An Interesting Experiment

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Our “Wonders of God’s Creation” article on the back page explains the wonderful cycle God has provided to supply water for the various forms of life on our planet Earth. Here is an interesting experiment for you children to try outside. It demonstrates one form of evaporation that God has provided to replace moisture in the air.
Select a branch of leaves in sunlight. Seal a plastic bag over the end of the branch, enclosing five or six leaves. Check the bag in an hour, and you will see that it has fogged up with moisture. Check it after several more hours, and you will find a teaspoon or more of water has collected in it. Without the plastic bag, this water from the leaves would evaporate into the air. Scientists call this process “transpiration.” Can you imagine how many gallons of water evaporate into the air on a sunny day just from all the leaves on the trees around where you live? Don’t we have an amazing Creator!