2.“Purge out therefore,” etc. 5:7
3. “For as often,” etc. 11:26
4.“But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus,” etc. 1:30
5.“In a moment,” etc. 15:52
6.“There hath no temptation,” etc. 10:13
7.“But when ye sin,” etc. “8:12
Bible Questions for February.
The Answers are to be found in
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians
1. Write the verse containing the words: “Ye are sealed.”
2. Write the verse containing the words: “Save in the cross.”
3. Write the verse containing the words: “To live.” “To die,”
4. Write the verse containing the words: “Well pleasing.”
5.Write the verse containing the words: “The life which I now live.”
6.Write the verse containing the words: “We look for.”
7. Write the verse containing the words: “Dwell in your hearts.”
ML 02/04/1917