“The Children’s Class”
2.“And Jesus,” etc. 11:22
3.“And he, casting,” etc. 10:50
4.“And it was,” etc. 15:25
5.“For what, etc. 8:36
6.“And in the,” etc. 1:35
7.“Mary Magdalene. 16:9
Bible Questions for July
“The Children’s Class”
The Answers are to be found in John, Chapters 1-10
Write in the full verses with the words,
1.“If any man thirst.”
2.“This is the work of God.”
3.“Were made by Him.”
4.“That are in the graves.”
5.“I gave unto them eternal life,”
6. “Gave His only begotten Son.”
7. Who sat on Jacob’s well?
Answers to Bible Questions for April
“The Young People’s Bible Class”
Bible Questions for July
“The Young People’s Bible Class.”
The Answers are to be found in John Chapters 1-10
1.Whom did Jesus call gods?
2.What did the man, once blind know?
3.What was necessary before the Holy Ghost could be given?
4.How were they going to make Jesus a king.
5.What was Jesus’ meat?
6.Who said, “We have found Him?”
7.What is the “work of God?”
ML 07/07/1946