Apostolic Faith Missions: And the So-Called Second Pentecost

Table of Contents

1. Second Pentecost

Second Pentecost

IN the month of April, 1906, a little band composed chiefly of colored people were praying together in a mission-hall on Azusa street in Los Angeles, Cal. Some of them had heard of a recent peculiar happening in Kansas where a strange power had taken possession of a man, and he had been apparently made to speak in “tongues.” Day after day and night after night these people, who thought they recognized in this a sign of a second Pentecost, cried earnestly to God for a similar manifestation, and at last the “power” fell. One by one they were taken possession of by a superhuman energy that made them at times insensible to all around, and caused them to pour forth a torrent of strange sounds, often monosyllabic gibberish; and again somewhat connected expressions that seemed to be in strange languages. Their joy knew no bounds. To them had been committed, so they believed, the ushering in of the “Latter Rain” dispensation — the final Pentecost to close up the present age.
Excitement ran high, and from far and near mission workers, ministers and others came to investigate. For months meetings were kept up almost continuously, and hundreds received the same mysterious power. Many came in as skeptics, and went away convinced that they had indeed seen a marvelous manifestation of divine energy. Many came to scoff and ridicule, but were soon on their knees, beating the floor, crying in anguish, and beseeching God for a like gift; and of these great numbers spoke in “tongues.”
Like wild-fire the movement spread in all directions. Through missions it was carried all over America and across the seas. In India and other heathen lands the same power was manifested, and in the same way.
As time has gone on, thousands once in the full current of the movement, have withdrawn from it, but thousands more fill their places. Those who have left tell various stories. Some say it was all nervous excitement, a mere hysterical condition, with nothing supernatural at all. The “tongues” were no tongues, only a Lallomania, a weird dervish-like excitement leading to wild incoherent utterances unlike any language known to man. Others say a tremendous supernatural power is working, and they fear to condemn, yet dare no longer endorse it, as they have seen such mixed effects from its presence. Many are certain they have been misled by the direct power of Satan, performing “lying wonders,” in order to deceive if possible the very elect; and they now shrink from the whole thing in horror, feeling humiliated and deeply repentant as they think of ever having been ensnared in it.
Lately, divisions have been rife among the Pentecostal people, and the adherents of the various parties roundly anathematize one another, but they all have the same marvelous sign of speaking in “tongues.” Each party declares the “tongues” are of the devil when found among their adversaries, but inveighs solemnly against all who dare question their own peculiar gift being of the Holy Spirit. The warring sects stand for the affirmation or dial of special teaching. One party are annihilationists; the rest are strong, not only on the orthodox doctrine of everlasting punishment of unrepentant sinners, but often declare the eternal damnation of all who fail to receive the gift of “tongues.” One party is radical on the so-called holiness question, teaching the eradication of all inbred sin prior to the reception of the baptism of the Spirit. These set forth a definite statement of doctrines, to most of which enlightened Christians could subscribe, but with just enough of their own strange system to make them a dangerous counterfeit. From the “Apostolic Faith,” published in Portland, Oregon, I clip this doctrinal statement:
“We preach Christ, His birth, His baptism, His works, His teachings, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension, His second coming, His millennial reign, His white throne judgment, and the new heavens and new earth when He shall have put all enemies under His feet, and shall reign eternally, and we shall abide with Him forever and ever.
Repentance toward God — Acts 20:21. Repentance is godly sorrow for sin (2 Cor. 7:10; Mark 1:15).
Restitution — The blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin that we can make right. We must have a conscience void of offense toward God and man. Restitution includes restoring where you have defrauded or stolen, paying back debts, and confession (Luke 19:8, 9; Ezek. 33:15).
Justification is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins (Acts 10:43; Rom. 5:1; 3:26; Acts 13:38, 39; John 1:12; John 3:3).
