It is ever beautiful to see affection. God has so created man and beast, that this lovely trait of character is found in them. Not only do the domestic creatures love their young, but the wild beasts of the forest also have this natural affection. And it is something that is very pleasing to see. It is sad indeed to think that in man, the highest creature of this creation, this pleasing feature should ever be wanting. But one of the marks that God gives us of the “last days” is that men shall be “without natural affection;” and there are now many instances to prove this sad truth.
May you, dear children, be preserved from this want of affection. Love and reverence your parents, and seek to love one another.
In our picture we see some little girls who look very happy and fond of their baby sister. The mother, too, looks down on the little one with an expression of fondness in her face.
Happy for us if the affection God has given, grows and strengthens as our lives go on!
ML 11/23/1902