An Open Door, I Am the Door

Genesis 7:1,16
Gospel—E. Wakefield
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Peace is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for me long I.
There's a lot of savior for me.
Laughing out loud, sun changing.
Left without lasting, so pretty.
I love his.
God our Father, we thank Thee that for this Savior of whom we #20.
Behold, the Savior at the door. He gently knocks, has knocked before, has waited long, is waiting still.
You use no other friend, so I'll #20.
Please translating.
The way that long is where we live now.
I would like to speak tonight.
On three scriptures, at least, to which we find the word door.
The door. First, let us turn to the 7th chapter of Genesis.
Genesis Chapter 7.
And the first verse.
And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou.
And all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
And verse 16.
And they that went in went in, male and female, of all flesh that God had commanded him, and the Lord shut him in. Now last night our brother spoke above the upper, the glory lands, and beneath which was the lake of fire. Tonight I want to speak about these doors we have before us in connection with those that are in the inside.
And those on the outside, here we have this account.
That God gave us in the chapters Genesis 6 through 7 and eight in connection with the flood. The judgment of God fell on this world. And as we read this account of the early verses of Genesis chapter 6, let us just look at the woman, Genesis 6 verse 5.
And God saw that the wickedness of mind was great in the earth.
And that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Verse 7. And the Lord said, I will destroy man, whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and being, and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, For it repenteth me that I have made man.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Verse 11 The earth also was corrupt before God.
And the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt.
For all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto law, the end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of Gopher wood.
Now, dear friends, if we were to read this and didn't know it was in the Bible, we read it in some book, we might think well, that the author was describing this world today. For surely we find this world today at exactly the same position as it was in the days of Noah. Wickedness figure, what God said, every imagination of the heart of man, He will continually.
Showing that mine is a Sinner, absolutely wrecked and ruined. And here we have it in the 6th chapter of the record of Almighty God Himself, the living word, the Bible, the Word of God. And we find beloved friends that God was going to destroy man. The earth was filled with violence, corruption. That is not this what we have today, even in these favorite lands, which God is so graciously blessed.
Do we not find violence and corruption and evil on the mounting getting higher and higher as this poor world goes on to judgment? Well, in this day of Noah there was an ark. And that ark, it's remarkable to see as we we read that the door of the ark was set in the thigh. There was one entrance to that ark.
There was a door there, and God tells us that only eight people went into that ark. Those ways. I believe that Noah preached for many years, some say 120. Nevertheless, this preacher preached and he only got 7 conversions. The whole world turned against Noah. And my friend, this is not so tonight. This glorious gospel of the grace of God is unpopular in this world. Man, laugh at it.
That man sneered at it and men rejected the golf ball.
But, my friends, that ark we know is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. The place of refuse, the place of security, the place of safety was in that arc, and there was no other place for them to go. Only that ark. If any man that dares to copy it, if any other man has tried to build 1 exactly like it, it would have come under the judgment of God. There was but one place of safety, one door to enter in.
And Noah was invited by God. Notice come thou and all thy house into the ark. Oh beloved God was there in the ark, waiting to receive Noah, his wife, his three sons, and his three daughters into that one and only place of refuge from that coming judgment, or a scene that must have been beloved friends.
That God opened the windows of heaven.
And the rains came down and four men and women realized too late.
That the word of God was true. That judgment was coming on the world.
And we can see them, no doubt that we try to picture the scene of men and women trying to swim in the water, trying to save themselves. They tell us that they went to the very highest mountains to escape the judgment, but the water washed them into eternity. Oh my friends, they had never seen rain before. Never had they seen rain before, for the earth was watered by a mist that came up out of the earth.
And, my friend, you have never seen the judgment of God fall in this world yet. And I suppose there is here tonight in this audience, men and women, young and old, some who are unsaved, lost in their sins on the way to hell. And tonight, my friends, there is no art for you to go to. There is no visible art for you to go to. There's no door. You can see what your human eyes, and with which you can rush for safety, is a judgment of God.
Ross near over this world. Sometimes we know that a thunderstorm can be heard in the distance for a long time. We hear the Thunder as it gets closer and closer and the lightning flashes. And then we say there's a storm coming. Oh dear friends, tonight surely they could hear the Thunder of the wrath of God coming on this world.
