Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever

Hebrews 1:3; Hebrews 13:7
Address—A.C. Hayhoe
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Willis, turn with me, please, to the dispersal to the Hebrews.
Hebrews chapter one, verse one.
God full at Sunday Times and in divers manners.
Faith in time passed under the Father by the prophets, half in these last days.
Spoken unto us by His Son.
Whom he hath appointed all of all things.
By whom also he made the world.
Within the brightness of His glory and the expressed inadvertent person.
And that folding all things by the word of this power, when he had by himself.
Heard our thing, sat down on the light hand of a majesty on I.
Can I please do that third verse over again? And I would like your eye to rest slowly on these wonderful, thrilling words as we read them. Who be the brightness of His glory.
When the express image of his person.
End up holding all in by the word of his power when he had by himself.
Heard our sins stop down on the right hand of the majesty on high.
Don't you find a thrill in your soul if you leave those words?
The person of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and drive it in such wonderful languages.
When someone is in love very dearly, it is wrong with your soul resources. And when I read these words, I think I am reading a description of my favorite, the one who loved me, who died for me.
My soul overflows as I read them. It's so exhausting.
The one who not only created all things, but uphold all things when he had by himself.
Through our city now, this is a young people meeting. It's not recorded as a young believers meeting a young people's needs.
And I feel applauded and the responsibilities I stand here.
To emphasize.
The fact that unless you know the Lord Jesus Christ or your favorite, you don't even have those right to express the words of this word when he's found by himself.
First, our sins all if you look around this company that's not your name. Can you buy the branch of God, get your inflation that's wonderful.
That glorious statement. Can you say yes, thank God?
My sin is, before we go on a Friday, my friend, will you just personally answer that question?
Our skin I can stand here and say mind, Thank God and many another before they can stay in mind. Also thank God the loving friend. Can you say the same?
I feel a particular burden with boys and girls and young people growing up in a Christian home where this person is love and reverence and the person and the name of the Lord, Egypt Christ is honored and frequently referred to.
And perhaps you cannot get there. My sin. We love and died for Sydney.
People ever heard taken away. The work is done. She has ascended. She is seated now at the right hand of the majesty of all. The work will never be repeated. Nothing can ever be added to it.
And it's a joy to many of us to say ours in man also.
Please beloved friends, is this is not true. Don't even wait till the gospel meeting tonight, right now in this young people's address as you look at those two words.
All sins allow it to speak to your heart, allow it to hurt your deeply. And if you can't faithfully and joyfully say thank God, I sit in whisper then beloved friends, don't wait another moment, don't wait another moment. Right now is the moment to accept.
The one who loved and died for him. The one who said his precious blood just goes out silky way this season now as you're very old.
No, because you know him about crazy when we read a verse like this and find our souls cuts and stirred with the wonder of it all out turned this process broken fine more of Christ to warm our heart to direct our footsteps and to brighten the hope of that his life before turn please now to the last chapter of Hebrews Hebrews chapter.
13 verse seven. Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God.
Whose faith follows considering the end of their conversation. Jesus Christ.
The same yesterday.
And today?
And forever.
I believe you and I know that the efficiency of sea breed was ripping particularly.
To those who had been so long accustomed to a form of religion that was God-given, and that before their very eyes could be pointed to with a matter of spiritual pride.
On BBC social points to one thing after another, but not through a God filled Hebrew would look upon with gladness and response and the Lord Jesus Christ in chapter after chapter is presented in glorious contrast to all that it would naturally be. Glory then, and demonstrated to be so much better.
There's everything that formerly had been known among them, but one by one all is set aside. In chapter one we find angels resisted before Adam was created. Angels and all three officially find one thing after him after another compared or contrasted with the person of our Lord Jesus Christ until we come down to.
And we find ourselves getting pretty close to the very present time here. There is a reminder that we are to recall those.
Who have the those who have the rule over you, taking the lead among you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, Now the only beloved young people. When I was one of the young people, which I guess was quite a while ago, I, I used to wonder why.
I wouldn't have someone a little closer to our own age stand up to address the young people. Why do they always pick on someone?
Oh, to talk to young people and I think I know how you feel as you sit there and be someone who is very far removed from being one of.
But I want to tell you this.
At this very word I shift my soul about that which I experienced as a young soul and as a young man. It was a privilege, so I suppose I didn't realize or appreciate it as I should have. It was a privilege for which I now thank God with all my heart.
