All Blotted Out

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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LITTLE CINDY had learned that she was a sinner, and her sins troubled her. One day she heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and that He died for sinners. She readily believed on Him as her own Saviour and knew in her heart that He had died to put away her sins. This gave her real joy and peace. She loved to tell others about her newfound happiness.
One day a man tried to reason with her about her salvation, and asked her how she could know that her sins were forgiven. In her own simple way she explained how that God kept books. There was His book, and there was her page in it; and on that page were all the sins that she had committed. Then, said she, the blood of Jesus was wiped across that page and it covered all her sins. They were all blotted out, and now, said she, God cannot see them anymore.
Wasn’t that a sweet and precious testimony to the grace of God and to the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus, His dear Son? Now may He grant that each of our dear readers, both young and old, might come to know this same blessed Saviour and add their same testimony to that of this little girl.