An Old Hymn.

ROLL, on, roll on, ye waves of sorrow, roll!
A Father’s hand supports my fainting head;
Each heavy tide brings nearer to the goal,
And known to God is every tear I shed.
Calmly on Jesus’ bosom I recline —
All heaven and earth are mine.
Smile on, smile on, thou vain deceitful world!
Ah! what to me is thine unhallowed mirth?
I’ve seen the banner of the cross unfurled,
Weighed in its scales the precious things of earth.
Farewell, false world! I love “the Crucified,”
And here He groaned and died.
Whirl on, whirl on, ye giddy, glittering rounds!
Wealth, honor, pleasure — what are you to me?
Far beyond all that mortal vision bounds,
The “Lamb of God” upon the throne I see.
Ah! to an eye lit up by glory’s beams
Things here are fading dreams.
Frown on, frown on, thou bitter, bitter foe!
I do not fear thy power or hellish art:
Thou canst not break the oath of God; ah no!
Nor canst thou tear me from a Saviour’s heart.
Safe in His arms the “Shepherd” bears me home,
And I must overcome.
Glide on, glide on, ye days and months and years!
Father! I ask but to be spent for Thee.
What though I sojourn in a vale of tears,
To live is Christ, to die is gain to me.
O God! at what a price Thou purchasedst this
Full boundless cup of bliss!