But I was able to sit and listen to a faithful voices of those who had known and loved and followed the Lord Jesus Christ through many years. And they stood up and presented to us from the word of God. That's what they hoped and prayed would be outside.
To our footsteps they presented to us the person.
Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, and I knew very well, as I listened to them, it was not simply a truth of doctrine that they had followed. Through this book you see the lighting of faithful men. I knew when I stood up to speak that they were Speaking of that which was very, very real to them.
They had affected their entire life, which had given to them.
Of hope, which was shining brightly made. So this is hope, I say. I thank God for that memory, most of them.
And they think I thought of the youth are now with the Lord.
But I'm called upon here to remember. I'm called upon here to remember that fifth day ministry and to follow their faith.
Let me just emphasize that because I know very well beloved young people, as you look at those of us who are not young anymore, you can see inconsistency, you can see failure. You can't see that the things that we stay and are always demonstrated in our welcome testimony. But I noticed this too when I was a young fellow and I was just pointed out to my father.
I used to say that he does this or he does that, and I thought I had a pretty good loser.
Permission for a little divergent on my part and my father would always come back with this first son, this, this, this as he's faithful, not his failures follow. I could stop the failures and I'm quite sure you can see, but the word of God says to faith follow. That was a good word and I needed it very, very much.
The failure seemed greater than the face to me.
But now that those dear men of God are gone, I thank God I forgot you that this may at that time have been to me to have been inconsistency of failures. I tell you I can remember the face and I thank God for it. But notice, please that goes on to say, considering the end of their conversation, Jesus Christ.
Is saying yesterday and today and forever.
The goal and object and purpose of their life. What was it? Was it to make money? Was it to gain a reputation and it becomes popular in this world? I had a business world or the religious world. I believe that this would put before us that this ought to be and with the measure I trusted.
We own the goal, the object of yours, conversation, your life.
My father told me that not long after he started in business in Toronto.
Is he the letter something to do with the business he was operating? And the very first sentence in the letter was this. You are in business for the same reason we are. We make money.
Just that one something. He laid the letter down and found his head and asked God that it might not be so. You are in business for that letter for the same reason we are to make money.
Considering the end of our conversation, Jesus Christ.
The same yesterday and today and forever really do love a young brother in Christ, Young sister in Christ. I tell you right now, he's just there. There's someone who's looking at you and who loves you. Would love to put him to cowardly, strong and knows all about every perfect and every plan in your life.
And I can tell you this, that in a measuring which this is truly in that matter, you will have a happy life with the blessing of the Lord upon you. In what measure could it be said of you or of me? The end of our conversation being displayed this day yesterday.
And today and forever. I was particularly to speak of this age first.
In this place the same yesterday.
You know what he looks like, we are reminded, as we find in the language of the season one. But before ever the foundations of the earth were laid, you and I were chosen in him. Let's turn back to that, shall we please in chapter one?
Verse 3.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ according as these past chosen our favorite journey.
For the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself.
According to the Good pleasure as well. Isn't that thrilling? Isn't that marvelous?
Be forever. The foundations of the earth were laid. Once in a while you leave an account that is supposed to date for history from the origin of this world, this universe, far, far back into the distance. When I read it, I smile a bit at their very dogmatic statement. And yet when I read what they have to say.
I saved myself before ever it all began in me, all about me and he said his love upon me, he throws me. It's not marvelous, chosen and Hindi for the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him any love.
How marvelous that is. It could be said of angels, holy and without blame before him. But those two added words that apply to you and that apply to me should fill our hearts. Feel her flow in love.
In love.
He wanted you, he chose you, and as we were reminded yesterday, we needed you. Well, that sounds a little too strong.
He needed you. I believe it's good to. I believe it's true. He doesn't believe me, nor does he leave me as a servant to be his bidding. That is our very, very wonderful privilege.
He was supposed to see himself in everything but this one thing. He needed objects upon which to be so. The affection of his loving heart. He can get along without me as far as service is concerned.
It's nearly 32. We can't get along without me. As far as a lot of the large heart is concerned, He leads me. Heaven would not be complete without me. Just imagine making mistakes like that. But it's true. The heart of the Lord Jesus was set upon me. He loved me. He told me He paid the price for me.
He received me and my dearly beloved young brother and young sister in fight. If there's anything calculated to steal your heart and affect your whole life as this.
If you were chosen before heaven, a foundation of the earth were laid because he loved you so much, He loved you so much.
Madam, who destinated after the adoption of school in the city, to be involved in the court that lavishly that is referred to as yesterday.
