How important, dear fellow believers, to have Christ fully before our hearts, that others entering our homes may see on whom we are feeding. Is it a little bit of Christ, and a large portion of the world? Any one entering our homes, wound they be able to tell at a glance, by the Bibles, and reading matter lying around, and by the text cards on the wall, that we were followers of Christ?
How guarded we should be as to our literature. The daily papers, magazines, and other reading that some of our dear young Christians are indulging in, which are of no profit to the soul, but rather a detriment, and if sought after, is a marked hindrance to the growth of the soul.
The enemy is very busy in these last closing days, and is doing all in his power to attract and distract the dear young believers, bringing those things before them that do not savor of Christ; not only the young, but some of the older ones too. May we all be more and more exercised as to our ways, our manner of living, our example before others, that Christ may be seen, known, and read in us.
Some time ago, a son showed his father through his beautiful and well-furnished home. When they were seated in the comfortable parlor, the father turned to his son and said,
“Well, son, you have a very comfortable home, but no one could tell by walking through it whether a child of God or a child of the devil lived here.”
At another time, a Christian man and his wife were asked to visit a certain home, and on entering it, they could see at once what this family was connected with by the pictures on the wall, and the images that were standing about the rooms here and there. Each room bore the same testimony, even to the kitchen. It made one think of the faithfulness of these people to their profession, and were not ashamed of it.
Dear Christians, may we not be ashamed of the testimony of Christ, and may grace enable us to be true witnesses for Him.