Sanctification is that act of God’s grace by which He makes us holy. It is a second, definite work wrought by the blood of Jesus through faith (John 17:15, 17; 1 Thess. 4:3; Heb. 13:12; Heb. 2:11; Heb. 12:14; 1 John 1:7).
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the gift of power upon the sanctified life (Luke 24:49; Matt. 3:11; John 7:38, 39; John 14:16,17, 26; Acts 1:5, 8).
And when we receive it, we have the same sign or Bible evidence as the disciples had on the day of Pentecost, speaking with tongues, as the Spirit gave utterance (Mark 16:17; 1 Cor. 14:21, 22). Examples — Acts 2:4; Acts 10:45; Acts 19:6.
Healing of the Body — Sickness and disease are destroyed through the precious atonement of Jesus (Isa. 53:4-5; Matt. 8:17; Mark 16:18; James 5:14-16). All sickness is the work of the devil, which Jesus came to destroy (1 John 3:8; Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38). Jesus cast out devils, and commissioned His disciples to do the same (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19; Mark 9:25, 26).
The Second Coming of Jesus — The return of Jesus is just as literal as His going away (Acts 1:9-11; John 14:3). There will be two appearances under one coming; first, to catch away His waiting bride (Matt. 24:40-44 and 1 Thess. 4:16, 17); and second, to execute judgment upon the ungodly (2 Thess. 1:7-10; Jude 14 and 15; Zech. 14:3, 4).
Ordinances: First, Water Baptism by Immersion (Single) — Jesus went down into the water and came up out of the water, giving us an example that we should follow (Matt. 3:16; Acts 8:38, 39; Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:4, 5; Col. 2:12).
Second: The Lord’s Supper — Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper that we might “show His death till He comes” (1 Cor. 11:23-26; Luke 22:17-20; Matt. 26:26-29). It brings healing to our bodies if we discern the Lord’s body (1 Cor. 11:29, 30).
Third: Washing the Disciples’ Feet — Jesus said: “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye ought also to wash one another’s feet, for I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done unto you” (John 13:14, 15).
The Tribulation — Jesus prophesied a great tribulation such as was not from the beginning of the world (Matt. 24:21, 22, 29; Revelation 9; Revelation 16; Isaiah 26:20-21; Malachi 4:1).
Christ’s Millennial Reign is the 1000 years of the literal reign of Jesus on this earth. It will be ushered in by the coming of Jesus back to earth with ten thousands of His saints (Jude 14,15; 2 Thess. 1:7-10). During this time the devil will be bound (Rev. 20:2, 3). It will be a reign of peace and blessing (Isa. 11:6-9; Isa. 65:25; Hos. 2:18; Zech. 14:9, 20; Isa. 2:2-4).
The Great White Throne Judgment — Revelation 20:11-14. God will judge the quick and dead according to their works (Rev. 20:11-14; Dan. 12:2; Acts 10:42).
New Heavens and New Earth — The Word teaches that this earth, which has been polluted by sin, shall pass away after the White Throne Judgment, and God will make a new heaven and new earth in which righteousness shall dwell (Matt. 24:35; 2 Peter 3:12, 13; Rev. 21:1-3; Isa. 65:17; Isa. 66:22).
Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell — The Bible teaches that hell is as eternal as heaven (Matt. 25:41, 46). The wicked shall be cast into a burning hell, a lake of fire burning with brimstone forever and ever (Rev. 14:10, 11; Luke 16:24; Mark 9:43, 44).
No Divorce — The Word teaches that marriage is binding for life. Tinder the New Testament law, the law of Christ, there is but one cause for separation, fornication, and no right to marry again while the first companion lives (Matt. 5:31, 32; Matt. 19:9; Mark 10:11, 12; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:2, 3).
These are the doctrines that were revealed from heaven and preached in the out-pouring of the Spirit in Los Angeles, April, 1906. God has been pouring out His Spirit on the preaching of the full Gospel ever since, confirming the Word with signs following.
