This Book Is the Word of God

2 Timothy 3:15‑16
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Address—A. Roach
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First of all.
I wish to turn to one verse.
In Second Timothy 3.
2 verses rather the last two verses of Second Timothy 3.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
And is profitable.
For doctrine.
For reproof.
War Corrections.
War, instruction and righteousness.
That's a man of God, may be.
Perfect or complete?
Early furnished unto all good work.
I suppose all here would agree with me.
When I hold up this book and say I hold in my hand.
The word of God.
But not all in Christmas.
Will agree.
Certain brother told me.
And when he was taken into the church in Ireland.
The Bishop of the diocese and he says Marcus, there was no common man.
No ordinary preacher.
The Bishop of the diocese said.
This book contains the word of God.
But he preface it by this book is not the word of God, but it contains.
I challenge that.
This book is the word of God.
Dear young people.
And all of us here today.
I read those two verses.
From the 2nd Epistle to Timothy, in which the Apostle Paul gives the characteristics of the last days of Christendom.
And in each chapter he named something that abides.
In the third chapter it is the word of God.
Some of the modern translation.
Pervert is first to say.
All scripture that is inspired.
By God is profitable.
That's a delicate lie.
This book is all the word of God.
And it's profitable.
Well, some may say to me.
But in this book.
We have the words of safety.
We have the words of Pharaoh.
We have the words of wicked Haman.
But they are all given to us by inspiration of God.
It was God's intent to give that to us.
Let us never, never allow for a moment.
And he thought that we have the word of God in our hands, and a veritable pleasure it is.
It will make the mind of God who is the man of God.
To get that expression in the Old Testament time after time.
The man of God.
A man of God is a man that stands for God in the day of ruin.
The man of God may be complete.
Holy fitted.
Where every good work.
Now I know that there are attacks on this book.
Some more clever.
Some moreover.
The brethren, let us cherish this book.
That it may counselors and your dear young people that meet these charges against the Word of God.
Remember what this is.
And you'll constantly hear the old.
Text me charges against the book.
None of them knew.
None of them knew.
Practically anything that you would find charged against this book today.
Has been gone over by godly men in the past.
The charges shown to be ridiculous.
I know a case. You have a case rather.
Where a Christian went to another city.
To do some business.
He was sent there by his company.
It was in a place where there were some rooming houses and he was assigned to one of these company rooming house.
May Adam rule on the 1St floor next to the room where the men living there congregated.
One day he heard them laughing and joking.
And they listened to what they were saying.
There was one man that had them all fell abound as he ridiculed the word of God.
He said this book.
Is full of inaccuracy.
He said that this book.
Tells you that everybody was that there was only.
Adam and Eve and Eve and Cain and Abel.
And Cain went out and found a wife.
He said where did he get her?
That's an old one, you know, he said. Then there.
That was the story of the whale that swallowed the man.
Jonah, he says, you know a whale has a little throat and he can't swallow a man.
He said there were two bears.
That cursed that 842 Children.
He's admired what stomachs. They must have had these 42 Children.
And they had them roaring with laughter.
The Christian opened his door into the room.
He said.
Man, I heard what was said here.
I let this book speak for itself.
He had his fingers in several places in the book.
He turned to the 1St and said hey, Adam lived so many years and begat sons and daughters.
He says that's where he got his wife, where Cain got his wife.
He turned to the next one and he says and two She bears air. 40 and two children.
He says they didn't need big stomachs to tear them.
And he turned to another one, and he said, And Lord, prepare the great fish to swallow up Jonas.
He says that doesn't say that it was a whale.
The end for the left.
And during the remainder of that man's stay in that house, he never put in his appearance again.
You do not need to be afraid, dear young Christian, of any charge that's leveled against this book.
As another is says the word of God is an Angel that is worn out many a hammer.
It was time. It is good for all these.
Many, many years.
And the men that charge it with error are gone.
Gone into eternity to meet their gods.
Now, if we might say a word to about outside evidence.
We were speaking yesterday that the word of God doesn't need anybody to defend it. Like the man that went into the meet the man and he says I'll let this book speak for itself.
Like a lion, you turn it loose and it will defend itself.
The trouble is, we're frequently so unacquainted with the book that we do not realize when men are misquoting it.
We knew it better.
It would be to our good.
