April 30

Jeremiah 17:11
FROM the beginning, the Holy Scriptures have recognized the rights of mankind to the enjoyment of the results of their own thrift and providence, as also of property lawfully acquired by inheritance. The Bible does not countenance a state of society in which private possessions are to be confiscated far the benefit of all. It does teach the responsibility of those who have them, to be considerate of the needy and to share with those who have not. But this must be a voluntary thing, not the taking by force from those who are wealthier than their neighbors, in order to give to the poor. Stealing what belongs to another is not only a crime against society, it is also a sin against God. All orderly governments recognize the distinction between “mine” and “thine.” Where this is not acknowledged, we see chaos and anarchy.
The Christian, above all others, should be characterized by honesty in all things. Unjust gains, unlawful accumulation of wealth, riches obtained by deceit or trickery, are all abhorrent to the new life that has hew imparted to the believer.
“Better-than gold is a conscience clear.
Though toiling for bread in a humble sphere;
Doubly blest is content and health
Untried by the lusts and the cares of wealth.
Lowly living and lofty thought
Adorn and ennoble the poor man’s cot,
For mind and morals in nature’s plan
Are the genuine tests of the gentleman.”
— Abram J. Ryan.