Answers to Prayer.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 1min
No. 10.
ONE day at school we were writing the answers to some questions the teacher had given us. I had forgotten the answer to one of the questions, but having received answer to prayer in the past, I believed that the Lord could help me. So I silently asked Him to bring to my mind the word that I had forgotten. He heard my prayer and I was able to answer the question correctly.
About this time, a friend of mine, who was a true Christian and seeking to live for the Lord, was talking with me on the subject of prayer. She believed in answer to prayer, but had never thought of asking God for such a little thing as the answer to a question in a school test.
Dear children, God loves to hear and answer our prayers for the little things that we need day by day, as well as for the greater and more important things. Nothing is so small that He will not be glad to give it to us if we ask Him.
“All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive,” means the little things just as much as the big things.
Talk to God just as you would to an earthly friend. Tell Him everything—not only your needs, but also your joys and sorrows. He is ever ready and willing to listen.
ML 01/04/1903