But suppose we take the idea of archaeology. We were mentioning it yesterday.
The Christian doesn't need archaeology to prove this book.
He doesn't need any outside evidence.
This book has its own conviction that our minds and hearts is open.
The internal evidence of this book is greater than anything that the archaeologists could ever uncover.
It's perfect unity.
Us all joined together.
It's like an ark and you take away one stone, the whole ark tumbles.
This book is perfect.
Well, Speaking of archaeology, there was a time when the infidels said the Bible talks about Hittites.
Now we know there were no Hittites.
Infidels charge that there never had been any hitchhikes on Earth.
There are no record of Hittite.
Then, all at once, somebody uncovered a stone. I think they called it the Rosetta Stone.
And here was the whole story of the Hittite. So the infidel now have to believe that there were Hittites.
Christian knew it all along.
We got it from the Word of God and there was no question about it.
The envelope would believe it when he found it on a piece of stone.
We have a treasure here.
And this whole book of woven together.
It's so tied together with an indissoluble court that you can't remove any part of it.
Without doing violence for all of us, think of our book.
Over 1500 years in composition.
Written by herdsmen.
Written by shepherds. Written by fishermen.
Written by kings.
Educated and uneducated man that the Spirit of God inviting it all.
That all tells one story.
No matter where you turn, you'll find the finger of God.
You take the Old Testament. How does it begin? In the beginning, God.
You're introduced at once to a person, to God.
You know why man doesn't like the book?
It brings him to realize there's a God.
How does the New Testament begin?
So they spoke at the beginning of Jesus Christ.
To come to a person immediately.
How does the Old Testament close?
Looking for the sun to arise and shine and strengthen this Dark World.
How does the New Testament close?
Looking for the morning star to come before the sunshine.
Which part of the which comes first?
The morning star or the sun? We all know in nature that it's the morning star that's only seen by those who are awake.
A man who is asleep might be awakened by the warmth of the sun when it shines.
A blind man can feel that the sun is shining.
But this morning, stars asked the Christians Hope so. The whole footwear is at the close of the New Testament will precede the coming of events with which the Old Testament closes.
All brethren, the more I see in the book.
The more I'm horrible.
And yet I shouldn't marvel for the work of God.
In dealing with souls.
Remember, if you get a word from the word of God in that, it reaches the conscience.
You don't have to do much.
I'll ask you this question.
Which would convince you more.
1/2 hour's argument that I had a sharp knife or a jab with it.
Oh, I don't need to prove that. A knife sharp if you feel the edge of it.
And knowing that man hears the word of godson, that reaches into his conscience. He isn't full of arguments now.
He doesn't ask if it's the word of God. He fell his head.
Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
Now I'd like to go back to the clothes of the Old Testament.
Why return to the Book of Malachi?
3rd chapter.
I'll make this comment.
You know there's a gap between the Old and New Testament.
There's a gap of some 400 years.
I think it's a man who is a man by the name of Sir Robert Anderson, who wrote a book called The Silence of Dark.
Even good men, even Christians you know of marveled that there was 400 years between the Old and the New Testament.
But I'd like to point out the perfection of the book.
And the way the Old and the New Testaments are joined.
Malachi 3.
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me.
And the Lord whom he speaks so suddenly come to his temple.
Even the messenger of the Covenant.
Whom he delighted.
Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
Tells us there that there is one coming.
And he is going to come to this earth.
But Lord is the second vote. But who may abide the day of his coming?
Who shall stand when he appears?
For he is like a refiners fire.
And light Fuller's dope, he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And he's so purifies the sons of Levi's, and purge them as gold and silver.
That they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.
Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord.
As in the days of old, as in the former days.
Now what is he speaking about? What is the Prophet Speaking of his?
Some coming of the Messiah, or some coming of a great one that would restore Israel in the past.
No, what we're reading in the book of Malachi is at the close of God's dealings with Israel.
You know, God had brought that people out of Egypt.
And he puts them in the land of Canaan. He heads them about from all the nations.
He gave them his holy law, the license of which no other nation had.
And he dwelt in their myths.
He gave them every possible culture.
And what was the history with them?
Failure, failure, failure.
2nd book of Chronicles tells us that God rose up the times and sent messengers to them.
But it was all in vain.
He says until there was number remedy.
And then, according to the prophecy of Jeremiah, they were taken, captured, and carried over to Babylon.