Another large sect utterly repudiates the second blessing theory (and with these many of the original mission are connected), and loudly proclaims “the finished work.” This sounds well, but the reader may be surprised to learn that the scriptural term “the finished work” does not, when used by them, refer to Christ’s finished work on the cross, the basis of all our hope, but to a finished work in the believer whereby he is justified from his sins and freed from all inward carnality by one operation, and he is thus ready at once for the “Pentecostal experience.”
Some press baptism in water as a pre-requisite for the gift of the Spirit; others hold “tongues” may be given independently.
From the same paper from which I clipped the doctrinal statement above, I took the following warning against the “Finished Work” people. It illustrates the attitude of one section towards another; but, observe, the same signs follow in each case:
“NOTICE. — We feel that we should let our readers know, as there are many letters of inquiry coming in, that we have no fellowship with the so-called ‘Worldwide Camp-meeting’ in Los Angeles. It is not a part of this work. It is a compromise work, that denies sanctification as a second work of grace, and covers up sin. We have no fellowship with any work that denies the second work of grace, or any other plain doctrine of the Word. The so-called new light’ they have professed to receive, has wrecked many souls and led into fanaticism and wild-fire. The paper they printed and sent out, entitled ‘The Apostolic Faith,’ is in no way connected with this work.”
Lately one faction has utterly repudiated the Scriptural doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and teaches instead the Swedenborgian heresy that Jesus is the only Person in the Godhead. Yet both these classes speak in the same weird “tongues.”
That many sincere Christians are, or have been, entangled with this movement there can be no doubt. It therefore demands our careful consideration that, even though free from complicity in it ourselves, we may be able to help others who are in danger of being ensnared.
Desirous of looking into it at first-hand, I have attended scores of meetings in many different cities. I think I cannot do better than describe a little of what I have seen and heard.
In company with a sober brother I went for the first time in San Francisco. The place was crowded. A large fleshy woman was leading amid great excitement. Strangely enough, we were hardly seated when she cried out, “We need to pray; two enemies of the truth have just come in. The Spirit tells me they are here to fight the truth. But I warn them they are fighting against God,” etc., ad lib.
The meeting went on: one and another testifying, and some in a fairly sober manner. One thing soon struck us forcibly. No one said, Lord Jesus. No one cried, Abba, Father. Now, inasmuch as these are the two scriptural evidences that the Holy Spirit is in control, we felt the incongruity of it all very soon. Much talk there was about the Holy Ghost. People spoke of “God,” “God Almighty,” “the Almighty,” and of “Jesus,” “Jesus Christ,” and “Christ Jesus,” but no one said “Father,” or “our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Presently we were electrified by hearing, for the first time, the weird, piercing notes of a woman under the “power,” speaking in “tongues.” I took careful note of every syllable, and jotted them down: “Ku-ri-ah, Ku-ri-ah, Ku-ri-ah, Ku-ri, as.” This she repeated over and over till almost out of breath, while the rest shouted with delight at this evidence of the spirit’s control!
She finished in an exhausted state, and from a corner came what sounded like the wail of a lost soul. Another woman, on her knees, began to intone in most melancholy accents, “La-a-a-a-la-a-ah-la-la-la-la-ah-ah-ah-oh-oh.” This was all; but it was accepted as the great power of God.
At the close the leader came straight to us, and we withstood her to the face by meeting her declaration that she was living without sin with the counter declaration that we could give her chapter and verse for a direct command of Scripture she had been disobeying all through the meeting. She challenged its production, and we referred her to 1Cor. 14:34. As we read it she raved in anger, till I felt justified in asking the ironical question, “Are you not afraid you will lose your sanctification altogether if you get angrier?” She cried out, “You are possessed with a devil!” and left us.
But five men followed us as we went out and plied us with questions, thanking us for opening their eyes as they had listened to our conversation with the woman. Needless to say we had seen nothing in this meeting to make us feel the Spirit of God was at work.
