Let the candid reader compare the following extracts. Surely " Pastor " Russell forgot on one page what he said on another: "The ransom for all 'given by' the man Christ Jesus ' does not give or guarantee everlasting life or blessing to any man; but it does guarantee to every man another opportunity or trial for life everlasting (Vol. 1, page 150). "Let no one hastily suppose that there is in this view anything in conflict with the teaching of the Scriptures that faith toward God, repentance for sin, and reformation of character are indispensable for salvation " (Vol. 1, page 158).
There is certainly no need to come hastily to any such conclusion, though to that conclusion we have certainly arrived. Such views conflict most seriously and fundamentally with the Gospel of God.
"Pastor" Russell said everlasting life was not given, to any man during this present time.
I would rather believe God's truth than "Pastor" Russell's lie. Can it be possible that he hoped to delude any thoughtful person by such a perversion of the Gospel?