I'm speaking now the true tribes.
The 10 tribes have been taken captive earlier.
But the two tribes with Levi were carried captive to Babylon, and they remained there 70 years according to the Word of God by Jeremiah.
And you know, in the days of Daniel, we always think of Daniel as a prophet.
But I like to think of Daniel as a man who read prophecy and profited by it.
He read the prophet Jeremiah and he saw that the remnant was going to be returned, restored to Palestine, to Jerusalem, and he knew from Jeremiah that the time for their going back we had about come.
He was quite exercised. We find him praying in the 9th chapter of Daniel confessing that his sins and the sins of his people.
All in preparation for a remnant to go back.
And then God raised up Cyrus according to prophecy and given 150 years before its memory. Serves me right.
God raised up Cyrus the great king, who caused him to restore the people, to let them go back to build a temple. They went back in the days of Asia.
Later on, some went back, you know, with it Nehemiah, to build a wall in the streets.
And so there was a remnant returned in the days of Ezra, in the days of Nehemiah.
I might add this that Nehemiah is the last book in the Old Testament historically.
The book of Esther, on the other hand, gives you an account of the Jews in captivity in the Kingdom of Persia that did not return.
Well, and we have three books at the end of the Old Testament.
Prophecy, Zechariah and Malachi we call them the post captivity prophet where they prophesied to the returned remnants.
What it has the eye prophesied. He had to stir them up, to rise up and build the House of God in Jerusalem. They went back with that intent.
They had good, good, a good start, but then when discouragement came, they ceased.
As the eye resorts them and they go to work.
But now we come down to the book of Malachi.
Book of Malachi, the last prophet of the Old Testament.
And what kind of a condition is existing in the return remnant now?
Failure, failure, failure. Notice some of it.
Later down in the third chapter, the eighth word.
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me.
What ye say we're in now we rob thee.
We booked the 1St chapter, says.
Second verse I have loved you, saith the Lord.
Yet ye say wherein thou shall love thee.
Such as state of insensibility both to God's love and God's goodness and and to their own sake.
God charges them with saying wherein.
And God tells them that he loves them. They say, Well, in hast thou loved them? When he tells them that they had walked and walked, they say, Where in have we robbed he?
Can you imagine this state lower than that, insensible to God's love and God's care and and also to their own ruins?
The low low state.
Go down in the chapter 14 verse, ye have said it is vain to serve God.
Can you imagine the return remnant, those that went back from the captivity as a direct symbol of God over ruling hand because Cyrus the Great king to send them back?
And to give them timber and everything they needed to build a house without.
It is vain to serve God.
Why do I emphasize the last state of the Israel in the Old Testament?
Because, brethren, we're living in comparable times today.
We're living at the end of this year. We're living in the days wherein Christmas doomed to be freed out of Christ's mouth.
As something nauseous thing.
Or I know that before that moment somebody is going to shout, to shout in the air and take all the believers to be with himself.
He's going to take us to be with him.
But then what's left of lifeless Krishnam is to be spewed out of his mouth.
All you say never was Christianity so popular in the earth as it is today.
Is that the Christianity that Christ can approve of?
All I know they're building more church buildings, they're spending more money on missions and on schools and on educational projects than ever before in the history of Christmas.
But, brethren, are we not living in the days when they say it is vain to serve God?
And what profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts?
Have you heard people talk like that?
Don't let it. Don't let Satan. Never insinuate such a thought in your mind, dear Christian.
There is a reward, there is a full recompense for every Christian that goes on faithfully in a day of ruin.
We're at the end.
The thing I marvel at is that we're still here.
Everything indicates that the coming of the Lord is at the very door.
We may be off.
Taken up to be with Christ before this meet this meeting go over.
But if we are allowed to live a little longer threat, we are going to see more and more of apostasy and that with professors, the name of Christ.
They had it in these days.
6:15 first.
And now we call the proud happy.
Second Timothy 3 says in the last days men shall be lovers of self.
Corpses don't slow flashing. What do we have here? We call the Proud happy.
Yay, they that work. Wickedness or even set up as examples.
They attempt God are even delivered.
Can you imagine a darker picture than this? And this friend is the is the state into which the return remnant had stumped in the days of Malachi.
I want to read the next word.
There you say it was hard to live then.
