And Am I One With Thee?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
And am I one with. Thee, Thou spotless One?
And underneath this wild heart’s restless heavings
Beats there the pulse of life immortal, everlasting, and divine,
A portion of thy fullness infinite?
Lord, hast thou linked Thy heart to mine,
And with that golden cord of living life and power,
(Indissoluble to bind each bidden member of Thyself, In living unity to Thee,)
Into the circled chain of glory and the Deity,
The “mystery” of eternity,
Hast gathered such as me?
Yea, Lord, and to these atoms of the dust,
Uncovering Thy throne, Thy bosom, and Thy home,
Hast raised us in Thyself—there seated, are we seen,
While angels, wondering, gaze to see us lost in Thee.
Oh, mystery of God incomprehensible!
The source and center Thou;
Thy heart of love unfathomable,
Which doth enclose us all, yet gives itself to each,
Choosing these earthen pitchers now to be
Recipients of Thy life divine,
And man, Thy dwelling place!
Then Lord, oh, bid that life disclose,
Revive, expand, and thrill through every heart,
Responsive to Thine own.
Touch every chord; each soul irradiate from Thyself,
Thou life-impulsive center of the whole,
Till every yearning heart, upheaves to Thee alone.
So at thy voice these clay-bound vessels, conscious of Thy power,
Springing aloft as fountains to their source.
Then seeing Thee, shall burst, transfigured into glory at Thy feet,
Then like the colored rainbow, round Thy throne,
Shall every jewel’s varied hue, each scattered ray,
Of reflex glory shine to tell the effulgence, Lord, of Thine,
Prismatic in its radiance shall Thy church be shown,
The vessel of Thy beauty, not its own.