All My Desire Is Before Thee

Psalm 38:9  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
Psalm 38: 9.1
FATHER! to thee I raise mine eye,
(Pleading word, that thou art nigh
To all that call in truth) and cry,
O! let me live before thee.
Thy saints—O! I would seek their weal;
Would wipe their tears, their sorrows feel;
To serve with love, their wounds to heal,
O! let me live before thee.
To comfort with thy words of love,
And clouds of gloomy care remove,
Or raise their souls the clouds above,
O! let me live before thee.
Should e’er their eyes upon me rest;
Their hearts’ desire be thus express’d,
“Be thou with his rich blessing bless’d,”
Then be the breathing of my breast,
O! let me live before thee.
Alone content to have thy smile;
To bear thee fruit the “little while”
Thou bidst me suffer here or toil:
Then let me live before thee.
Whene’er I mingle with them, Lord,
More secret, or (to own thy word)
Our fellowship of hearts record,
Then let me live before thee.
The world: who knows or loves thee there?
Or who to please thee bath a care?
To keep me from its every snare,
O! let me live before thee.
And yet thou lovest it, how well!
Thy love, how vast! unsearchable!
To love as thou, thy pity tell,
O! let me live before thee.
1. From “Hymns and Poems for Believers.” By W. Yerbury. London:-E. E. Crocker, 112, Pentonville Road.