I am sure it was.
But read that word, then, then.
They that feared the Lord take off someone to another. What was their resource?
Motive, Sir, it's not those who love the Lord.
But those who feared the Lord.
Joy walk day by day in the fear of the Lord.
Now I know that we have free peace with God and all our sins are settled.
All that stood against us as sinners before all that God has been removed.
But there is such a thing as one who has peace with God, walking day by day in the fear of God.
Walking consciously before him, remembering holy and what's good with holy days.
Then they that feared the Lord, you say it must have been hard to fear the Lord in a day like that.
Or they had a resource.
Then they that feared the Lord spake off from one to another.
What do you think they came together to talk about?
The improvement in the city of Jerusalem.
You think they came together to talk about?
The politics of the world.
Then they that feared the Lord spake off from one to another.
They were talking about Him. They had something in common. They feared the Lord and thought upon His name.
Now notice what stresses you.
And the Lord hearkened.
To use another expression I trust. Reverently, he bent his ears to hear it. The Lord hearkened.
He was interested in what those dear souls were talking about.
And he heard what they were talking about.
Do we realize that when we're together as fellow Christians on our journey home? But there's one old above who is listening to our conversation?
And all how it pleases Christ, how it pleases one, when those that fear his name.
Are they gathered speaking about him? They're not doing great things in this world.
They're not trying to reform the world.
No. Christianity Today wants a religion that they say is relevant to the Space Age. They want a religion that will fit Christianity and the Space Age into one package.
That will improve the world and tell man how he can improve the world, make a better place to live on and keep the inevitable from happening.
I say the inevitable.
Yes, a crash is coming. Man has built his civilization higher and higher and higher.
If you ever see a child build a building was blocked and he builds it higher and higher and higher.
One day it comes, one day it comes. He got it a little tee high.
Maybe. Yet it's impatient to see it tumble, and it gives it a kick and over it's old.
That's the way man is building today.
Civilization higher and higher. He wants to go to the moon, I suppose he wants to sell real estate up there.
All I can say is that if he ever gets to the moon, there's one thing certain he's corrupted.
But I don't believe you'll ever get there.
No, he won't get there.
God the 6th man's limits, and he's placed man on this earth.
But if he could get to the moon, he grew up.
May that feared the Lord spake off, and one to another. And the Lord hearkened and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before him.
He had a he had a record made of it.
Do we realize that when we've come together in these meetings and we've had the Lord's things and the Lord himself before us, that the Lord has been listening in and he's made a record of it?
You never read of a record being made in the days of the Kingdom of Solomon.
It was a comparatively easy thing to go on as a Jew in the days of Solomon.
But all how difficult to go on is that God be drew in the days of Malik, and those that did that began in the fear of the Lord.
And there was strengthened by the words of conversation with each other about him.
And the Lord took notice and recorded it all in the book.
But the remembrance was written before him for them to feared the Lord, and thought upon his name.
Have you ever thought how how neatly this fits into what we read of in Revelation 3?
The Lord addressed the Philadelphia.
Thou hast little.
Rain. Leave out the word A there. He doesn't belong there. Did you say that thou hast all liberals? Thanks. It means you have some.
But really, it's all as little.
He knows all about it.
You say, well this is a pretty good sized company here this afternoon.
But you know this company wouldn't races the World Race Company.
Edward, race with the world.
The Lord can look down and say, well.
Has little strength.
But he's heard us talking about him, about him and his word and his name.
Kept my word, not denied my name.
Book of Remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts. In the day when I make up my joy all they're going to get a special place of recognition in that day.
You know we get various rewards offered to the overcomers in the Book of Revelation chapters 2:00 and 3:00.
All the Philadelphia those that were just about despise mineral company, he says. I'll make your pillar.
In the temple of my daughter, a pillar is something out in front.
Wait, Hillary seeks the strength.
All but there are other kinds of reward through mentions.
I'll give him a white gold, and in that stone a name written that no man, no save he that receives it.
All that's going to be some special favor from the Lord, some special remembrance of some acts of devotion that no one knew but himself.
Which would we rather have? The public recognition of the Lord in that day? A pillar?
Are the special note of his favor his love?
Man goes away on a strip. He has a large household.
When it comes back from a foreign country, he brings a present to each one.