Surely we can hear the rumble of the Thunder as it draws near to this world.
And I warn you, my friends, that there is tonight. Thank God there's an ark. And I want you to turn to the 10th chapter of John.
Where we read about another door.
There was one door of that ark in Genesis chapter.
Seven now in John's Gospel, chapter 10, verse 9.
Here we have the Son of God speaking. Oh, how blessed we can stand here tonight and read the very words of the Son of God himself. Verse nine, I am the door by me.
If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
And shall go in and out and find pasture.
Word. This is what a blessed message from the Savior's heart of love. I am the door. Christ is the door. Tonight. Notice now first of all, I the personal pronoun I. That is to say it's a person, not religion, but a real person. I in the second place is the divine person, if God himself I am.
The very name that God gave to Moses and Exodus chapter three, I think verse 14, where he said I am, that I am, and here on the earth and this day was a man standing there and he said I am.
A divine person, a person who had authority to say these words. I am the very Son of God, the maker of heaven and earth. He was here in this world.
Oh, how blessed. And the very sixth chapter of John's Gospel, he said I came down from heaven many times. He said those words. And the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John. I came down from heaven. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and he says I am the door all beloved. How did Christ become the door? Well, first of all we know he was sent by God.
And he came into this world, and he spoke those wonderful words that nobody else ever spoke, before or since. Think of a man tonight who came to Toledo and walked into this hall and sit on this platform and looked at you and said, I am the door. Why you run him out of town? He had no right to say it. He couldn't say it. He had no story to say it. But this one was God manifest in the flesh.
God had come down on the person of Christ, and he said I am.
And then, beloved friends, this blessed one who was the door, went to the cross of Calvary, and there on that cross he hung the door. He was the one who hung on that cross nail between 2 criminals rejected by this world and cast out, I like to say here in the midst of the prosperity of the United States of America.
In the midst of the prosperity of Canada, the country to the north, let me solemnly warn you, my friends, be not deceived by men who try to paint a picture of a future world of happiness and bliss and joy, without Christ, where they do but lie, and they do but to save you, no matter how honestly and how truthfully they may believe, they can make this world a better place.
The presence of the Son of God in this world for 33 years.
And that with the outstanding crime of the ages.
And remember that Barabbas the robber and the murderer was let loose.
And remember, dear friends, that the FBI and the police of this country, no matter how hard they work, cannot get away from the fact that the spirit of Barabbas is loose. Tonight. The spirit of Brabus Mine is reaping what he sowed. He wanted the robber and he got him. He wanted the murderer and he got him, and the Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross of Calvary.
This world tonight is staying with the blood of Christ.
We live in a world, beloved friends, And that dear brother used to say a world that would crucify the Son of God would stop at nothing.
How true that is. But all let us look at that cross tonight, that blessed cross. I enjoy what our brother said last night. Some people are always looking for a new subject. But you know, in the glory land there's going to be one subject, and that is great and Christ alone for eternity. And so we have the old gospel, no different from last night, The same old gospel. Let us turn our eyes to the cross.
Let us see the Son of God hanging there between 2 Thieves. Let us see God, beloved Son, cast out of the world His hands have made, and let us watch that sight as they sat down and watched him there in their cold blood. And they enjoy doing so. Just imagine this world enjoyed watching Christ suffer on the cross of Calvary and God will never forget it.
God will never forget it. We believe the death of Christ and the rejection of Christ is as fresh in the mind of God.
And if it happened 5 minutes ago, God will never forget that this world did. The heavens beloved one. Who was he all beloved friends? He was a Christ. He was a son of God. He was the maker of heaven and earth. He was the one upheld all things by the word of his power. He was almighty. He could speak with authority. He could call the dead out of the brave. He could open the eyes of the blind. He could make the lambs a walk. He could say stretch forth by hand. He got the power.
And yet he allowed men to nail them to the crawl.
And then, as our brother said last night at the noon hour at 12:00, God wrapped the scene in darkness, and the Lord Jesus Christ became the sin bearer, and he bore my sins in his own body on that tree.
Old friends, think of us 1:00 came 2:00, came 3:00.
Always arrived when out of the darkness we hear that voice. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Oh, is there a man in this room tonight? Is there a woman? Is there a boy? Is there a girl who is never yet on their knees answered that question?