In Portland, Ore., another brother went with me to the Burnside Street Mission. What we saw and heard beggars description. The excitement was nerve-racking. As many as a dozen prayed — rather screamed — at one time. “Tongues” were much in evidence, and here there were interpreters too. A man rose and muttered some incoherent syllables, speaking about half a minute. A woman rose, and in a high-keyed voice fairly shrieked, “Glory to God! I have the interpretation. The brother says, Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, I am Jesus the crucified. I speak to you, my children. You must give up the world; you must be free from the carnal mind; you must get your baptism; there’s only a little time; I am coming soon!”— and so on, for nearly five minutes; till we were led to wonder at the amazing condescension of a “tongue” that could express in half a minute what took ten times as long to interpret. At the close there was an “altar service,” or “upper-room service,” as some designated it, which was a perfect bedlam. We could scarcely believe such scenes were possible outside of a lunatic asylum; and even there the keepers would not permit such goings-on.
Almost at our feet a man fell over on his back, writhing and foaming as in an epileptic fit. I suggested getting him out of the close, hot room, or at least getting water, or calling for a doctor, or a policeman. “Keep your hands off God’s ark,” someone shouted: “This is the Holy Ghost.” For forty minutes, by the clock, he writhed there on the floor, and at last fell back limp, and lay as though dead. Then a “worker” jumped on his breast, put his mouth to the unconscious man’s nose, and cried, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost!” and blew powerfully into the nostrils. This was repeated over and over — a most disgusting spectacle. Finally the man opened his eyes, rose, and sat quietly on a chair, weary, and with no apparent result.
Several spoke with us. We asked especially how such a scene compared with the word, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” They grew heated and angry. A colored man shouted, “You are making the confusion; you hinder the Spirit; you are possessed by a devil.” And so the wretched farce went on till we left it, sick at heart to think that such things could be in a land of Bibles.
I was told afterward of seven persons sent to insane asylums from that mission; and I saw and conversed with a bald-headed girl of about seventeen, who had contracted brain-fever through the unnatural excitement, and had lost her hair in her illness.
To tell of other meetings visited would be needless. The details are wearisome, and the general tenor always the same. After having seen and heard, I can only say if there be a spirit working, as seems to me evident, it is not “the spirit of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7), which is one of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit of God.
As for the “tongues,” I have heard hundreds of persons speak under the “power,” and I never heard anything more connected than I have given above. The tongues of the Bible were definite languages in which men heard the gospel in the speech to which they had been accustomed from birth. I have failed to find anything like this among any branch of the “Pentecostal” people. It is true they claim isolated instances of this kind, but even though they could openly produce them, that would not prove the movement to be of God. The same claim was made by the “Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit” in the Black Forest of Germany in mediaeval times, as they roamed about in Adamic nudity and indulged every unholy passion. “Tongues” have from the first been found among the Mormons, and spiritualists of all ages have peeped and muttered (Isa. 8:19) when under some strange control. The followers of Edward Irving spoke in the same gibberish, and claimed that it was the Spirit’s witness to Irving’s teaching as to Christ. Therefore such phenomena in no wise prove the working of the Holy Spirit. It is rather the confession made as to our Lord Jesus Christ that will let us know the source of all these strange happenings.
As to this, I wrote to various editors connected with the movement to ascertain their views. In each case I put this question: “What does the spirit now working among you reveal as to the true nature of our Lord Jesus Christ? “In their answers I discovered a startling thing. This movement is apparently everywhere based upon a false declaration as to Christ!
A Mr. Durham, then of Chicago, now of Los Angeles, sent me a marked copy of his publication. It gave an account of a message professedly given by revelation, which I regret to have lost, but the gist of which I distinctly recall. This was the teaching Jesus, before His anointing, was a man who had no more power than others. At His baptism, the Christ, which is the divine Spirit, took possession of Him, and He could then accomplish His mission! The application went on, that if a holy man like Jesus needed the anointing with this Christ-Spirit, how much more do we, etc.
