Answers to Questions of Jan. 3rd.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
Listen from:
1.“For whosoever,” etc. Mark 9:41.
2.“Or what shall a,” etc. 8:37.
3.“Let her alone; why,” etc. 14:6.
4.“Let the children,” etc. 7:27.
5.“O faithless,” etc. 9:19.
6.“Why tempt ye Me?” etc. 12:15.
7.“My soul is exceeding,”. etc. 14:34.
8.“Elias verily cometh,” etc. ix:12.
“Follow Me.” 2:14.
Bible Questions for March.
The answers are to be found in John, and the first letter of each answer will spell a sentence Jesus uttered while on the cross.
1.What did Jesus say to one who said, “We know not whither Thou goest; and how can we know the way”?
2.What did Jesus say in answer to one who said “My Lord and my God”?
3.What did Jesus say to those who said “Lord evermore give us this bread”?
4.What did Jesus say to one who asked Him “Art thou the King of the Jesus?”
5.What did Jesus say after these words “Mast loved them, as Thou hast loved Me?”
6.What did Jesus say when one said to Him, “He shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day”?
7.What did Jesus say when Judas went out and it was night?
8.What did Jesus say when the disciples prayed Him, saying, “Master, eat”?
9.What did Jesus say after the words “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world”?
10.What did Jesus say to the one who said “Show us the Father, and it sufficeth us”?
11.What did Jesus say to the nobleman whose son was sick?
12.What did Jesus say to the disciples who reasoned about the words “A little while”?
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