Have you ever knelt down on your knees? And before God answered the question, why did?
God forsake his beloved Son.
We could turn to the third chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and we would find the heavens opened upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
We could hear the Father say, this is my beloved Son and whom I am well pleased. We could turn to the 17th chapter of Matthew. Later on we could hear him again. Say, this is my beloved Son, hear him. Then I say, why did God forsake that blessed one on the prom? All beloved friends, many of us tonight by the grace of God.
Have found the answer. He was forsaken for us. And Can you imagine that four worthless sinners?
Poor hell, deserving worms of the dust.
And yet he was forsaken on that crime as God judged him.
In my room and said, you believe it, girls and boys. Do you believe that that the Lord Jesus Christ on that cross for your sins See you say like a careless world, oh, he died for everybody.
All how careless men are to make that statement, beloved friends, that he died for you.
Said yes. Have you knelt down your knees and home before God that you're guilty? That you're a guilty Sinner? You're a lost Sinner, You're a dead Sinner, and you can't do anything for yourself, and I can't do anything for either. But thank God I can point you to Calvary. I can point you to that prom, and I can tell you on the authority of the word of God that Christ died for sinners, He died for the ungodly.
What a marvelous statement to think of. Right Died for the ungodly. Thank God for that verse, for that verse means me, and it means you will our friends. He died for sinners. He gave his life on the cross in order that sinners might be saved, For heaven shall be filled with sinners saved by the grace of God. Maybe there's maybe there's somebody in this room tonight that never gets discovered, that you're a Sinner.
You know, it's very easy to say what We're all sinners. Some of us are pretty bad and some of us are pretty good. But we're all in the same boat. We're all sinners. My friends. That will never bring you to a place of blessing. But when you come to the place where you say I am a Sinner, never mind anybody else in the United States, I am a Sinner. I am guilty. I have sinned against God and I'm guilty and I'm going to hell. I'm lost. I'm thinking down.
Under the judgment of God, Oh dear boys and girls, you will have Christian homes. You will have Christian homes where the Bible is read, where your father and mother pray with you. Oh, I warn you, please, I ask you, don't let the glorious gospel of the grace of God, the matchless love of God, the matchless love of Christ, be used by the devil to harden your heart, and you'll land on the lake of fire.
How solemn, how terrible. The Lord Jesus bowed his head in death. Don't you see the picture? All beloved friends, let us look at that cross. Let us see that thorn brown brow. As he said it is finished. And the Son of God bowed his head. What a faith. The Son of God bowed his head.
And all the Watson said.
And I believe it bears repeating that every child of Adams race should have bowed their head for eternity, but the Son of God bowed his head.
All the Son of mine had no place to lay his head. But on that cross the Son of God laid his head upon his blessed bosom. The work was finished. Calvary's work was done. You cannot save yourself. You can add nothing to the finished work of Christ. It's all been done, my friend.
You're too late to do anything. It's all been done with the claws. Jesus did it. Did it all long, long ago. It is finished. What a blessed message from the Glorious Savior's lips. It is finished. Tonight we rest our souls on the finished work of Christ and our title to glory. We read in the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The only way to heaven. The only way to heaven. For Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me. And so this blessed person says, And this person, John 10, verse nine, I am the door.
By me. By me, my friend. Not by your good work, not by your religion.
Not by turn over a new leaf, but by me. A person is speaking Christ themselves. Jesus the Son of God is speaking, and he says I am the door by me.
If any man enter in or be entered into life, my friend, are you in Christ or are you in your sins? You know everybody in this audience. We haven't got to go outside this auditorium.
Just in this audience right here tonight, everyone of us.
Are either in right or in our sins.
I wonder if we stopped now. Sit for a moment and give you a moment to think about and to answer that question. Are you in Christ? If you're not, you're in your sins. If you're not saved, you're lost. If you're not heaven bound, you're hell bound.
There's only two ways, my friends, the Broadway, that leads to destruction.
And the narrow way that leads to glory and every single one of us, including the speaker on this platform.
Either in Christ on the way to heaven or in our sins on the way to hell. Now look at that clock over there now. But it's after 8:00, five after 35 minutes nearer to heaven.
