An Ammer to Prayer

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“You cannot go on that steamer trip with the other children, Oscar,” said his mother.
“But, Mother dear, I want to go, so much.”
“Your trousers are in such a bad shape, patched all over, you cannot go like that. And I have nothing from which to make you another pair.”
“Let us ask the Lord to give me a pair of trousers,” said Oscar, “but we both must pray, and then God will hear.”
So Mother and son kneeled down to ask God for that much-needed garment, Oscar was very happy again and told another boy that he was coming on the trip, but that he was waiting for his trousers. Edmund laughed and said, “Where shall those come from?” “The Lord is going to give them to me,” said Oscar.
It was now two days before the excursion and Oscar’s heart trembled a little. He had gone to a hill to pick some wild roses for his mother when he found two children” there who had already picked all the roses, except the top ones which they could not reach. Oscar offered to get them for the children, so he climbed up the hill and picked them. The girl was very thankful. Oscar saw that her younger brother, who was the same height as himself, had torn a small hole in his beautiful brown velvet trousers with one of the thorns. Oscar was very much concerned about it, but the girl said, “Never mind, he has others.” Then she noticed Oscar’s poor trousers. Presently she saw her mother at the gate of the garden and she ran to her, asking her to give her brother’s trousers to the boy who helped them pick the roses. The lady called Oscar and asked him: “Do you need a pair of trousers?” “O yes, very much, I have asked the Lord to give me a pair.” The lady was very happy to fill a box with garments for both Oscar and his mother, and told Oscar that his mother could come and sew for her.
Oscar ran home, his heart leaping for joy. He gave his mother the box of clothes and said: “These are the trousers the Lord gave me, and there is something for you too, and the lady said you could come and work for her.” With tears in her eyes the poor widow said softly: “How good is the Lord.”
There was a happy crowd of children on that steamer, but the happiest was Oscar in his beautiful brown velvet trousers which the dear mother had quickly mended. Edmund asked Oscar where he got the nice trousers. Oscar said: “The Lord gave them to me instead of roses,” and he told him the whole story. Edmund never laughed about prayer again.
Isn’t it wonderful, children, that God knows all our needs? He is the One who gives us all our blessings, and He delights to have us thank Him for them. But I wonder who can tell me what is the best Gift He ever gave? It was when He gave His own Son to die for sinners on the cross. Have you, dear reader, ever realized that YOU are one of the sinners for whom the Lord Jesus died? Have you thanked Him like Paul of old, who said,
If Oscar had missed that lovely steamer trip he would have felt bad indeed, but if you, dear reader, should miss the joy of heaven and find yourself in hell, your sorrow will NEVER end. Do not delay; come to the Saviour today.
ML 05/31/1953