“AM I too little?” asked a tiny girl at the close of a children’s meeting, which was being held in a small fishing village on the coast.
“Too little for what, my child?” asked the kind preacher. The little one hung her head; she was too shy to answer.
“You were not too little to come to our children’s meeting; we like to see very little girls there,” he continued.
Still the little one stood as if her question had not been answered. Then, raising her pretty blue eyes, now filled with tears, she asked, “But am I too little to be saved?”
Lifting her up in his arms, the Christian worker said, “No, dear, you are not. It was to very little ones that Jesus said, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Taking her on his knee, he told her the story of the love of Jesus, and how gladly He receives and saves all the little ones who trust Him. The dear child wiped her tears away, and running off as fast as she could to her home, she told her mother how Jesus had received her and saved her.
Nor was this all. She appeared the next day at the meeting bringing another little girl with her, and at the close she said to the speaker, “This little girl wants to be saved too.” So you see, my dear little friends, you may be saved in very early days, and then go forth to win others for the Saviour. The word is still as true as ever, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me.”