For 35 minutes nearer to hell. How is it, friends? Let me ask this question. I'd like to ask this question every time I preach the gospel if you were dead now.
Where would you be? Where would your soul be if you had died this afternoon? Where would your soul be if you had left this world of 5:00 tonight? Where would you be? All friends, I ask you, do not look around the audience and smile and as if nothing mattered. This is the most important thing in the whole world. You may pass. You may fail in your school and go through the grade again next year. You may fail in your business and start off again.
You may lose your job and get another job, but if you lose your soul, you'll perish.
You will perish in hell under the judgment of God. Now I know it's not proper to preach that way.
I know this world doesn't want to hear those kind of things, but Jesus preached it.
The Lord Jesus said more about hell than all the other men in the Bible put together.
The warned men to flee from the wrath to come. Jesus is a savior. He loves you. My friends, God loves you. What a blessed message. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Oh you say, Sir, I've heard that worth 1000 times, but sometimes you'll hear it for the last time.
Hear the words of the Lord Jesus, that precious Savior in John 524, light giving words.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me have everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life. Who said that? The very one who said these words, I am the door by me, If any man enter in, he shall be saved.
What a wonderful thing tonight to be able to tell people. Tell men and women to tell boys and girls they can be saved tonight, Saved by God. And this is Noah in that ark, beloved. The Lord shut him in. Quiet the marvelous thing, isn't it? Couldn't know or shut the door of the ark. No, He could not. The Lord wouldn't trust Noah to shut the door of the ark. The Lord shut no in. And when the Lord shut Noah in.
The devil himself couldn't open the door. How blessed it, how it speaks of eternal security. The Devil himself and all his demons couldn't open that door when the almighty hand of God shut the door. Thank God tonight those who come in through this door, the one who said I am the door, there's no power in heaven or hell can ****** you away from the hand of Jesus.
What a wonderful savior. And tonight you can have that savior. You can have that savior tonight, but maybe not tomorrow night. I was speaking to a little girl five years of age recently and I asked her this question. When is the best time to get saved now? I thought she would naturally say. Now nearly everybody asked that question. Says now for this little 5 year old girl doesn't say that.
She said the first time you hear about Jesus, wasn't that wonderful? And then she added these words, you know, that's what happened to us the first time we heard about Jesus. We believe that all beloved friends that touched my heart. I know there's boys in this room tonight and I know there's girls here and there's young men and ladies here who have heard of Jesus 500 times and they're lost tonight.
They're lost.
And they're going down to hell, unsaved and lost and lost.
My friends, the best time to get saved is when you first hear about Jesus. Sad to say that many of us, including the man standing here tonight, heard the glorious gospel dozens and dozens of times and said no. No.
Absolutely no.
It's a wonder that God did knock me into hell, but all the grace of God, the love of God, the patience of God.
For a poor, hell deserving Sinner. And so we say tonight, what a savior.
I am the door. Buy me a person. If any man, if any man notice. If any man shall enter in, he shall be saved. Who said it? The Son of God. There's no doubt about it. There's no question about it. The Son of God said it. Will you believe it tonight and receive the Savior? Well, Thursday, let us look at the 25th chapter of Matthew.
Matthew 25.
Before we speak on this, I want to read the last word of the 10th verse of Matthew 25. Solemn, solemn words spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ himself. And the door was shut. Just imagine. And the door. Here's another door. And the door was shut. Let's look at the first person. Consider this.
These words of our Lord Jesus.
Then shall the Kingdom of heaven be likened under 10 virgins which took their lamps.
And went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise and five were foolish. None of those friends. There were five wives and five foolish. There was a division between them, wise and foolish. And this world is exactly the same tonight. This world is divided. And the cross of Christ has divided this world. It's divided officers, It's divided school rooms. It's divided homes.
It's divided loved ones, the crowns, those who are on one side.
Washed from their sins and the precious blood of Christ glory bounds, knowing the day of your personally and waiting for him from heaven, and those on the other side in their sins lost and guilty, and on the way to eternal darkness.
Five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Notice the third verse. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. Now notice every one of the ten had a lamp. They all professed. And my friend tonight, and these conferences I believe we have the same thing.
All make a profession is very, very seldom you go to a man and say third. Tell me please.