But there are some in the household, perhaps one child or his wife, and there's something special that he wants to give there. Oh, he waits until the family and the household of this birth, and then he hands a special.
Little gift to them, each one that he has in mind.
With the special recognition.
Maybe he doesn't say a thing as to why it is.
But there is a consciousness between the father and the head of the household, and the one that we see is that it's a special favor to some special devotion.
Let's go to the temperature loop. Now looks off.
1St chapter of Luke's Gospel.
My object here.
Is not just to point out a word of encouragement, as we've been doing for a day of ruin.
But my object now in turning to the Gospel of Luke.
Is to show the indissoluble ties of the word of God.
People talk about the silence of God that 400 years when there was number revelation.
On the basis of the word of God, I say there is no gap.
We go from Malachi to Luke and we find perfect continuity.
Perfect joining together.
Chapter First chapter of Luke.
There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zachariah.
Of the course of the day, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.
And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. Blame them.
You find some of that little company here.
We close the Old Testament with a liberal company that we're faithful to the Lord. We've passed over 400 years and we find the same little company still there.
At Jerusalem we find Zacharias ministering in the priest office in the Temple.
We find that he was not only a godly man, but he had a godly wife.
Zechariah and Elizabeth, they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances that the Lord blame now if things were bad, if things were difficult in the days of Malachi 400 years prior to this.
How much worse they might have been generally by this side.
And the Roman Empire has the Jews under their iron heeled by this time.
But here is a godly couple, and the Word of God takes note of it.
They're recorded here on the pages of Inspiration. If the Lord took knowledge of those in the book of Malachi, we find Him taking knowledge of those in the book of Luke.
The Lord knows all about you, you say. Well, my lot is pretty hard where I work.
Some young person may say you don't know how difficult it is. For me, it's true.
But I'll tell you this if you walk in the fear of the Lord.
The counsel of His Word, No fellowship of the Saints of God.
You have strength for it in an evil day, our second Timothy 3 should read.
In the last days, difficult times will come, not merely perilous, but difficult.
You know when man likes to prospectus and he tries to get you interested in a new city development or a new corporation that's being established, he tells you how it would go on and improve and build and enlarge and enlarge and enlarge, and he never sees anything but prosperity for it.
The Word of God tells us at the beginning of Christianity what the end would be.
It tells you that it would be a difficult time.
As to how we can go on in the different time, and it doesn't say that the difficult time of the difficult times of the last days would be on account of wars and rumors of wars.
I will be for the godly Jew in the future, but what makes it so difficult for the Christian in this day?
Is the moral condition lovers of self Proud posters blasting so on covered it. The moral conditions of this world have deteriorated and deteriorated and deteriorated, and that's going on an accelerated pace.
There is one difference between what we get in Romans of the condition of the even world and what we get in Second Timothy 3, the condition of Christendom at the end, and that one difference is there.
This, and then we'll have a form of godliness. The Romans of old didn't have any form of godliness. They were openly wicked.
But this and them can go on and on.
In all its depravity under the name of Christianity.
All we're living in difficult days. Let's not be deceived.
And God has told us so.
He said before he didn't give us a prospectus that everything would be good and Christianity would keep on enlarging and enlarging until it enveloped the world and we finally have a Millennium.
All the end of the of this age is judgment.
Our judgment for the mere professor, that's without Christ.
The first of all, every true believer in the Lord Jesus is going home.
And some of those Christians that are trying to deny it today, they're going to go anyway, and I'm sure they won't just be disappointed when they find themselves there. Now let's get out in blue, the 26th verse of the first chapter.
In the six months, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth.
They're a virgin and spouse to a man whose name was Joseph of the House of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. The Angel came in unto her and said, Hail, now we're highly favored. The Lord is with thee, blessed earth, thou among women. When she saw him, he was troubled, and he's staying and casting her mind. What manner of salutation this should be.
The Angel said unto her, Fear not Mary, for thou hast found favor with God.
Behold our children thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name Jesus.
And he shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall get into the throne of his Father David.
Here we find not only Zacharias and Elizabeth, what we find that God we made him by the name of Mary.
All there was a remnant in that day.
You know there was a remnant in the days of Elijah, but their testimony was rather negative and positive.
There were 5000, there were 7000 that hadn't bowed to me to bail.
Doesn't say they vowed to me. To God. It was a rather negative testimony.