He chose after the adopted children. Now I enjoy the fact that there are two ways in which we can become part of a household. We're spoken of in a season 2 of Being of a Household of God.
And there are two ways that are not in which someone can become.
You can be part of that household by birth or by adoption, and I believe it would be right to say that each has a special prevalence.
The one born into a family can look at his father and say I shared a very life and nature of this man.
My father, but that God cannot say. And my father wanted me and chose me. A child born their family cannot stay there, but an adopted God can look at his father and say he wanted me.
And it's so late. But the adopted 5 cannot stay. And I shared a life and nature of my father that is not so. In which manner did you and I become part of the household of God? Both. Both blood. Isn't it marvelous? You, my dear brother, and you, my dear sister, are part of a household of God.
Part of our TV's family by choice, by adoption.
By birth you and I have been born again, born to the very family of God. And so as we look back is in his you spoken about to say yesterday. We see that love which shows us before ever the foundation of the earth were made. We see that love that brought from the course of glory down in this world.
To accomplish the mighty work of redemption.
What door don't need to set you and me free from the bonds that held us after? Far more than that, my friend. Far more than that.
He chose me and he redeemed it unto himself. You remember that when God made policy Israel in the 5th Director, he spoke our delivering them out of the burden and the ******* of the Egyptians. And then he said, and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm with great judgment, and I will take you to leave for a people.
Glad and wondrous thoughts He shows you He loves you from that past eternity He came to this world, beloved friend.
It ordered that food affectionately satisfied in the redeeming of your soul. Through himself you belong to Him, and by His mouthless place. So they are. Is this a ******* or is this a delight?
It surely could be a delight to every one of us.
Believable, I suppose it should fiercely be full and that Paul is deployment of this researcher and I wonder sometimes, you know as Paul wrote these words, Jesus Christ the same yesterday.
He knew full well the love that had been from a past eternity. He is the one who was inspired to write that message in a season. But I wonder sometimes too, if he looks back to his own boyhood and reached.
You remember the time when the ones were about to stone, season to death, laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man. A young man.
Named Storm the first weapon to the feet.
Of the apocalypse. The first time I see our mansion is surrounded by the garment of those who are about to put speed into death because he loved and confessed the name of Jesus.
Oh, I tell you, when Paul looks back upon that, he must have marveled with delight in aberration. I belong of the one who looked upon him in such a condition, and redeemed him, and redeemed those beautiful truth to walk in the path that would be to the glory of God. Dear young brother, dear young sister, who loves you, You know he did.
He loves you long before you had your being. You know that's true.
He came to this world and paid the budget price of revenge before you. You know that's true. Does he not now have a claim over you? So with your heart and mind should gladly immediately and eagerly respond? Will it not go with solidarity when he discovered the wonder that one?
Is very mainly despised and his followers who persecuted when he discovered the wonder of that Percy.
The love that was shined down upon him, oh, over the life of that man.
Dear young brother, dear young sister, this ought to have any stress between life. It ought to have an effect upon mine. The fact that when I look back, when you look back, you can see as far back as you wish to look, the love of him who is the same yesterday and now the same.
Today, glorious plastic, wondrous reality, the One who loves you and gave himself for you is the one who now lives. The love of brother and sister now lives for you and for me. The God of Israel did not leave his people out of the ******* of Egypt.
Leaving on a bank for the Red Sea and tell them not away off. One day they will land disclosed with milk and honey and I'll meet you when we get there.
Not for one moment. That's not the kind of God that Israel had, and that's not the kind of failure that you and I have. You have, I have a favor in love with stronger than death. One who went to the cross of Calvary, into the depth of darkness there in order that he might be used to himself. And now.
He lives for you of Rhonda in the glory.
Will soon be the C2 That you get greatly home more than that.
We want to, and we want me to have a life filled with His richest blessing and filled with joy and happiness.
Now I wonder, I wonder if you were able to ask me this question, what would your answer and mine be as he looked at this very moment in your heart? The one who loved you, the one who died for you, the one who lived for you, the one who was the same yesterday and is the same today.
And all those plans and purposes of yours are making it open before him. He knows all about them. He knows all about them. There is nothing hidden there that is not already known to him.
BB I kneel down in his presence, look up to him with the future before and ask him beloved young people, ask him to formulate those plans for us, to guide us and direct us before ever we make those plans.
Oh, what a Princess and wonderful things would be if this was so with each and every one of us.