Are you saved or lost? It's very, very seldom a man will say I'm lost. They all say, Well, of course I'm a Christian. Don't I live in the United States? Don't I live in Canada? Don't I go to some church or some meeting? Why, of course I'm a Christian. I'm not a heathen, am I? Oh, they're all professions. They're all professors. They all have their lands. But notice there was a difference.
The Wise had oil.
And the foolish had no oil. What is the oil? The spirit of God. We believe in type, a picture of the Spirit of God and how solemn it is below. Our friends, the only profess to be a Christian and to never have any reality. I remember at a conference some time ago, a young lady went to the front. Her brother, who is here tonight, had preached the gospel.
And I remember this young girl went to the front and said I want to be saved tonight, Her words to that effect?
And people were amazed. Oh, they said she's been saved for years.
This girl is believed the gospel for many years, but she said I did not believe the gospel. Oh, she believed it up here. She had her lamp, but she didn't have Christ. And I'm going to tell you something, friends. That girl's life has changed since that night. And I believe there's many come to these conferences. Yes, like that girl your mother says or your father. Well, of course Johnny's a Christian.
He ordered son in school every Sunday. Why? He says his work perfectly every Sunday morning or afternoon. And that girl why Mary saved. Of course she can say John 316. She can say John flight 24. But that'll never save you, my friends. Never. You have to receive price. You have to be born from above to get a brand new life from God.
Where this life God can never accept it, God can never, my friends, accept that old nature, that old flesh.
Because if that enemy was God, the natural man, that's why the Lord Jesus said you got to have a new birth, you got to be boring from up there and the very life of God in your soul. How blessed. And so are these foolish versions have their lamps profession.
But no reality and no life and no oil. But notice now in the fifth verse.
While the bridegroom carried, they all slumbered and slept. What a sad thing is a thing that many of us who were Christian, I speak for myself. We slumber and sleep. We don't have very much energy for the things of God doing that. We treated our business like we treat the things of God. Surely our business would fail in no time. There's very little interest. There's very little interest in soul. Gospel tracks can be bought for such a little price.
In the book room. But how many are given away? How many are really awake tonight? How many are really out and out for Christ? I speak for myself. We speak with shame about ourselves, how little we do for the Lord who loved us and gave themselves worth. And so they all slumbered and slept. But not a verse six at midnight there was a crime made. Behold the bride's room.
Going up to meet him now, I believe this took place, as we all do, maybe 160 years ago, and the Lord restored the glorious truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, coming to take His people out of this world. Nevertheless, is it not true, beloved friends, that as we hear that glorious word, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh? Think of it. Think of what, my friends, if Jesus came right now.
What would happen in this room if the Lord descended from heaven right now? With that shout, what would happen in this room? Would you be left here alone?
To see all these quotes here hanging outside in the hall and they're all gone.
And you were sitting here, alone, alone, left here behind, left behind.
When the Lord came at solemn, isn't it? Oh, dear young people, won't you face this tonight? For the Lord Jesus is coming very, very soon.
He may come tonight. Are you ready?
What a tragedy. Dear young man, young lady brought up in a Christian home. Bible readings, Sunday school papers, all kinds of books in the library and you left behind.
Left behind a fake judgment household. Well, let us notice now in the 7th, 6th, 7th verse. And all those versions arose and trimmed their lamps.
And the fuller said under the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are going out. I believe the margin says going out there was no oil and for a moment or two the light Shawn and then went out. There was no reality, no oil. The lamps went out and they said our lamps are going out.
Our lamps are going out, and they go. Why? He said in the ninth verse, not so. Let there be not enough for us and you, but go, ye rather, to them that fell and buy for yourself. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready went in. Old friends noticed those words. May God stamp them on your soul.
They that were ready went in.
And the door was shut. The door was shut. Oh, that door is going to be shut someday when the master the house stands up and shuts through the door. Or a solemn thing, my friends, how terrible, how awful. The door was shut. The door was shut.
A man in England one day a businessman going to keep an appointment, rushed into the railway station and as he ran for the train the door was shut. The door was shut and he couldn't get through and as he turned away he was hurt to say, oh God, that's going to cost me £5000.
For my friends, if this door is shut, you'll turn away and say.
I have lost my soul. I have lost my soul.
