Who He has not heard of the Falls of Niagara? They are one of God’s great wonders in the earth. With great force and rapidity, the mighty waters rush along towards the edge of the precipice, and hurl themselves over its brink. Far away up the river, the water is quiet and slower; but even there it is not safe to row into the middle of the stream.
A young man named Bolivar, one who loved to have his own way, and who heeded not the advice of those older than himself, came to prove the power of those dangerous waters. Young Bolivar did not know the love of God. He had heard of it, but did not believe the truth about it. But now he was to learn what the Lord Jesus had done, and what trouble God will take to save a helpless sinner.
Aware of the danger, but trusting in his own strength, he one day went out on the river in a boat. For a time all seemed to be going well; but suddenly he woke up to the startling fact that his boat was floating away—away! He tried hard to row back to a place of safety; but strong as he was, the stream was stronger, and he was surely drifting down towards those terrible Falls.
A little distance above the Falls, the river is spanned by a bridge. As the news spread that a boat was coming on the flood, a crowd gathered on the bridge, and white faces were turned towards the point where the poor man would soon appear.
But who is this earnestly pushing through the crowd to the rails at the side of the bridge? He is “a man of God.” He knows himself to be saved through the precious blood of Christ. He is determined to try, with God’s help, to save the man now coming swiftly down in the power of the mighty waters.
He fastens one end of a rope securely to the bridge, and the other end he binds round his body. As the little boat nears him, he lowers himself almost to the water’s edge. Bolivar sees the hand outstretched to save him, and grasps it with all his strength. His boat passes on, is carried over the Falls and dashed to pieces; but he and his brave rescuer are drawn up by willing hands into a place of safety on the bridge.
How Bolivar thanked God for His goodness! Through that experience he was brought to know the grace of God which brings salvation; to confess what a sinner he was; and to believe that, though a sinner, Christ died for him.
The experience of that young man is a picture of all who do not love the Lord Jesus. If you seek to do your own will, are you not in Satan’s power? Our blessed Saviour did only His Father’s will; and then He died in the place of sinners at Calvary’s cross.
If you do not know Him, ask God to show you the danger you are in, and to give you faith in His beloved Son. Then you will not perish, but have everlasting life.
ML 05/24/1953