An Encouragement to Sunday School Teachers

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
A short time ago I was traveling in a bus when a young person sat down beside me. She made several remarks and I thought seemed anxious to get into conversation. I wondered if the Lord might have a message for her through me, so I looked up to Him for guidance.
She told me that she had been visiting a friend who was in hospital and then remarked,
“I don’t expect you remember me, but I shall never forget you.”
I looked surprised, so she explained that she had attended some children’s meetings which we had held when she was quite a child.
She went on to tell me that one evening at the close of the meeting I had asked her when she was going to give her heart to the Lord Jesus.
“Those words stuck to me,” she said, “and I never see you without thinking of them.”
I then asked her if she had done this, and was pleased to find out that she had been saved for twelve years, and so we were able to rejoice together. The incident she referred to had passed from my memory, but no doubt the Lord used those words as a link in the chain of blessing to her soul.
How often we find that the Lord uses the personal word to bring souls into blessing. We notice this especially with the children in the Sunday school, and O! what wisdom we need, to speak the right word at the right time. How carefully we need to watch each one, and be much in prayer for them, too.
In these days when so many around us are turning away from the gospel message, may we be more earnest than ever in seeking to win the dear children for the Lord. Not only may we seek to present the gospel clearly and simply in our classes, but may we take a real interest in each child, trying to win their confidence and affection, and then look out for opportunities of personal contact with them.
The Lord alone knows how much there is to discourage in this corner of His vineyard, but His Word encourages us to buy up the opportunities, and not be weary in well-doing.
“Have you not a word for Jesus?
Will the world His praise proclaim?
Who shall speak if you are silent?
You who know and love His name,
You, whom He hath called and chosen,
His own witnesses to be,
Will you tell your gracious Master,
‘Lord, we cannot speak for Thee!’
‘Cannot!’ though He suffered for you,
Died because He loved you so!
‘Cannot!’ though He has forgiven,
Making scarlet, white as snow!
‘Cannot!’ though His grace abounding
Is your freely promised aid!
‘Cannot!’ though He stands beside you,
Though He says, ‘Be not afraid!’”