I'm doomed for eternity. I've lost my soul. The door was shut. Now notice what happens in the 11Th verse afterward. Isn't that solemn? Oh, that solemn word Afterward, men would love. They just love to be able to say there's no God. That's what these influence and atheists and evolutionists are trying to do. They're trying to prove there's no God so they can ease their conscience. But there's an afterward. Isn't that solemn afterward?
Afterward. After death, that judgment afterward came.
Also the other version, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not friends. Does the Lord know you tonight? I ask you, do you know the Lord? You might stay at the door? I know the Lord. Maybe you're just one of these people who has the knowledge in your head, like so many beloved friends.
And there's no reality. But I ask you this, does the Lord know you?
He says here, I know you not, I know you not. I notice what they say. Lord, Lord.
And whenever we read those two words together like that, it's only profession.
Lord, Lord, now before we close, let us look at Romans 10 and 9.
You see what God says there?
In Romans 10 and 9.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved. Doesn't it sound something like the word in John 10 by me? If any man enter in, he shall be saved. Thou shalt be saved. The very word of God, my friend. What a word that some of some of you may have heard this little story. I'd like to tell it again. But a young man who came to our gospel tent down in Sackville, NB. He had a praying Christian mother. She had prayed for her boy.
Oh, mother's.
Many of us are praying for our boys. Don't give up. God answers prayer, praise God for that. Let us keep on praying for our boys and girls too, of course. But this young man, at the end of the meeting, I went back where he was standing and I asked him was he saved And he said no, I'm not. I said, young man, are you a Sinner? He said. I sure am Mr.
I sure am. Then I said, wouldn't you like to be saved? He said I would. Then I said this to him, When would you like to be saved? And he said, right now. That's all. He quoted this verse to him, opened our Bibles and showed them this verse I just read to you. And I said, young man, I'm going to fulfill this verse right here in front of you. I'm going to confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is my Lord.
And I'm going to tell you, by the grace of God, I believe in my heart.
That God has raised him from the dead.
And I said on the authority of God's word.
I'm saved. Well, he said to me, I believe that God raised him from the dead too. And we said, what about the first part of the verse? And he said, I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord. And then we bowed our heads together in prayer. Oh beloved, was he saved. God says so. Thou shalt be saved. Isn't it blessed? Have you ever confessed Christ?
Have you ever said a good word for Jesus? Have you ever spoken well of Christ? I remember in the old days who often said this. Please just speak well of the prize fighters and the hockey players and the baseball players. There was no reproach in that. You became famous when you talked about those men, but when you speak well of Jesus.
The curl lipped the sneer on the faces, the laughter and the mockery of this poor, Christ rejecting world. But.
God says, If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart, God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved for tonight in the very glory above.
At the right hand of the majesty in the heavens there sits a man.
A man is there manhood of invaded the very presence of God.
That man has on his hands and his feet the nail marked and inside the spear mark. And that man is Jesus and he's Lord, where God has made that same Jesus.
Whom Israel rejected and crucified Both Lord and Christ. He's there, beloved. There's a living savior. He's not dead. Oh, he lives. Is he your savior? Would you like to receive him tonight? For God says and that verse in John one eye coat and clothes and let us read it. OK, so we get it right in closing John one verse 12 notice.
As many as received him notice a person, again, not religion, not church membership, not coming to a gospel meeting. But as Benny has received him a person, a living savior, as many as received him to them gave the power to become the Thunder children of God, even to them that believe in His name which were born.
Not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Friends, will you receive Christ tonight? We have nothing more to say. Jesus is able to save you. Jesus is ready to save you. And Jesus, my friends, is here tonight to save you. If you'll have them. How blessed He's here Tonight the Son of God will open arms, stands ready to receive you tonight. If you will receive Christ. But if you leave this room again.
With that record against your name. Not tonight. Not tonight. This could well be your last invitation.
Your last opportunity Girls and boys, young men and young ladies. Older men and older ladies.
Or he has saved or lost. Or you are heaven bound or hell bound.
Will you receive tonight the Son of God? Will you receive tonight the Lord Jesus Christ? Will you bow your head and say, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner, but I believe you died for me, and I receive you tonight as my savior. And then, beloved friends, seek grace to confess with that multi yours, with that one who died on the cross for you, a poor Sinner.
Is now the Lord, Let us pray.