"All for Christ"

This was the testimony given of the dear lad, I had the privilege to know through Dr. Wreford. He was then seeking rest and peace. He wrote, “I have a longing for something I have not got.” May it not be, that there are hearts longing, who read this? The Spirit of God has aroused them to their deep need, and how true it is “None but Christ can satisfy.”
“I am saved through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I can hardly explain the difference it has made to me, to know and feel that I belong to Jesus. I feel that glad. I am sure the dear Lord will give me strength. He will never fail nor forsake.”
Dear George became an earnest and faithful worker, seeking in a humble way to win other souls, and I was privileged to send him Testaments and tracts, and he writes: ―
“I can hardly tell you how the people about here appreciate the Testaments and tracts. What a joy it is to know that our dear Lord died to save us from our sins. Last Sunday, June 25th, I was baptized. I know that I am His, and He is mine.”
In his last letter he says: ―
“I am sure there is nothing like praying to God, asking Him to help and strengthen us.”
It seems difficult to realize that bright young life, so full of promise, is gone. Very suddenly came the Home call, but the Lord knew best, and his work was finished. The results of that short life, I believe, are far-reaching to His praise and glory. George never mentioned his health, but his close friend writes that he had suffered from heart trouble, and hardly knew how to tell me his own heart so full that George had gone.
A letter from another friend, who desires to have sent to her Testaments and tracts. She writes that only a few days ago George had given her my address to write to, and gives me the following testimony of one who was rich in faith.
“We loved him. Last Thursday he was called Home. Only a week before he took the service on “What is there after death?” Then he gave that little book to me. He has been a great help to a good many people about here. He gave his all for Christ. The rain poured down the day he was buried, but still two or three hundred turned up. The chapel was full nearly.”
The letter concludes with the earnest desire to drink deep at the fountain of God’s love, to become a channel of blessing to others. May the following words never be forgotten: “He gave his all for Christ.”
A. A. L.