By whom was the harp and the organ first made? (Gen. 4.)
What are we told was Aholiab to trade? (Ex. 35.)
Who was the chancellor who wrote to the king? (Ezra 4.)
Now, who drove the cart the ark of God to bring? (1 Chron. 13.)
State to which craft did Demetrius belong? (Acts 19.)
Who was the coppersmith who wrought Paul much wrong? (2 Tim. 4.)
Who dealt in purple in Thyatira town? (Acts 16.)
On whom Ahasuerus set his royal crown? (Esther 2.)
Just one more question, for this is the last—Who served while Mary at Jesus’ feet lay fast? (Luke 10.)
Initials spell a city fair,
The city of our God;
And oft its streets in days of yore
Were by our Saviour trod.