We have our own motives. I greatly fear we make our own plans. I doubt not. And then perhaps then perhaps feel that we have done all that as a Christian is required of us is a dominant uneven. Ask the Lord to bless those plans. Oh, as I look around at you, dear young brothers and dear young sisters and realize that.
Leave us here, still, ever so many, to show you that you must face, and perhaps you're facing them right here. Make those decisions, beloved young brother and sister. Make those to be on your knees, conscious of the eye of him.
Who was the same yesterday in a classic eternal wonder of his love. And he wants to bless thee, You know that. He wants you to be happy, you know that. Who was interested otherwise more than those? It was the voice of the country. It brought up so many into this world. And that voice is not spilled today. That voice whispered in.
When that voice whispers in my ear, suggesting to you and suggesting to me that the pathway of obedience to the Word of God, the pathway of following a regressive failure, is going to be one of these 50 Times Now. Nothing we're going to miss a great deal of pleasant. Not for the love of young people, not so.
Easy to say yesterday. The love of talking about stop reading is the same love that looks down upon you today.
And want to stand by you and guide you step by step and influence the forming of those plans and the making of those decisions.
I feel it very much because.
I I must confess that I pray to the personal experience of making certain decisions right at conference time, which I've never regretted.
It was at a conference in Ottawa.
Years ago.
But I bowed my knees and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior.
And for the season, I've never regretted.
It was at a conference in Toronto years ago.
When I first enjoyed the privilege of remembering my Lord Jesus.
In death many years ago by Sanchez for that decision.
And the friendship and the bonds of marriage for which I thank him.
Were formulated and decided right here at a conference just like this. Not as large as this, I know, but I want to look out upon you young people and see you here together.
I wonder what they say. Is that being made? I wonder what plans are being formulated.
Don't leave them out.
Don't leave him out.
He loved him. He died for you, He lived for you.
And He will guide you. It's your only love.
I'll say it again, he will guide you.
If you only let him. But he looks into this part of mind, he looks into that part of yours, and he can see and deserve. Master, we very often can't be there in ourselves.
Can you get down on your knees with the plans that are right now before you and lay them all out before the net?
He remembered how he submitted with those who were journeying toward America and said to them what my conversation there is that we have one with another.
You can give them an advance warning and he is going to accompany them.
I wonder if he tapped any of us on the shoulder. May I say it with all residents as we walk along and convert together? And he suddenly appeared beside us and said, what manner of conversation are these? If you have one with another? Would we hang our heads with embarrassment?
What would be the topic of our conversation? They were experienced with truth, but I believe their conversation concerns themselves, even though there was a misconception involved. Bill, we beloved young people presently at this conference. May God grant that our conversation, even between the meetings maybe such as would cause us no embarrassment if the Lord Jesus appeared beside you and said what manner of conversations?
And when the Lord appeared at the tent door of Aben and cherished, there wasn't any hustle and bustle to rearrange things. In that sense. A high bitter cover up there. Who was immediately at home?
Able himself and I, I speak to you because I love you. To young people, I want you to be happy and I want your pathway to be a happy one.
I can only say that, but I hurt me.
And recall the happiness of those that I had known over the years would walk in the light of this perfect book. They loved it.
They delighted in its pages, they bowed to his message. And did they find the path miserable and now and difficult and restricting? Did they look stuck on it as they were disappointed in what had been blocked? Not for one moment, Not for one moment.
These amazing sugar you need to me and you will buy know that they never has been a man or a woman. It lives to please God, but walks according to the light of this classic book that ever looks back upon it and said oh how much I've made not for one moment. We dear young people still have it before you have it before you ask the Lord to leave it to you.
And if you will continue to say I doubt.
I believe with all my heart that we're going home soon. All the more reason why the one who is the same yesterday and today and forever should have that to clean place in this part of mine and they're not part of yours.
You know, even as I think of this, I go back to the reference the governments that were laid at the feet of all of charges that young man and now.
He has started out on that race. He has decided to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. He has been redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, and the object of his life is to live to plead the one who has redeemed him.
And those feet are found on a journey forward.
Working towards the door from time to time. He was in prison and those people put fast in the stock. It wasn't a very easy thing. It wasn't a popular one or a day move on, as the world might call it. But you and I know very well, as you read the writings of this year, man of God, that wherever he was, in whatever circumstances he might be found.
He rejoices.
