The more we learn about migrating birds and other creatures, the more we wonder how they find their way from one place to another as they travel tremendous distances. Scientists can only guess, and if the migrators could talk, they couldn’t tell us either. But those who believe in God as the Creator of all things plainly see that He has given them that ability.
Birds such as geese and storks make flights of more than one thousand miles over land and water, traveling north in the spring and south in the fall. Arctic terns make the longest migrations of all - about twelve thousand miles twice a year, between Antarctica and nearby islands to the Aleutian Islands, Greenland and the northernmost islands of the Arctic Ocean, where their young are hatched and raised. Leaving the young behind, they return late in August by way of Hawaii - a long, long trip over water. The young ones, never having made that flight, follow them later on the same route. How can they do this with no guide to lead them? Oh, but they do have a Guide - the Creator who directs them the entire way.
Robins, and many more birds, make long flights in the spring and again in the fall. They stay on the right course through rain, fog, storms and cloudy nights to reach their destinations. Sometimes their numbers are so great they become spread out for many miles, and none get lost.
The migration of animals is also amazing. Thousands of caribou travel in the spring and fall between the lower forty-eight states and Alaska. In Africa there are also great migrations of wildebeests, gazelles, elephants and other animals that migrate back and forth many miles.
Fish of all sizes, from tiny sardines to huge salmon and tuna, are among others that migrate, as do a great number of insects, like Monarch butterflies, that find their way over great distances every year. Their true Guide is the One who created them and who is always watching over them.
All of these long-distance travelers need no maps to tell them where to go, and the food supply along their journeys is all scheduled by their kind Creator.
Do you know that the very same Creator has prepared a way for those who know Him as their Lord and Saviour when it is time to leave this world? His Word, the Bible, tells us: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:99But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)). How important it is to accept the Lord Jesus now as your Saviour. Then when that important moment comes, He will take you to His wonderful home in heaven.