After This Life, What Next?

SOME say “Annihilation.” Let those who will, believe that, I for one, cannot. Others say, “Restitution of all things”; that is to say, that the whole race of mankind, sinners and all the fallen angels — yea, the devil himself — shall be restored! Just now conditional immortality is the fashionable heresy, but I cannot make out what that means. Where they get these “views” I know not. Certainly they are not in the Bible, and therefore I reject them all in toto.
What a weary thing to look forward into vacant space! I met a man lately who had encountered a fearful gale in crossing the Atlantic. The passengers were collected in dread consternation in the cabin, when a sailor halloed, “All hands on deck; the ship’s going clown! “The scene that ensued may be imagined; but this professed unbeliever in an eternal future confessed that the very idea of annihilation was at that moment more abhorrent to him than an endless undefined existence.
The Bible says, “After death the judgment.” The Book speaks of a great white throne, before which the dead shall stand, when the books will be opened, and sentence passed out of the things written in the books; and whosoever is not found written in the book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire.”
Just anticipate that scene. Let your conscience be the accuser. What have you got to say for yourself? What sort of plea can you put in? Will it avail on that great day? This is the charge against you: You, a sinner, have rejected the Saviour. Not only have you sinned many times, not only have you fallen short of the glory of God, but, chief of all, you have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, who died to save the lost.
Now, there are two pleas which may be imagined, and two only. First, you may plead your own righteousness, and say, “All these have I kept from my youth up.” Just see what a sorry plea that is. I have given up this and that sin; I have amended my ways; I have said many prayers; I have set a watch over my conduct — in fact, done my very best.
But what about the standard — God’s law, God’s holiness? Have you come up to that? Hearken to the inward monitor. Does not conscience condemn you? Does it not say that you have missed the mark? Is it not written, “By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in His sight”?
The first plea, then, will not suffice. It is sand; it has no foundation; away with it, and turn to the other — the only plea, the only Name whereby we may be saved.
What is it? Jesus — Jesus Christ the Son of God, and faith in Him. Rely, then, on His death; believe that your sins were laid on Him; that you are justified by His blood; renounce every shadow of trust in self in any shape or form; plead Jesus and Jesus only — His blood, His death, His work: Jesus Christ, the God-man, offered up and accepted in place of sinners.