In the Lord and I cannot look out at your beloved young people and promise you it is you will follow the Lord Jesus Christ if you will allow him who is the same yesterday and today and forever to be the one before you at all cards. I cannot promise you.
The kind of life that will be popular in this world and unsure of this world.
We mentioned a few weeks ago to a group of young people in Toronto what seems to me to be rather remarkable.
A group of tourists were going through an art gallery.
On the wall.
Painting called The Light of the World, a picture of the Lord Beaver painted by Home and Hunt.
And the guide who is taking it forth, they stopped in front of that picture and commented that they were exceedingly glad to have that picture in the collection, that the price paid was, if I remember the figure correctly, 120,000 dollars, $120,000 paid for that beautiful painting in the army among the poorest.
Was a Christian man.
Are you still looking at the painting for some time? And then he turned to those who were still family by and he said, ladies and gentlemen.
The original Light of the World was sold for 30 pieces of silver.
Not remarkable to sometimes he himself the light of the world.
Soul unwanted for 30 piece of service and a Painting of the light of the World for $120,000. I say that beyond you because I don't want to leave you in a false impression, but if you follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we're going to find everyone part of you on the back, no?
Will not be popular in this world.
It will be a happy life while you're here, and it will be a practice not only for eternity that you, Emma Savior, will share together. Did you know that He whose memory is infallible? I told her your sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
Did you know also that he who is insoluble in his memory has told us that's so sweet to him is the thought and purpose of those who love the Lord, that he writes it down in a book of remembrance?
One way that heal the Lord is often one to another and the Lord farce and then hated and the book of remembrance was written before him for them appeared the Lord and that thought upon his name. All beloved young people. It's being written down. What for? I like things down because if I don't, I'm sure to forget, but that's not why he writes this down.
He writes it down because it seems so much to him.
But it's a joy to see it before his very eyes. No, I believe the day is coming when he's going to show up to you where it was written down. But it meant so much to him to see you down there on your knees, expressing your thanks to him and laying your life before him that he might guide you step by step.
That he and his almighty wife might be emotive. That would direct your heart.
But now the last statement and forever.
And forever he hate love reaches back in about past eternity where we can't fathom it.
Be His love was displayed so fully when He went to the cross and bowed his head under the waves and billows of God's grass and judgment. He loved to you and me, He who now lives up there in the glory with a personal interest in you. He looks at you this moment. He knows you by name.
All about you.
We know all about the plans that you have made and who wants, who wants to bring happiness and blessing into your life? But then I turn and look ahead. And what do we see as we look ahead? The same forever.
Becoming beloved be welcome for my daily coming very very soon and not only is he going to pick you in the upper.
Is that a happy prospecting it up to be up to the Do you find yourself laying your head on your pillow at night and say Even so calm Lord Jesus, even if it's been a good day.
I say that because there was a brother in the Ottawa meeting who was a businessman.
He had his own business and he was honest enough to tell us.
And a little nervous sadness. He said, you know, some days when I turn the seed in my business premises and leave for the night, I look up and say, Even so come, Lord Jesus, that those are the days when business hasn't been very good. But he said, I'm ashamed to have to admit that quite often I've locked the door and walked away without that statement because things are going quite well.
He was honest in that remark.
I think we all have to hang our heads and admit the same thing, but it need not be so, and it ought not to be so.
Let me illustrate for a moment.
It is now my privilege most of the time to travel with my wife, but for about 15 years I traveled alone.
And I know in the middle of a real Canadian winter, you might perhaps find me out in California visiting my dear brethren out there. Now suppose I had been out there and a person has been a case absent from home for maybe 6-7, eight weeks and to come along to me and say, when are you going back to Smith Falls? Do you think I would say, well.
I like it out here. There's bright sunshine and everything is so much more pleasant than back in the middle of a Canadian winter. That's why I think maybe I'll stay here till about.
May or May, June. Would I say that? Would it take some adversity, some problems and make me want to be back home since Miss Falls? What do you think Was if it made me want to be interested?
Because of the affection of my heart and I'm not the least bit of failure, but it's no matter how slightly the circumstances might be where I was temporarily waiting. The prospector heading toward home, as always, is 3.
Beloved young people with bright prospects all around you and look up and say Even so calm, Lord Jesus.
If not, he knows how to Connie so far sexy. I wonder if they're being tarnished while they're generally right now. I wonder if I travel around whether the future that a while ago may have looked still rosy is beginning to look water safety water Dusty isn't his hand is in his hand that wants us to look up to one heart and one voice and say Even so calm Lord Peter.