But here's a faithful woman.
38th Verse And Mary said, Behold, a handmaid of the Lord being unto me, according to thy word. And the Angel departed.
Now we go down again in the chapter.
59th Verse 1257 Verse Now Elizabeth full time was shame that she should be delivered, and she brought forth a son, and her neighbors and her cousins heard how the Lord had showed great mercy upon her, and they rejoiced with her. It came to pass it on the eighth day that they came to circumcise the child, and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father.
His mother answered and said not so that his name shall be called John. And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name. And they made signs to his father how he should be having Paul. And he asked for a writing table. Remember he was dumb. He wasn't able to speak because it was some unbelief.
But he heard the good news.
Call to the writing table and wrote and saying his name is John.
And they marveled all, and his mouth, which opened immediately, and his tongue loose, and his spake, and praised God. See that godly remnant carried over to Malachi.
He's taken. Praise God.
67 First and his father Zachariah was filled with the Holy Ghost and Sophocide, saying, bless it, be the Lord God of Israel, for he had visited and redeemed his people and has raised up for us to harness out, raised up and horn of salvation for us in the House of his servant David. Now he wasn't speaking about his own son John.
There he wasn't at the House of David.
This was prophecy concerning the Lord Jesus.
Which, as we speak by the mouth of all the others holy prophets, which have been since the world began, that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hands of them that hate us, to perform the mercy promise to our fathers, and to remember His holy covenant.
Well, we go down in the next step.
25th verse And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon.
The same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel. Here's a man by the name of the Simeon, just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel. The Holy Ghost is upon him, and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's life.
And he came by the Spirit into the temple.
And when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him, after the custom of the law.
Then took heed him up in his arms.
And bless God instead.
Lord, now let us, thou thy servant, depart in peace, according to thy word, for mine eyes is seen by salvation.
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.
A light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of Thy people, Israel.
And Joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him.
And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother.
Behold, this child is kept for the fall and rising. Leave out the word again.
For the fall and wising of many in Israel.
And for a sign which shall be spoken against.
Yes, sword shall Pierce through thine own soul, also that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
That Blessed One had been born into this world. He came in the appointed way.
In the appointed place at the appointed time.
According to prophecy, he was the one that came in by the door into the people, and God had that godly remnant there to receive him.
When we find the wise men going to Herod to find out where he was, the Jewish leaders could tell Herod where he was to be born. They could propose prophecy and quoted accurately, but they never moved one step to see him.
Not one step, but here were a few that were there to welcome him when he came.
How many today?
A real Christian are living in anticipation of the Lord coming. How many are waiting for that? Blessed is hope. Waiting in the anticipation that He'll come today and Take Me Home.
All dreams, there is nothing that was told separate us from the world as attachment and heart to Christ, knowing that He's soon coming for us and He's going to take us out of it.
Someone has said prophecy drives us out of the world.
Because it tells us that the judgment of God is coming on the whole thing.
That loved the Christ draws without.
Should the treasure he found in his love that has made us now killed him the Lord, we have a better treasure. Prophecy tells us, judgments coming on the whole thing.
You people that are here from the city of Ottawa.
Suppose I told you where you could buy the best piece of business property in the city of Ottawa tomorrow for $0.10 on the dollar.
That I told you along with it that the earthquake was coming, or a fire was coming and the whole thing would be leveled the next day.
Do you think I could interest you in having in having a buyer?
All that's what prophecy does. It says the judgment's going to level the whole thing.
But that isn't what gets us out of the world in our heart. It's just back to the one who loved us and gave himself for us is going to have it with us, He said. I will come again and receive you unto myself.
Where I am, there ye may be also.
Are we anticipating that blessed moment?
There were only a handful that were waiting for the Messiah when He came the first time, but He came to His temple. He came at the appointed place in time, everything according to the Old Testament prophecies, and yet you can count them on your fingers that were there waiting for Him, prepared as a people waiting for their Lord.
Or do we need to wonder if there are only a few that are waiting for him now?
May God and His grace keep us. We may be among those that are waiting for Him, expecting Him.
Now let's notice the last one in this chapter.
And there was one Anna, a property, the daughter of the mule of the tribe of aces. My comment on that?
Those that went into captivity at Babylon were the two tribes with Levi.
You read the genealogies, the goals that returned in the remnants.
