An infidel met a Sunday school boy coming home from his class, and inquired,
“What is that in your hand, my boy?”
“A Bible,” answered the boy,
“What do you do with it?”
“It teaches me,” said the boy,
“What does it teach you?”
“It teaches me about God.”
“I do not believe there is a God,”
Astonished, the boy looked him in the face and became the questioner.
“Who, then,” said the boy “made the sun and the moon?”
“They came by mere chance.”
“What! and the stars and everything?”
“Yes,” responded the philosopher; “they all came by chance.”
“And who made your hat?” asked the
“Why, the hatter, to be sure,”
“And who made the hatter?”
This was too much for the infidel. He
was silenced.
ML 06/28/1936