I wonder how many of my young readers go to Sunday school. Perhaps most of you do; and if so, I know that you are looking forward to the end of the year, when, very likely, you will receive a reward.
I am going to tell you about a little girl, nine years old, whose name was Annie. She went to Sunday school, and at the end of the year she had a reward given to her.
Well, I will tell you. It was a Bible.
In another Sunday school I know of, a Bible is given to each scholar for bringing eight new scholars, and a little girl received a nice Bible with her name, Louise J. Werner, in gold letters on the front cover.
Now this surely is the best gift anyone could possibly have, for the Bible tells us the way to heaven; and I am sure that every girl and boy wants to go there.
But you have all done naughty things, aid so God says,
He could not allow you to be in heaven with even one sin upon you; so if you are o be there, it must be without your sins.
But then the Bible tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world, but the people hated Him, and nailed Him to a cross of wood. And while He was hanging there, God laid on the Lord Jesus all the sins of those who believe on Him, and punished Him instead of them; as we read in 1 Peter 2:2323Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: (1 Peter 2:23),
“Who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree.”
So you see that if you come to God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and simply believe that He died for you, God will pardon all your sins, and give you eternal life; then you will be ready for Jesus to come, for He said
We trust that all of our young friends will read their Bible and thus learn the blessed truths which are able to make them wise unto salvation.
The Bible tells us Jesus came
From glory bright and fair;
God’s perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb,
His mercy to declare.
The Bible tells us Jesus died,
A sacrifice for sin;
The gates of heaven to open wide
That all may enter in.
The Bible tells us Jesus rose
And left the silent grave,
Triumphant over all His foes
The mighty One to save.
The Bible tells us Jesus lives
Again upon the throne,
The blessed proof the Father gives
That mercy’s work is done.
The Bible tells us He will come
To take His saints away,
To dwell with Him in His sweet home,
Through everlasting day.
The Bible tells us all may come,
And drink at mercy’s stream;
And Jesus soon will share His home
With all who trust in Him.
Then let us value that blest Book,
And at its pages often look;
The Bible is God’s Word.
ML 04/26/1942