And Is It So!

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
And is it so! we now are sons of God.
The blest co-heirs of His eternal Son!
Is this the love of God in Christ made known,
And which to know is heaven on earth begun!
And is it so! we shall be like His Son!
Shall we His image wear in scenes of light.
Where love supreme is shed on all who dwell
Within those heavenly courts of glory bright!
And is it so! we e’er shall dwell with Him!
Shall we forever gaze on that blest face
Forever in its radiant glory read
The story of redeeming love and grace!
O! matchless love, O! love beyond compare,
Beyond all breadth and length and depth and height
Father, this love of Thine is now revealed,
And in the Saviour’s face shines forth in light.
The objects of this sov’reign love are we,
Who once were lost and guilty – far from God,
And doomed to death and shame and endless woe,
But now brought nigh through Jesus’ precious blood.
Through sea of woe, and storm of wrath divine,
Thy holy soul has passed, O Jesus, Lord,
That we might know the love no tongue can tell,
God’s love made known in Thee, the living Word.
O’er all that scene of malice dark and deep.
Of hate, malign, inspired by demon power.
Thy gracious love shone out in glorious light,
Amid the darkness of that darkest hour.
Unquenched Thy love, O Lord, by waves of death,
Or streams of human hatred here below;
Unchecked by power of Satan’s mighty hosts,
Or wrath of God – that cup of unmixed woe.
That awful cup, Lord Jesus, Thou didst drain,
Our mighty load of sins didst bear alone,
When, as a Victim, Thou didst take our place,
To bear the curse, and for our sins atone.
But now Thy woes and sufferings all are o’er;
The storm is hushed, the tempest clouds are gone;
The mighty work is done, and Thou art risen,
And seated high upon the Father’s throne.
And soon, Lord Jesus, Thou wilt come again;
Soon, soon, shall we Thy glorious face behold,
And in its glory read the story sweet
Of endless love – yet love that ne’er grows old.
O sinner, wouldst thou know that heart of love?
The heart that bled to put away thy sin?
Behold, He knocks! He bids thee open the door.
That love may tell its own sweet tale within.
O! haste, O! haste, dear soul, and let Him in;
’Tis Christ the Lord who seeks thy heart to fill;
He knocks, He waits, He knocks again, and calls,
“Whoever thirsts may drink whoever will.”