Archaeologists Say That the Bible Is True

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The findings of archeologists have always proved the Bible to be true to the discomfiture of the Modernists. For instance, they were insistent at one time that Moses could not have written the Pentateuch because, they affirmed, writing was quite unknown for long after his lifetime. The archeologists got to work. Their spades turned up more than soil. In the light of their discoveries Professor Sayce, who had to abandon Modernism, convinced by discoveries that shattered their "assured results," wrote:- "The Babylonia of the age of Abraham was a more highly educated country than the England of George III..., men and women were reading and writing and corresponding with each other; schools abounded, and great libraries were formed." (Monument Facts and Higher Critical Fancies, pp. 35, 42.) And Abraham lived 400 years before Moses was born. Modernists do not like to be reminded of how dogmatic they were in their statement that Moses could not have written the Pentateuch because writing, they said, was then not known. Now we know differently.
Modernists likewise ridiculed the story of the Flood as narrated in the Bible. That also has been incontestably proved by archeology. Sir Leonard Woolley's graphic account of what he discovered at Ur of the Chaldees sums up with these words:- "There could be no doubt that the flood was the Flood of Sumerian history and legend, the flood on which is based the story of Noah." (Ur of the Chaldees, 6. 19.)
Sir Charles Marston, the author of The Bible is True, in the light of amazing archeological discoveries, penned words as true as they are scathing of the "assured results" of Modernism. He writes:- "As human knowledge is advanced, the apparently assured facts of but a few years ago become THE PROVED FICTION OF TO-DAY." (The Bible is True, p. 58.)
Modernists conveniently forget the mistakes they make, only to make new ones, which in their turn get discredited as fresh facts come to light.
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