Or he's not only coming to take you and me out of it, He's coming to take us to himself. All you know He turned a revelation. 19 what they found. But we find that the marriage of the love, the glorious, eternal confirmation of that life that stirred in his heart away back in the yesterday of his love.
That love that has been demonstrated in giving himself.
Living for you and for me, hour by hour, day by day. And that love that awaits the moment they love it. Young people, when he's going to call you and me at last home to be with himself. What a prospect. And not only are we going to be called home and United Kingdom as an eternal bribe.
To enjoy the wonder of the love that never will end.
And we're going to appear with him in glory. Think this is a very wonderful fact. He has redeemed us and we're going to appear with him in glory. Oh, what a faithful life. I've had few young people. I just wish to present to you the person of.
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be the same yesterday.
And today?
And whatever you're not going to be able to live over again one day of your life, you're not going to be able to add a taste to the rest of your life. It's going to come to an end and I believe very, very soon, and it shall come and it is going to be reviewed.
It is going to be easy. My life, yes, your life, yes, it will be you.
In view of them being loved so much, dearly beloved young people, can we not from this day forward, on our knees before Him, is that He may be the object and delight that fills our days with Latin, and that He may guide you in the decisions that are even now before you?
Don't think you can make them in secret. You can't. You cannot.
Make one decision in Facebook. Who knows who loves you? I want to speak very discreetly because I know there's a case recorder going on over there, but I wish to tell you the truth that really has.
Thank you very much.
I must decide this pretty carefully.
Someone came to me quite a while back, quite a while back.
A very glowing plan, a very elaborate plan that is going to make a good change in the life of himself and his family is going to remove him far from where he was living at the time. He was tremendously enthused about the advantages of natural advantages of his great plan he had.
We came to leave and make it known.
And I had a feeling as he unfolded it all through, that he had made these plans without being down on his knees before the Lord. And I begged him to bring all this before the Lord.
One time later, he came back to me looking very, very downtown. He said, you know those plans that I had and I said, yes, I remember them very well. How is it all progressing? Well, he said, I just got so far and then the door was closed right in my face and I can't go any further with those plans. And I've gone so far. I don't know how to turn back. What shall I do?
And I said, well brother, I need him very well. You must understand that when you hear my answers.
I said, brother, you have two sources. You can either stand up that closed door and thank God for closing it because there's something down that road and you find a shelter you can't, even though you can't see it. Or this is your alternative. You combine your stubborn head against that door long enough and the Lord may open it up until you get down the road and find out for yourself what it is inside a shelter yourself.
I don't think you like those words.
And he chose the life he did. And the door reopened and he got awakened heart and flutter today.
I love him, but he's a very sad, disillusioned, broken heart of man. The love of young people, how how we would hold ourselves and how much joy we bring to him.
If you need those friends and I knew in his presence, realizing that the prospects that this world could be for us. We only leave the disappointment or please let me take time off the clothes by reference to this one glorious verse in establishment. Let us go forth, therefore, unto him.
Without the chance bearing his respect, is he not worthy?
This remarkably, this will begin with an open heaven and an extended glorified Christ described in such wonderful language when we have everything that a man might country and glory inside the way before our work late, until at last we have a personal friend who is the same yesterday and today and parade yesterday he.
The day he loves you, feel that love will abide for all the therapies.
And then we come to those tender words that I hope will fill your heart of mine. Let us go for sample. I'm 16 without the camp.
Very good, you know, if we would have turned back to the 19th of John will find these words.
Please burn this cross.
14 I'm not really marketing.
If you have read the topic, you could see him standing there, mosques with a purple rose, whirling the chronic sword, if the claw hadn't been laid upon his back. He stands out and looks out, and there, Yonder outside the walls of Jerusalem, is a peel called Calvary. But he knew what was going to take place.
Is remediation that was before him.
And then he bowed, and he sees that process on his back and beloved.
It's thought of me, it's thought of you, he said there, Nick Fox, he went forth in the professor, and then when it's all counted, he said to you and me, and says, let us go. For therefore unto him, what would you think of me?
If I looked at him going forth for me in 19 fourth.
His words inviting me to go forth and I said no to that. I didn't want to report. I wanted the temporary popularity.
And liberty and whatnot that you might think.
To be part of the pathway that would not go for to him. He loved young people. Just let me leave adversely, take it home, meditate upon it and may it be a blessing in your life. Jesus Christ the same yesterday.
And today, and forever.