it was, and he would drive by the meeting room and see the vehicle parked out there and he would swing in.
72 years old, he'd be up on that scaffolding. He wouldn't see a brother working on that meeting room and he wouldn't come and do it himself.
He dropped everything in the business world. He'd go and do it. Is that how you are? The things of God, Are they, uh, importance to you? Is it important to you to see your brethren go on? Is it important to drop everything and make sure that the young people go on for the Lord?
My brother wanted the best for the Lord. He wanted the best.
And he worked hard, and he didn't feel that he'd worked hard enough.
And so he hired another brother to work at the meeting room, and he paid him out of his own pocket to make sure that he contributed enough.
There's going to be a reward in the glory for those that know how to labor and those that are fellow laborers, those that draw alongside the desire to have.
Be companions and do The Dirty work, young people. I just make this comment to you. Do The Dirty work when you're young. Do The Dirty work at the meeting room. Cut the grass and don't tell anybody.
Set the chairs up when no one's looking. Pick up stuff off the floor. God uses those that do The Dirty work, and later on in life, if you do The Dirty work, God may use you in a spiritual way.
But don't be afraid to get your hands dirty into sweat and to be a fellow laborer. Well, in verse 2 here of Philemon, it says to our beloved Aphia an Archipelas, our fellow soldier.
Into the church in my house.
You know, this is the only time in Scripture that this term is used. Fellow prisoners, Fellow soldier. Fellow soldier, What's a soldier?
A soldier is one that goes out in the service of another.
And according to the will of another, conducts himself in military aspect.
He's trained in service.
And he's skilled.
He's doing a dangerous work and he knows how to follow orders.
He knows how to follow orders he's not seeking to.
Have a prominent place among his brethren.
And so in verse 2 here, it says Archopus was a fellow soldier. Let's just turn back to Colossians chapter 4 and we'll see there. The only other time that this man is mentioned that I know of in Scripture.
Verse 17 Colossians 417 I say to Arcapus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord.
That thou fulfill it.
You know, brethren, we have an enemy, a real enemy.
And he desires to destroy individual Christian testimony. He desires to destroy the assembly, He desires to destroy what is for the glory of God. And a soldier stands and holds his position and moves forward.
In its dirty, dangerous work.
But he does it for the blessing of others. An archipelas here perhaps were given this little picture of a man that had been given a service, a Commission of the Lord.
To go and do something for the Lord, it was a dangerous work, and he was given that work to do, and yet he might not have fulfilled it. And he got this little prompt from the apostle Paul in writing and to the brethren to just encourage archipelas, to take up the sword, as it were, and to go on. You know, I just want to turn to.
Second Kings, chapter 13.
There are a lot of portions we could turn to.
In this connection, but I want to just give encouragement to some of the older ones. Here it says in For the Second Kings, chapter 13. Now Elijah was fallen sick of his sickness, whereof he died. And Joash the king of Israel came down unto him, and wept over his face, and said, Oh, my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And Elisha said unto him, Take bows and arrows. And he took unto him bows and arrows. And he said to the king of Israel, Put thine hand upon the bow.
And he put his hand upon it, and Elijah put his hands upon the King's hands, and he said, open the window eastward, and he opened it. And Elijah said, said shoot, and he shot. And he said the arrow of the Lord's deliverance. Well, we're not going to read the whole portion, but umm, just want to make this point that there was an old soldier, as it were.
How are young soldiers trained?
Old soldiers train young soldiers, and there may be some young ones here that value the assembly, value what it is to be gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus and see that the enemy is at work to destroy. And they desire to engage the enemy, as it were, and to use the Word of God, to stand by the truth of the Word of God and to obey it and to be a blessing in the assembly. And perhaps you don't really have the experience, but you'd like to be helping your brother.
There are those that are older in the assembly and could put their hands on your hands.
They can help you to shoot the ball.
Draw near.
Young men, to those that are older in the faith, they want you to go on. They want the assembly to be preserved, you know.
I emailed the brother this morning and asked him if I could tell you this story and I'm he said yes, go ahead. You know there's a man in the little assembly in Nashville, TN, Tennessee. His name is Gary Peck. Some of you know him.
Dear brother, And he said, you know, as he was gathered to the Lord's name, he sat under the sound of ministry in different conferences and so on. But in his home assembly, he was a little a, uh, a man, an older man, Jim Thompson, who was not in, well, good health, But he says, uh, he and Jim Thompson sat for hours together over the word of God.
Jim Thompson would give a ministry to read Jim. Jim would do all kinds of things to urge this brother on in the path of faith. He said. That man was my spiritual father.
And as Jim, in my last visit with Jim before he went home to be with the Lord, he said, won't you go to Nashville often and just spend some time with Gary? Oh, I love that brother. I wanted to go on.
Won't you just spend some time with them? You know, older brethren, there are younger ones here. Make time for your younger brethren and younger brethren. When you go to the Brothers Care meeting, don't be spouting off and trying to take a large part. Sit there and learn. Allow the older men to take their hands and put them on your hands and learn the ropes of what it is to be a soldier, a fellow soldier. God didn't intend us to fight the enemy alone, as it were.
But he's given us companions to push doggedly forward against this the enemy. Well, let's, uh, look in verse 23 of Philemon. This is the 6th, uh, one here, fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, fellow prisoner, APRA fresh. You know, Apifress has the distinction in Colossians chapter 4. He's mentioned as well. I think he's mentioned four times in Scripture, but uh, in Colossians chapter 4.
It says there in verse 12.
I prefer to Is one of you a servant of Christ?
Here was a man who was a servant and he was also a fellow prisoner, and so he was a prisoner with the apostle Paul. If you wanted to be a prisoner, if you had to be a prisoner would have been a wonderful experience perhaps to be a prisoner with the apostle Paul who submitted to the Lord's dealings in this way. And he was writing these letters and he had apathres there. In Philemon verse 23, it says that after first my fellow prisoner Paul speaks of them in this way, and then in Colossians chapter 4.
He speaks of him.
As a servant of Christ, what was he doing? He was laboring fervently for you in prayers.
That you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. What a prisoner, what a prisoner. You know I when I was a young man.
There was a brother in the Lord Young Brother and he hadn't got a college education or anything. He had to. He went and took a factory job and they wanted him to sign the union card and he said I wouldn't do it.
That I belong to Christ. I won't sign the union card. They made him pay union dues, but umm.
They gave him a factory job, they gave him the lowest classification, the lowest pay, and they gave him the dirtiest jobs in the whole place.
He was a prisoner. He was a fellow prisoners that were with the apostle Paul and with the truth, the word of God. He wouldn't compromise the truth of God. He would rather suffer imprisonment in a circumstance like that than to disobey the word of God.
And to join forces with unbelievers to try to get something good. Oh, what a example that is. Well, let's turn to Colossians chapter one. And we'll see here that there's this man, Ephesus. He's mentioned in verse, chapter one of Colossians, verse 7, as he also learned of Epiphyrus. Our dear fellow servant or fellow bondsman, who is of you for you a faithful minister or servant of Christ.
This is the 7th 1A fellow servant or a fellow bondsman. You know the Lord Jesus has purchased you and I. He's made his fellow citizens.
Of heaven, heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ.
In some aspect of our Christian lives, we trust that he's made his fellow prisoners of the truth, that we might walk in it and suffer for his name's sake. He's given us a desire of heart to follow.
To learn and to walk lightly through this world, travel lightly as those that are fellow disciples. And now he makes us bond servants willingly to serve the One who loved us and gave himself for us. While we don't have any more time, I'd like to sing #24 in the appendix.
#24 in the appendix.