Another False Christ in the American Southern States

SOME account of a false Christ named Schweinfurth in Illinois, in the Western State of Illinois, U.S., was given in the “Christian Herald” for August 21St American papers contain accounts also. A Savannah, U.S., communication to the “New York World” of July 7th says: —.
A few weeks ago, an unknown negro suddenly appeared in Liberty County, in the State of Georgia, in the United States, and collecting the negroes of the neighborhood about him, proclaimed that he was Jesus Christ, and had just descended to earth in a cloud. In the center of his hand are a couple of scars. Exhibiting those to the excited blacks, he announced that they were made when he was nailed to the cross on the outskirts of Jerusalem eighteen centuries ago. One of the more superstitious of his hearers wanted to see the marks of his feet, and those left by the crown of thorns. Pulling off his shoes, he showed the marks claimed to have been left by the spikes of the soldiers of Pontius Pilate. This was all the corroboration the negroes needed. They accepted every word of his story as true, and, fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
The scene is said to have beggared description. Men, women, and children lay prostrate on the ground, praying, shouting, and singing hymns. Scores of foolish negroes pressed forward and kissed his hands and feet. Others declared themselves unworthy to touch him, and contented themselves with kissing the “hem of his garment.” Half-a-dozen negresses procured a quantity of sweet oil and anointed him, and others wiped it off with the hair of their heads.
Taking up a long staff, he waved it about his head three or four times, and commanded the people to follow him, leaving everything behind them, as the Lord would provide for all without any need of purse or raiment. Cows were turned into the fields, and houses were abandoned, the occupants not even closing the doors and windows, and in many cases leaving their dinners to boil away in the pots over the open fireplaces. The false Christ began his march through the country, and three or four hundred negroes were at his back. At every settlement the scene was repeated, and at last between 1,500 and 2,000 blacks were on the journey.
Then the white people began to grow alarmed. Work on the plantations, at the turpentine stills, and, in fact, everywhere, was at a standstill. Rumors flew thick and fast that the pseudo-Christ was in reality teaching communism and annihilation of the whites. It was decided to arrest him, or force him to leave the country. A few of the more hot-headed favored lynching, but they were persuaded that the white people’s easiest way was the best. Accordingly two colored preachers, who were discomfited at the inroads made in their flocks, took out judicial warrants charging the newcomer with vagrancy.
He had prophesied that he would be arrested, and when the officers with warrants arrived, the false Messiah’s followers or disciples as they called themselves, were ready to tear the law guardians to pieces. The women were more frenzied than the men, and many of them were armed with guns. They feared that the Crucifixion was to be re-enacted, and declared that they would die first. The black Messiah assured them, however, that no harm would befall him, and asked them not to be guilty of any physical violence. This pacified them, and they permitted him to be taken to gaol, confident that angels would appear in the night and cut the bars asunder.
When arrested, the black Messiah gave his name as Edward Bell, and said he was from Ohio, but had been in Florida last spring. Thomas M. Norwood, ex-Congressman, has been engaged to prosecute, though it is doubtful whether the charge of vagrancy can be substantiated. Bell says that he is going to lead his people through the land of Canaan to Jerusalem, but says the exact date has not yet been fixed by God, though it will be soon. Bell, hover, seems to have a little doubt as to his identity, as he said in a sermon one Sunday that he was Adam, then that he was Noah, and again that he was Abraham. He said that this is his third visit to the earth, and that he comes once every thousand years.
Bell was released from gaol on his own recognizance, but will be tried for lunacy later. He is a tall, poorly-clad negro. His hair is black and long, falling over his shoulders somewhat in the style of that of Christ as represented in pictures. He also endeavors to trim his beard to conform to that of the Saviour. He refuses to accept money publicly, saying that preachers should not be paid. He lives among the negroes, and is very unpretentious, except as to his belief that he is Christ. His wonderful familiarity with the Old and New Testaments greatly aids him in holding sway over his followers, twelve of whom he has chosen as disciples.
Another negro false Christ, named James, a colored Justice of the Peace, has also a considerable following.