Nehemiah, for instance, you find that you're of Judah and Benjamin and Levi.
But here is a stranger of the tribal Asher. There were some mixed in here and there. Here was one.
He was.
He was upgraded.
And had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity.
And she was a widow of about four store in four years.
She was an old woman.
As near as I can figure, she was in her hundreds. That was an old age for those days.
They've been a widow for 84 years.
They've been married seven years.
The only thing that's not given is their age and their marriage.
Anyway, your finger she was over 100 years old.
But something burned right in her heart. She was looking for the Messiah.
They was looking for the Christ according to the promises of the Old Testament and.
She was there at the temple when he came.
He departed not from the temple, but served. God was fasting and prayers night and day. You say, how could she serve God? How could a woman over 100 years old serve God?
With fastings and prayers, night and day. I think of her prayers along with Daniels prayers. Daniel was praying expecting the Messiah to come.
Or expecting them rather to go back to their land, according to Jeremiah.
God raised up that man to confess their sins and to prepare the way for them to go back.
But here is one now that spray knight and day before God about the coming Messiah and she has she sees it now like Simon, he took him up in his arms and he left long. It was an old man and he was waiting his release, but many when he sees this blessed child Jesus.
He blesses God when he says, Lord, now let us all thy serve at departing peace.
Where mine eyes have seen thy salvation, what had he seen?
While he saw that faith.
Law begins on the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he had an he had an understanding beyond more of what that who that blessed One was. And when he saw him, he had his desires satisfied. Missus N thou Take Me Home, I'm satisfied. I've seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared.
So Anna, he was a widow of about four, four and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God was fasting and prayers nights and days. He's coming in at that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord.
What do we find here? We find a little godly remnant, not just a handful.
Seeking together of him. They're talking together about him. You say there's something missing between Malachi and Luke. I claim there's not.
And the Old Testament causes looking for the sun to rise and its strength.
New Testament poses looking for Christ to come for his churches, The Morning Star. What more can you have? What could be left out?
And then we find the remnants there and the remnant here, and when they and she stayed off him want to know what they were talking about?
Poem. You need to know who the hymn is.
Is that necessary that it be put in?
She spake of him.
To all that, look for redemption in Jerusalem.
Now I dare say that a widow of a who was over 100 years old.
Couldn't have spoken to all that looked for redemption in Jerusalem, that there had been very many.
But she, she knew them. They had been coming to her and she'd been talking with them. They'd had conversation before about him. And now she could say, I've seen him. I see.
She blessed God and she thanked God and she told others about Him. Well, brethren, that's our blessed privilege today. We know Him. We know Him who came once. We know Him who came and died on Calvary stuff to put our sins away.
All that word, you know, we said that this child is set through the fall and rising of many. Many stumbled over him when he came in humiliation, the fall of men and the rising of many, They accepted him and saw beauty in him. Well, even today, when the gospel is free people, they either accept or reject him.
And so there's either blessing or if they go on in unbelief rejecting him, there's just.
All and rising.
And when he had, when they had performed all things according to the law, they returned to in the gallery to their own city, Nazareth.
It won't take up more time, but I believe we have something here to meditate on.
We're living in comparable times to Malachi.
And just before what is comparable to it in the early chapters of Luke when he appears.
We're living in the day when there's a remnant.
The love is named.
Would like to speak of him, honor him, honor his name, his word. I'm looking for him to come. According to his Trump all soon. He's coming. We're not waiting for him as a bright morning sun. I mean, yes, we're waiting for him as a bright morning star, but not as the sun of righteousness according to Malachi.
That will be at a future day. The Old Testament tells us that he's going to come with his paints to execute judgment.
But the New Testament tells us he's coming first for his face to take us home. God bless. His moment is in time.
May the thoughts hear our hearts. Dear fellow sisters and your dear young people here today, Please remember you have nothing to apologize for in this blessed book is absolutely correct, inerrant, and you can stand on it even though you may not understand it all or have all the answers to all the quibbling interviews.
But remember, you can get a word that reaches their conscience. It will do its only you. Just let it.
When we came together #240.
The gloomy night will soon be passed, The morning will appear, the harbinger of day at last each waiting I will see.
Thou driest and morning stars, I like Will to our joy these things.
Thou, Lord, won't meet our lungs light without a cloud.