IN creating man, God so constituted him that the passing things of time and sense could never satisfy the yearnings of his soul. It was the very purpose of God in bringing such a creature into existence that He might have one who could enter into His own thoughts and yield Him true love and devotion, So He put within the heart of every man a void which only He could fill. Thus the soul is errant until it finds its rest in God.
“From creature love and earthly joy,
Not pure enough to satisfy.
We seek our happiness in God,
In whom is love that cannot die.
Love unbeginning, without end,
We bring to Thee our longing heart!
Thou hast the skill, whate’er the hurt.
Thy healing sweetness to impart.
And Thou canst fill us, till we are
Thy witnesses to manifest
How Thou canst bring a human heart
Out of all restlessness to rest.”
—Max I. Reich.