At the end of the hot and dusty day working on a construction job, I checked into a motel. As I entered the lobby I noticed a drinking fountain. I quickly walked over to get a drink. As I approached the fountain I noticed a small sign above it which read: “Stoop and Drink.” Not understanding what the sign meant, I looked for a handle or button to turn on the water, but found nothing. After looking around for a minute or two, I went over to the desk to get the key to my room.
“How does that fountain work?” I asked the man at the desk.
“The sign tells you,” he said without looking up.
Being still very thirsty I went back to the fountain and read the sign again: “Stoop and Drink.” There I stood in front of a drinking
fountain. I was thirsty and wanted a drink. The sign invited me to “Stoop and Drink,” and I couldn’t get it to work!
Finally I stepped back and looked at the sign again: “Stoop and Drink.” “Maybe,” I thought, “I’m supposed to do just what the sign says.” I stepped forward, stooped, and even before my mouth opened, the cool, clear water flowed out. I drank and drank, and it tasted so good!
After my thirst was quenched, I looked at the fountain more closely. I discovered it was controlled by an “electric eye.” As I stooped, a small beam of light sensed my presence and opened a valve to turn on the water.
What a picture this is of another Fountain of which everyone is invited to drink. It is the Fountain of the Water of Life. There are those who refuse to drink from it simply because they don’t understand. Others are trying to do something just as I tried to find a handle to turn or button to push. But no, there is nothing to do but “Stoop and Drink.”
If you are not saved, you are just like I was when I was thirsty. Once you realize you have sinned you feel your thirst. If so, the Fountain of the Water of Life is ready to quench your thirst. Come, “Stoop and Drink"! Don’t hesitate because you don’t understand everything about the Fountain. Just “Stoop and Drink"! God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:1717And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Revelation 22:17).