A paper from a Mr. Argue, of Winnipeg, contained a similar statement made under “the power.”
From the “Apostolic Faith,” now before me, from which I already have taken two culling’s, I also take the following: “If Jesus Christ needed the anointing of God to do the work that He was called to do, surely we must be anointed from on high to do the work God has called us to do,” — and with them the anointing is to be able to speak with tongues.
Here is a threefold testimony. Does my reader realize the seriousness of it? Here is plain, open blasphemy, yet so expressed that the ignorant read it without apprehending its meaning. An old gnostic heresy is here revived, and it is clearly a lying spirit who is propagating it, and attesting it “with signs and lying wonders.”
Baldly stated, this is the doctrine: Jesus was a man — a holy man, but only a man. He was called to do a great work, but He could not do it till He received the divine Spirit to control His human spirit. When baptized in water, the Christ was identified with the divine Spirit descending upon Him. Now for the first time He had the Holy Spirit. Now He could do the work He was called to do.
The same error is set forth in “Christian Science” — falsely so-called — and is prominent in the whole “New Thought” movement.
But the Word of God teaches us that the Lord Jesus was the eternal Son, who in grace became man. He was God the Son from all eternity. The Son of God, the Eternal Word, became flesh, was born of a pure virgin by the direct power of the Holy Spirit — was a Man of an entirely different order to every other. His anointing was not as adding anything to Him, but marking Him out as the Messiah (the Anointed), as inducting Him into His threefold office of Prophet, Priest and King. It was the Father’s attestation of delight in His beloved Son. In His humiliation, as the One come in the form of a servant, the Lord Jesus did all things in the power of the Holy Spirit; but this is in no wise to say He could not do thus and so until passing through certain experiences.
The system now before us lowers the dignity of the Son of God to exalt self-righteous men who glory in their fancied supernatural powers.
And now I revert again to what I have before touched on. The spirit working in this movement habitually and continuously avoids owning Jesus as Lord and God as Father. I have just read carefully through, three times, the twenty-third number of “The Apostolic Faith.” It is a four-page sheet of about average newspaper size. It contains twenty columns of closely printed matter — testimonies, sermons, attempted exegesis and warnings. In all its twenty columns Jesus is never used with the title Lord, though it is used scores of times alone. Throughout it is “Jesus,” “Jesus Christ,” “Christ,” and “Christ Jesus.” Not once are the scriptural terms “Lord Jesus,” “Lord Jesus Christ,” “Christ Jesus our Lord,” or any other similar ones used. And this in the organ of what credits itself with being the greatest work of the Spirit of God on earth today. Again, in these twenty columns, I find the word “God” used several hundred times, and “God Almighty,” “Almighty God,” occurring again and again; but “Father,” — the Name our Lord Jesus came to reveal, and which the Spirit teaches us to call — not once. And this from people who profess to be born of God, and to have the Spirit of adoption!
Unhesitatingly I say, the spirit that is working in this movement does not say, “Lord Jesus,” and does not cry, “Abba, Father.” What spirit, think you, can this be? I do not doubt but that individuals among them confess both, though I have never heard them. What I have been concerned about is what is characteristic of the whole system. It is especially when under “the power” that one notes the utter absence of the confession that Jesus is Lord, and of the Spirit’s cry, “Abba, Father.”
Marked insubjection and Scripture-defying attitude is taken by women in these meetings. Alas, that is so prevalent to-day as to be scarcely noticeable any more, though it is a serious enough sign of the times, and shows where the Church is rapidly drifting. But I beseech any who are becoming entangled with this unpentecostal imposture to try the spirits by the only safe test — a true confession of Jesus Christ come in flesh. The spirit energizing the so-called “apostolic faith” people has declared that Jesus came in flesh, but that Christ was the Spirit that anointed Him at His baptism. Is anything more needed to show what is the source of these manifestations?