An Appeal

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
“AM so glad to hear you know the Lord, and are living for Him," said a preacher of the gospel to a young girl, not long since.
“It will be a star in your crown," she answered.
“I did not save you; the Lord did it all. He is our Saviour," replied he.
This young girl for some time had felt herself to be a lost sinner, needing a Saviour, and it was whilst this servant of God was unfolding the way of salvation through the finished work of Christ, and speaking, too, of God's wondrous love in giving Jesus to die for us, that she was enabled to trust Him with her whole heart.
Some time afterward the conversation related took place, and the preacher rejoiced to find the Lord had used him to carry the word of life to this immortal soul.
Dear young girls, do let one of yourselves beg of you to trust the Lord. If it gives such joy to a fellow creature when a sinner is saved, how much greater the joy of the Lord Himself when anyone of us just lays hold of Him, and of His promise—"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out"! And what joy there is in the soul of the one who is saved Then life becomes a new thing—we have new things to live for: "To me to live is Christ," said St. Paul.
An unbeliever cannot live for the Lord, or please Him; but, having believed in Him, it is our greatest joy to love, serve, and follow Him, till He shall come and take us to be with Himself forever. N. N.